For instance- Skyrim had realy good iron armour. Morrowind's iron armour looked too knightly.
For glass- The opposite was true. Morrowind had a most truly excellent design Whilst Oblivion's looked ridiculous and skyrim's "glass armour" Used a yellow metal and the brittle substance known as machalite in a perfectly Even way.. it was horrible and boring.
Skyrim (in my opinion) did best for iron, Steel,Elven,Ebony and Fur.
Oblivion Did well with Dwemer.
Morrowind kicked ass with Native armours. Tribunal Had good stuff, Bloodmoon had interesting nordic armor. It also did the best orcish.
Muscle cuirass are cool. But should not be coupled with Skirts Due to the combination providing to much roman.
Masks are cool (indoril , Daedric faces, Dagoth ur's mask, vivec/amalexia masks, orcish mask) and should be incorperated into more armour designs.
Skirts/Tassets/Loincloth type things... The use of them in Legion armour in skyrim/oblivion was poor. But In most other instances skirts are good. In my opinion, The skirt should be seperate.
Pauldrons- Realistic pauldron's or ones only slightly stylised are good. Very large fantasy/horrizontal ones on non magic characters are bad (Ancient nord, Hlaalu Bonemould, Skyrim ebony)
Decorational cloth over armour and ornaments- Awesome.
Goggles- Cool. (these didn't show up much after morrowind, Im sure you don't need ashstorms to justify such things)
Very thick pieces of metal- Looks bad.
Samurai-esq - Great, so long as it's not a precise copy.
Armours that looked utterly stupid
(being forgiving towards morrowind, The concepts were great, half of the models often looked like [censored])
http://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/The_Elder_Scrolls_V_Skyrim_Concept_Art_Ray_Lederer_19a.jpg . Too overt for an assassin. Plus it's skin tight.
http://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls/images/9/9b/HideArmor.jpg - it's simply too cold. It doesnt look protective at all.
All of oblivion's armour.
http://www.x3dmod.com/ftp/images/skyrim4.jpg - You look like too much of a tank , and this is light armour!!
On buildings/architecture.
Lighting needs to be varied. Skyrim and oblivion used a lot more natural fire than morrowind, which had reds and greens and blues. Furthermore, Darkness needs to be present. In all games Thadows are not bold enough and contrast is low, boring the player. Interior fog has been lazily universal and this has not been good for Contrast either.
Material wise- Skyrim used to much grey stone. Oblivion used either something grey or something brown for everything.
Morrowind had great architecture. Im saddened that it didn't live up to it's concept art (vivec looked like less of a pain to navigate) But it did well. I liked it all and would like to see it return. I think Dwemer was more limmited by graphical capability than idea. If dwemer metal was a shiney bronze rather than a dusty brown and green copper rust occasionaly corroded the walls, Rock was marble and malachite and stood out from the metal- It would have looked awesome.
Oblivion - No personality to civilisation. Wouldn't like to see it again.
Aylied ruins were good. They were cold and used lighting well.
--Shivering--- Too sane for the plane of madness
Skyrim- I loved the concept arts for villages in skyrim, I was dissapointed when they didn't happen. Cities are all good,if a bit small.
Dungeons suffered from poor lighing. There was no darkness and no variation on colour (morrowind's great red candles)
Barrows/caves never got claustrophobic. Always too open. I quite liked the narrow hallways made of huge cuboid slabs for barrows shown in the concept art.
Dwemer- Dissapointed. Liked the old dwemer better.
Totaly Crazy Animals with impractical design , Like Alit, Need to be toned down.
Real world animals, Like Sabertooths, Need something to spice them up, like a third fang.
Monsters- Magical animals, should be changed from their inspiration. Less unicorns, More bihorns! Minotaurs with four horns and two three feet for each leg (like a tripod) Dreugh and trolls are great examples- Trolls in fiction are usually different from Tes trolls. Druegh are like the middle finger towards mermaids. Monsters need to look like they function though, So three human feet melded together and flying through the air with spinning skill wouldn't work unless it didn't fly and was in fact a harmless starfish.
Daedra, Can look as crazy as anything, can look like anything and can be as dangerous as anything. From a Teapot to an humanoid crocodile to a naked woman to a Cloud. Theme it on a daedric prince and you can justify any of them.
-Trolls, water Dreugh, Morrowind ghosts, Bone-lords, ice wraiths and scrib were all Really Cool in their last rendition and Only need graphical improment in the future. Sloads look cool, i want to meet one.
Dragons, Minotaurs, imps, Mammoths- Need redesigns. To generic. Also- Im against making the most evil of a species look stereotypicaly evil (black, spikey and with glowing red eyes)