[Relz] Arwen's NV Realism Tweaks

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:15 pm

Edit: I forgot to mention this: In version 1.2, the DT will have a lower minimum damage multiplier (from 20 to 10%) . . .

Okay, that's it. No more fighting giant radscorpions for me until I get some better stuff. :P
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Danny Blight
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:29 am

No worries Povuholo, I'm working on them as well. :)
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:05 am

Sounds good but what about energy weapons? Other a few exceptions energy weapons are pretty. Useless against DT. One mod tries to fix this by adding -DT to the different energy ammo types
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lucile davignon
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:50 pm

No worries Povuholo, I'm working on them as well. :)

Lol its so funny, here we are a big comunity gang sitting and complaining our game gets to hard or easy, we all wait for ART beffore be are

Hat off for all the hard work Arwen
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:55 am

Some of the Laser weapons need to have their DAM increased a bit . . . but the Plasma weapons seem to be about what they should be. A LOT of the weapons need to be better balanced . . . many are way too powerful. Shotguns tend to have DAM that is too high. And some Melee weapons need to be rebalanced.
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Miss K
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:27 am

So... you ARE making armor useful right? Because I can easily kill a deathclaw with your mod. Not trying to jump down your throat or anything, just asking.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:57 am

I don't know, i mean a plasma rifle should rip through armor right? but fighting giant radscorps for example and it doesn't break through it's DT. I see an ideal plasma weapon being really slow like theg are now but strong enough to punch through armors, as a reference I only do 1 bar of health to giant radscorps with a plasma rifle.
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Ann Church
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:12 am

I had an idea per carry weight: Reduce it to something like 30-50lbs tops, just enough to carry around one or two weapons, some ammunition, a few grenades and their worn items. Introduce a "rucksack" or backpack (Duffle Bag) item that, when worn and only when worn, increases this carry weight greatly (the only way to reliably carry something like 150lbs of equipment over long distances is in a load-bearing backpack if you intend on traveling), while reducing Agility and Speed. That way a person can go out with their basics (choosing wisely of course which weapons they'd like to bring since they can no longer bring an entire arsenal) and if they need to carry some heavy loot around they can, but either way nobody's running around the wasteland carrying 150-200lbs and a dozen different weapons and 50 grenades stuffed into every pocket.

There'd be no need for any special scripting wizardry, just a simple enchantment effect to increase carry weight when the rucksack thingamabob is worn.
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Kim Kay
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:21 pm

I have been a long time follower of your tweaks and website and the immediate first thing I thought of when this came out was I wonder how long it would be until it would be made better by Arwens tweaks. I have already finished my first play through, and I am trying to bide my time with other games waiting until all your packs are released, because I know that would make the second play through the best.
I know, nothing really constructive, Just wanted to give you a thumbs up from a very appreciative fan :)
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:14 am

@Jobesky: Yes, my intent is to make armor more useful. But armor shouldn't be invincible . . . not even Power Armor.

@Necro: The amount of total damage a weapon can inflict depends on your skill with that type of weapon, and on the condition of the weapon, and in the type of ammo used . For instance, in v.1.2 (which I'm currently working on) a Plasm Rifle in perfect condition with standard Microfision cells only does 22 DAM when I only have 12 Energy Weapons skills; but at 50 EW skills, the exact same weapon does 40 DAM.

The Rad Scorpions have 18 DT by default, so if your weapon only does 22 DAM, each blast will only do 4 DAM; but at 40 DAM, each blast should do 22 DAM. (This is all assuming that I have DT figured out correctly).
With guns that shoot bullets, you can buy armor piercing rounds (that reduce the DT). Since there's nothing like that for Energy Weapons, I sort of see your point. But there is Max Charged and Over Charged cells that do use damage modifiers, which I think would amount to the same thing.

@Doedel: If I use the same setting that I used for FO3, my Hard-Core module will reduce carry weight to 120 pounds for a male character with 5 END (and 95 pounds for a 5 END female). This seemed to work pretty well with the modded backpacks. I get what you're saying about the fact that in real life you would need a pack to carry all the loose stuff, but games have to do things a bit differently than real life, or they are not much fun to play. I may do something that would allow the player to select from different carry weight formulas . . . but that won't happen for a while.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:18 am

In line with ARTs philosophy of making skills more useful, how about making the survival skill affect your success with nature loot? so that a character with low survival skills cant skin, gut, declaw, etc animals (or have very low chances) and have difficulty harvesting plants and a high survival character gets bonuses to nature loot (a high survival character could get enough water from cactii that thirst isnt as much of a problem for him in the desert) .

