However it seems to me 45 seconds too much time to wait

, but there realy should be more people here to post feedback, so we can agree if time duration for unconcious should be lowered.
I'd have to agree, 45 seconds does seem a bit too long. I would say, something like 30 seconds could be the maximum? So:
1. Push Away Enchantment (attached to all the default shotguns and to some ranged weapons) - unconscious for 10 seconds (acts more like a stun than a knockout)
2. Whack Enchantment ( attached to all non-blade melee weapons) - unconscious for 20 seconds
3. Blast Enchantment (attached to all explosions) - unconscious for 30 seconds
Something like that?
Also, while I'm here: Arwen, I have to say this mod really is pretty hardcoe going! I've been following your Fallout3 Journal for a while now - it's really been an incredibly useful guide as to load order and which new mods could be thrown into the harsher world/survival mix. :thumbsup:
I do feel a little late to party, however, as I'm only just getting to grips with your mod after I realised you'd ripped out a whole bunch of mods from your load order in favour of your own. As such, I fear I'm bringing up old discussions in relation to Vats and movement speed... :facepalm:
Firstly, the Vats plugin was something I left out of my load order because it was really crippling the gameplay I had become accustomed to with your previous mod load order (Combat Enhanced Package, I believe was responsible). And it was also interfering with Sprint Mod, which uses Action Points as a kind of energy meter. It probably wasn't entirely balanced the way I had it set up anyway, but it was a bit of a shock when I ran out of "energy"/AP and had to wait a while to use VATS. :shocking:
Secondly, movement speed: now I've read over the previous discussion in this thread and I can understand the logic for the changes and that you are happy with them. That's fine - it's your mod. :nod:
However, I'm just wondering if it would be possible to make Vats and movement speed seperate plugins? I know you've already merged the Vats plugin, and I'm loathe to ask you to pull it out again...

Having said that, I'm finding myself tweaking settings myself via an override plugin, but I'm sure there's some setting I'm missing because I'll be damned if I get can my dude to run/walk at the same speeds he used to! :bolt:
I'm quite happy tweaking stuff myself, but it does seem the game I've been playing for the better part of a year has just changed
dramatically. Don't get me wrong, the mod you've created is totally awesome, but I think with VATS and movement speed being the players main input/feedback mechanic with the game, they are something that has to be
juuust right.
I don't know - I'm happy to let it lie, if you don't fancy ripping your mod apart again - just something to think about I guess. :shrug:
Ahh, MMM 5.0 has just finished downloading - I'm gonna be giving that and your latest tweaks a go with a brand spanking shiny new game - Alternate Start stylee...

In any case, keep up the good work Arwen! :tops: