I really appreciate your efforts on this! I initially resisted using FOSE in my own scripts, since I as just learning to script and all the default functions overwhelmed me, (and I was concerned about keeping my mod compatible). But as my scripting skills slowly improved, I came to rely on so many of the additional things that I could do with FOSE.
If I had FOSE's SetNumericGameSetting, I could use the Timescale/Needs script that I've already written for New Vegas.
Since it takes less to kill people, why have so much ammo? For the next version could you possibly lower the amount you find since you don't need as much? Also, what's with the decreased prices of some things? Maybe you could increase it for people who like to be challenged way too much. :wink_smile:
Give me some time. I've only had New Vegas since the 20th, and I think I did pretty well releasing Version 1.0 of my Tweaks on the 22nd. But, as I wrote in my opening post: This is only the beginning. This is only the first of 4 planned modules, and this first one is far from complete. See my above reply . . . I need NVSE in order to be able to make some of the scripted changes that I made for FO3.
And I don't want to expand things much more until I have my current changes balanced properly. This is my mod's Core module . . . and that is more than just a name, because the other 3 modules will rely and build on the changes of this one. Then 2nd module is my Hard-Core module, which will reduce initial skill/stat points and point rewards, Perks, add weapon restrictions when crippled, and add weapon skill requirements (among other things). It will also overhaul Barter, and reduce the amount of Loot (like ammo and Stimpaks) . . . and the amount of Loot that you find will be based on your Luck stat.
BTW: it doesn't really "take less to kill people" in my mod . . . since my mod also increases the condition of all the NPCs' armor and weapons . . . on average the increase AR gained offsets the additional damage you can inflict (since my mod also makes condition a greater factor), and the NPC's weapons are also more deadly. Plus I think you will find that they will now use better combat tactics . . . so they should NOT be easier to kill, but more difficult.