Maybe even have different level requirements to what loot you can get (e.g getting animal hides reqs 25 survival, extracting posion reqs 35 and so on). After all, how many of us know how to do the same thing without any training?

Also, im assuming there's a plan to remove healing from eating and drinking? with the default settings, i actually get more health from some food than from stims.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:03 pm

Thank you BeHippo! It is really nice of you to contact me.

I can only imagine how busy you are, so I'll keep my list to a minimum.
These are the FOSE commands that I need the most:


I'm pretty sure that these four would enable me to at least add all the scripts that are currently missing from my Realism Core module.

Thank you sooo much for putting in all the effort towards NVSE!

I've got the ListForm functions and GetEquippedObject implemented (or rather ported directly from FOSE). I took a look for the Game and INI settings last night, but the compiler changed and the functions don't look the same. I have to do more digging. Once I find the addresses for these, the Setting and INI functions will be implemented as well.

I haven't looked at GetCrosshairRef yet. Have you taken a look at GetReticuleObject? Does it return the base object or a ref? If a ref, then my function isn't needed. If a base form, then I'll need to peek at their implementation and see what I can find.
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:57 am

* More Caps for Merchants - all merchants now have twice as many caps (Wasteland currency).

I have not purchased this game yet, but doing research ....
If the economy is anything like Fallout 3, sell a laser or two plus some power armour,= fabulously rich.

Would it not make more sense to give the merchants LESS caps, creating more of a barter economy, forcing the player to trade lush loot rather than sell just to eventually have a dragons horde heap of bottle caps?

In Fallout 3, I edited the merchant caps down to 10% their original.
Hence Quest cash means more. The merchants have maybe 40- 80 caps on reset forcing trades for stuff I want if they have it....
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:08 am

Steamfax, thats an interesting point , but that low amounts of caps are too harsh. Maybe go back to the vanilla setting?
But first of all I would tweak barter, even the low skill levels yield a great profit and stuff like ammunition and stims are way too cheap.
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:08 am

i think they empty out really quickly - in the beginning i pretty much have to store all my stuff in dumpsters while i travel for a week so i can sell them (usually 3k worth)
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:22 am

In line with ARTs philosophy of making skills more useful, how about making the survival skill affect your success with nature loot? so that a character with low survival skills cant skin, gut, declaw, etc animals (or have very low chances) and have difficulty harvesting plants and a high survival character gets bonuses to nature loot (a high survival character could get enough water from cactii that thirst isnt as much of a problem for him in the desert) .
Maybe even have different level requirements to what loot you can get (e.g getting animal hides reqs 25 survival, extracting posion reqs 35 and so on). After all, how many of us know how to do the same thing without any training?
Also, im assuming there's a plan to remove healing from eating and drinking? with the default settings, i actually get more health from some food than from stims.

These are GREAT ideas, Norbingel! I LOVE the survival crafting in New Vegas, but also felt that getting the ingredients was too easy. And I do plan on removing the healing from most food and beverages (in my Med-Tec), so I need to replace that with something else or the Survival skill would be sort of nerfed.

I have not purchased this game yet, but doing research ....If the economy is anything like Fallout 3, sell a laser or two plus some power armour,= fabulously rich.
Would it not make more sense to give the merchants LESS caps, creating more of a barter economy, forcing the player to trade lush loot rather than sell just to eventually have a dragons horde heap of bottle caps?
In Fallout 3, I edited the merchant caps down to 10% their original. Hence Quest cash means more. The merchants have maybe 40- 80 caps on reset forcing trades for stuff I want if they have it....

In Fallout 3, I hated it when I really worked to haul some loot back to a merchant and they didn't have enough caps to pay me for it. I may not need this tweak in New Vegas, but it was an easy thing to add, and was on my Game Setting change list, so I decided that it wouldn't hurt. Wealth is REALLY easy to come by, so I will definitely be doing a Barter overhaul and I will be making loot less abundant . . . and probably a bunch of other things. I'm currently working on balancing armor/clothing and some armor has a crazy high price . . . Combat Armor has a default value of 6500 (what's with THAT??!!) This Fallout does do a some things better then FO3, but it is still going to take a LOT of work to balance it out.
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:21 am

If the merchant has what you want, even something expensive, it takes more effort, but 10-15 sets of armour plus a few lasers still trades out to get the soda machine and Infirmary, it just seems too easy to get money right away from weapon and armour drops.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:52 am

I've got the ListForm functions and GetEquippedObject implemented (or rather ported directly from FOSE). I took a look for the Game and INI settings last night, but the compiler changed and the functions don't look the same. I have to do more digging. Once I find the addresses for these, the Setting and INI functions will be implemented as well.

