» Fri May 27, 2011 5:38 am
I'd do a portrait of a tired legionnaire, so that you could see the wear on his face and in his eyes. And I'd have maybe an Oblivion gate for natural lighting (you could use reflections in his eyes to show he's near a gate.) Those bright red and yellows would clash well with his drab armor colors. And maybe smoke for the background. You don't want to do too much in a portrait because it will detract from the character.
Or you could do (I think would be really neat) like a native argonian, lightly armored, maybe a spear in hand, wading through the swamplands or Argonia? Maybe make the argonian like a red or orange, and then use a lot of greens and blues for the environment, which would really make the character really stand out as the focal point of the coloring.
Oh btw, I'm definitely suggesting you use colored pencils if you haven't noticed lol.