Arrows won't shoot striaght

Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:47 am

If your playing on the pc just change the ini settings.

I do know though that with SkyRe gravity does have an effect an will hit about a cm below the cross-hair depending on your distance if your using a long bow an with a shortbow i think it hits on target same with a crossbow but i do know that you can just change the settings if on pc an see if any of the mods you have installed have changed it.

As for been on console id suggest clearing the cache apart from that though i have no idea.

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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:30 pm

Using an archery target at range, I confirm that this tweak does indeed work. Thanks for posting this! Just back up your .ini file before you do any tweaks just in case.

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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:53 pm

well that narowes it down to just about anything thanks alot LOL. first this is not a drop issue it is side to side spacificly to the left. up and down stays true. second It does it while crouching, standing, moving as well as staying still. now the game being messed up well I supose that is posible some one did sugest a 9.1bug.

Oh yes I am not being hit either

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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:48 pm

my primary bow is a dragon bone bow (legendary) with a fire enchantment. I switched to another bow last night with the same results

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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:22 pm

I am on a pc and someone else sugested the ini setings also but does that work for side to side this is not an up down issue that stays true. also I am not familier with the ini tweaking. if that will work for side to side (spacificly left) then please explain if posible. as far as mods I did add one recintly but have not activated it yet I will remove just to make sure.

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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:55 pm

Yeah it can fix the side to side issue but id first suggest you go to jorrvaskor or anywhere with archery targets even any of the heathfire homes you may have built then after each tweak an all you have to do is look for this




in your skyrim ini mine was SkyrimDefault.ini an under their you can either look online or ask someone on the forums for the tweak in which you need to use for it to work.
I do know that if you use the mod it comes with the following tweak settings
I also think that thiers a mod that gives you a suggestion for tweak settings if your shooting left or right.
As i said before though check which off your mods might be causing it an then check the mod page itself
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Jah Allen
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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:59 am

thank you for the info this seams kinda complicated so it may take me some time to understand but I will try after I remove that one mod and check thanks again

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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:18 am

Personally when it comes to ini settings i only make a back up an then do what a mod suggests an if it dont work i just delete those tweaks.

It should work though, Im not 100% sure but it should work.

As like you i had a problem like that with it hitting to the top rght of the bullseye until i tweaked it an now i only have drop issues when using longbows an i know that SkyRe fixed a lot of things including turning all vanilla bows into long bows an any added by mods into short bows but with SkyRe it has the drop issue so you would have to shoot above your target.

Take for instance im on level ground an the enemy is 200ft an im aiming at the chest then id have to place the cross-hair on the head to get a chest hit an the further the distance and elevation of you to your target but after awhile of hits an misses on deer an other animals you soon get used to it.

As for those who dont use SkyRe then id suggest looking at mod pages that deal with archery or you could try installing the unofficial patches as i think one of them dealth with the vanilla issue of arrow wandering.

Im no expert on tweaking though because if i was id tweak a few spells an the resistances a bit more to my liking.

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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 8:52 am

ok tried removing latest mod no differance. I will now look into the ini tweaking thing

I just went back a month in saves and I am shooting normaly is it posible that the save is courpted and would a resave on the same place fix or would I have to go back to a save that is good. I dont want to go through this again in another month.

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Laura Tempel
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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:30 am

Did you install any mods recently? Maybe somebody tried to "overhaul" bows and accidentally screwed them up?
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Harry Leon
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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:09 pm

only one mod recently had nothing to do with bows but I did remove it to check and it made no differance.

but I did go back a month of saves and my aim is perfict. is it posible that the save is corupted? If so can I just resave at the same place or will I have to go back to an old save. I don't want to have this issue happen when I get back to this point.

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Andrew Perry
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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:27 am

Yeah, as Yoldovah stated, this looks like an ini thing. You can find the Skyrim.ini file in MyDocuments > My games > Skyrim. You should see Skyrim and SkyrimPrefs. Open the SkyrimPrefs folder and look for the section Yol posted and see if it's edited. As for the correct numbers... I have no idea. I will check mine and see if I can find what Dov posted.

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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:50 am

If other saves work, then it could be centered on that one save. Which is good in a way as it means the problem isn't universal. Though I would recommend starting a new character and see if the new char has arrow issues as well.

You can also try the better aiming mod Yol posted. It looks pretty good.

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lillian luna
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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:07 am

I just checked my ini folder and I see no [combat] section. So I guess it's only used for that mod he suggested? I never really tweak my ini settings so I have no knowledge on this matter I'm afraid.

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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:50 am

ok I have pinned this down to location with the same save I have fast traveled to a shooting range and I shoot dead on then I went and found an elk and again dead on. I hope that is all it is since I will just pummal my way through with a sward and hope for the best. after I get through I will re post with results if it turnes out to be this location only I will post it for others to see.

I also wish to thank you all for your help and sugestions :thanks:

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Dawn Porter
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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:30 pm

yes it was definatley releated to that area which is "lost valley redoubt" at least it is for me. The issue seamed to disapate as I went up. I am not sure how much more I can say before It becomes a spoiler. So I will leave it at that.

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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:00 pm

I also have a problem with bows but different one. Sometimes it messes up, so when I pull the bow and shoot the arrow it makes a strong curve and hits the ground like half a meter from me. :blink: Sometimes though when shooting with either bow or a crossbow it happens that when the character is supposed to reload/pull another arrow from the quiver the weapon keeps shooting like a machine gun.

This started happening after 1.9. for me. :stare:

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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:40 pm


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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:35 am

Usualy when the arrow hits the ground that quick it is because you did not pull back long enough, you should hold for a second or two. as far as the other issue goes you got me with that one. But the people that respond to this post will respond to my issue. while I don't mind you posting here :smile: you would get a better responce to post your own string, I don't think you will get the answers to help you here. :sad:

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