I haven't looked at GetCrosshairRef yet. Have you taken a look at GetReticuleObject? Does it return the base object or a ref? If a ref, then my function isn't needed. If a base form, then I'll need to peek at their implementation and see what I can find.

Thanks Behippo!

I cannot find anything on GetReticuleObject . . . it doesn't seem to be on the GECK wiki . . . the only unique New Vegas item that I can find is the Game Setting: 'fMinDamMultiplier' So I have no clue if it does the same thing or not. Sorry, but I'm no scripting expert by any stretch . . . I've only been modding for just over a year, and have been using FOSE commands for only about the last six months or so.

I used the GetCrosshairRef in this context:
Begin GameMode	set rTarget to GetCrosshairRef 	if rTarget.getDead ; rTarget.IsActor &&		set ArmorHealth to rTarget.GetEquippedCurrentHealth 2		if ArmorHealth > 25			set ArmorHealth to 25			rTarget.SetEquippedCurrentHealth ArmorHealth 2		endif		set WeaponHealth to rTarget.GetEquippedCurrentHealth 5		if WeaponHealth > 25 			set WeaponHealth to 25			rTarget.SetEquippedCurrentHealth WeaponHealth 5		endif	endifend

It damages the armor and weapons on dead NPCs before they are looted. (the armor part works really well, but the weapon part is pretty quirky
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:26 pm

If the merchant has what you want, even something expensive, it takes more effort, but 10-15 sets of armour plus a few lasers still trades out to get the soda machine and Infirmary, it just seems too easy to get money right away from weapon and armour drops.

Trading and then re-trading would not work very well with my bartering changes, since you get MUCH less than you receive. I do understand your point and it is valid . . . but I would have to totally rethink my approach to bartering. I will consider it,as I like the idea. I'm just not sure if it will work as well as my FO3 system did. I'll play around with it some, after I get my Realism Core done (going through all the armor and clothing is taking FOREVER!).
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Penny Wills
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:10 pm

In Fallout 3, I hated it when I really worked to haul some loot back to a merchant and they didn't have enough caps to pay me for it.

Yes, i felt that way too, probably because with 400+ caps could almost cover a set of power armour and lasers and when they were SHORT.... AHHHR However, when I made my edits and played for a bit, this did not seem like such a bother.

Now I know ahead of time the Fallout merchants are impoverished having no more than 40- 80 caps. Therefore I anticipate them affording only some of the numerious cartons of cigarettes, more delighting in trade -- meds and ammo for my glamorous found crap
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:53 am

@Arwen- I'll work out something for GetCrosshairRef. It will probably port over just fine.

Regarding the weapon, there are a couple things that might be happening. First, weapons are frequently dropped when folks are killed. Another possibility is that weapons could be in the character's inventory. I don't have a solution for that in FOSE currently, but scruggsy recently implemented one in OBSE. So I might be able to port it. When it is done, you'll be able modify the refs of the container items directly.
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:45 am

So far so good, almost every tweak suits me, I still need to play more for a better judgement.

Except for one thing, AI:

Two foes were attacking me, "A" was using some sort of knife and "B" a flamethrower. So first I shooted "A" (he felt to my feet), second the flamethrower that "B" was carrying, I destroyed it, so he came to get the knife that was on corpse "A". As I said before "A" felt to my feet so "B" came directly to my 10mm pistol and bum bum! he felt aswell. IMO is not such good idea to take a weapon, unarmed, without sneaking from the guy that wants to shoot you, especially if you are running straight forward.

So maybe is realistic to see an NPC looking for a better weapon from corpses or chests, but sometimes don't because NPCs are stupid and that kind of stupidity is not realistic... nobody's fault, it's a game! not a Japanese AI experiment.
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:53 am

Regarding money, you might want to tweak gambling too. Ive only gambled on Caravan but its proving to be too lucrative for me. havent lost a game yet and each game nets me several hundred caps. makes me wonder where the gambler gets so much.

EDIT: the one i gambled with was a merchant but it didnt seem like the money he lost gambling affected his merchant gold at all.
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Jason King
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:27 am

It will also reduce the amount of point you initially get to use for SPECIALS (from 40 to 35), and it will reduce the amount of skill points you initially receive, and how many additional points you get while leveling up.

Anything but this please :(
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:15 am

Anything but this please :(

I think those changes will only be in the hardcoe plugin so you can choose not to get it if you dont want them
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