Even with FWE and other mods that upped the ante, Fallout was still too easy, but several experienced players seem to think that Arwen's work has finally made the post-nuclear wastelands the deadly place they should have been from the start and after reading her Journal entries, I can see why (Kudos to Arwen!).
But I'd like to ask players who have experience with FWE/IMCN vs. Arwen's "make 'em earn it"-mix a couple of questions first:
1. What do you miss from the other bundle when you decide to go along with FWE or Arwen?
2. What mods can I add to counter the loss of FWE?
3. What other mods matured/developed over the last year that you'd consider a must-have for someone who knows the wastelands pretty well?
My last mod-list worked almost flawlessly after some work in Wrye Flash and contained (hopefully ordered in a logical way):
- The DLCs, and the Delay Mod.
- Little helpers: BOSS, CASM, Color Hi-Detailed map and icons, DarNifiedUI, FOMM, FOSE, Wrye Flash, Zan Auto Purge.
- Armor: Advanced Recon Gear, Dragonskin Tactical Outfit, Powered Power Armor.
I guess, I have to add the "Missing Unique Armor and Clothing"-mod without FWE. - Buildings: DCInteriors, Enhanced Tenpenny Suite, GNR Shop, Megaton Walkway, Maintenance Shed, Underground Hideout.
I wanted to add permanently some major expansions to places like Arefu, Big Town or Megaton but ran into problems with crashes and sluggishness that didn't seem to make any mod worthwhile besides the ones mentioned.
Are there any expansions that you would definitely recommend nowadays? - Gameplay enhancements: Destruction, EVE, FWE, Gifts4Kids, IMCN, Impervious Power Armour, MMM, MTC Wasteland Travellers, RobCo Certified, WeaponModKits + CRAFTable WMKs.
This time, I should give "Bullet Time" a chance, when I add Arwen's mods.
Without FWE, CRAFT and CALIBR should be must-haves in my new mod-list, correct? - Hair and Face Models: Project Beauty.
- Landscape & Weather: Clutter Free World, Fallout Street Lights/Megaton Street Lights, Normal colors for DC interiors project, Recovering Wasteland, URWL, Xepha's Dynamic Weather.
- Music: GalaxyNewsRadio (plus the expanded music list), R.A.C.E. Station.
- NPCs: Brotherhood of Steel/Brotherhood Outcasts – Diversification, Crowded Cities, Wasteland Patrols (that added some tough encounters, will keep it, especially with the improved Power Armor around that should make those guys a hard nut to crack when met with a low level character).
- Quests and Adventures: A Note Easily Missed/An Evening with Mister Manchester, Arefu Expanded (too sluggish and crash-prone, gave up on it), Arms Race 2, Reillys Rangers Expanded, Scrapyard, Tenpenny Ghouls At Peace (because I really wanted them to have a chance).
I wanted to add "Return to Shady Sands" but there was some incompatibility that I don't remember right now.
I might give "Real Time Settler" a chance. - Weapons: Zealotlees ACR, Zealotlees MP5 Pack. I could also name the already mentioned "Arms Race 2" here.
"Apocalypse Armory" looks like a worthwhile addition to a new mod-list.
I'll take a closer look at Arwen's list to see what works well with her enhancements and I need to find out what mods of my old list are still worthwhile. Any hint would be helpful, of course

So far, I plan to add: Apocalypse Armory, DK BulletTime, Mothership Zeta Crew, Outcast Collection Agent Expanded (to counter the loss of FWE), Rune Immersion Sound Modification, Zumbs Overhauled Real-Time Security; might try "Error Corrections", "Yet Another DisguisesMod" and, hopefully, some more.
Final question (for now, anyway): Do you see any mod in my old+planned list (besides FWE/IMCN) that should NOT be used while adding Arwen's mods or need some tweaking to work well?
I appreciate any comment and thank you for taking the time to read through so much text.
Mods like the unofficial patch were not needed or not recommended a year ago while using FWE. Are there any unofficial patches that correct errors that should be added to a new Arwen-centric mod-list? If I add "Error Corrections", do you recommend any other mod-"patch"?