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New Infos :foodndrink:
-Dragon Born means you were born with the soul of a dragon.
-The 8 basic attributes from Oblivion have indeed been removed. They are replaced in function and purpose by the health, stamina, and magicka increase option at level up, and possibly perks.
-Each shout has 3 levels of power, depending on how many words of the shout you've learned. You can "charge" your shout by holding the shout button; the longer you hold it, the more powerful/higher level the shout you produce will be. The higher level the shout, the longer it will be until you can perform any shout again (universal cooldown).
-Some bodies of water in the game will be populated by fish that jump out of the water to travel upstream.
-The map in the game is a 3D rendering of the actual game world.
-Perk for zooming in with bow was mentioned previously, in these articles we discover there is also a slow-motion perk for bow to line up a shot (described as being similar to Dead Eye in Red Dead Redemption).
-All (or the obvious majority) of the quests are hand-written, but have radiant story elements mixed in.
-When you start the game the only options you’re given is what you look like. You pick your race, which come with certain benefits, and then you choose your look.
-The main goal of radiant story is to get you to do things you haven't already done.
-"We’re still messing with the economy system. On paper it always seems like a good idea but you too want it to be too granular because all that’s happened is an arrow is a gold piece cheaper. So what we’re trying to do is remove it entirely so there are new arrows. There’s mines that can affect weapons, farms that affect food and alchemy. We have all that working but we haven’t found the gameplay sweet spot yet. We’re still playing with that."
-"We have boats but you can’t sail them around."
-"Horses have come a long way in game so we want to make sure we’re paying off on that. It’s paying off right now, but if it doesn’t work we’ll pull it."
-At last count, the game has about 140 dungeon dungeons and another 100+ "points of interest."
-All dragons speak in their own language and you can hear it; some speak english.
-Magical energies of whatever spell is equipped ripple through your hands onscreen like BioShock's plasmids.
-Orcs look epic.
-You can knock oil lamps from the ceiling, which will then cause fire damage, or try to catch your enemies on spikes (interactive environments).
-Spell combination is confirmed. The example given is chain lightning in each hand cast at the same time makes a ball of energy form in front of the caster and obliterate everything.
-Riddles must be solved to open various doors, such as rotating pillars correctly or rotating rings on a door to show correct symbols. The answer is often found by examining inventory items (you can zoom in on them in 3D with the new system), which might have the correct symbols etched into them.
-Butterflies will fly around beautiful new flowers which can be picked for alchemical purposes.
-3rd Person anims vastly improved. 3d Person now appears to be viable option.
-You can listen in on hostile enemies' convos when in stealth mode, many of which are relevant to your current quest.
-Spells like frost rune (a trap-like glyph that is placed on the ground) can be learned by reading spell tomes or something similar. (Not mentioned directly)
-Soul gems make a return.
-Buying properties confirmed.
-Elven glass sword mentioned.( I don't know if that is actually it's name or just what the interviewers from Eurogamer thought)
-Something just exploded in my pants and I am 12 what is this?
-Confused turtle mode back in.
-Improved AI.
-Improved graphics, animations, lighting, shadows, etc...
-Its a big game.