Excellent work with the latest version Arwen. Am having alot of fun and surprising moments as the world of FALLOUT 3 feels much more real and immersive. Definitely worth starting a new game to enjoy all the new things.
It was a major rush when i hit my first Vault 101 guard while escaping with a bat and seeing him fall back. I thought i had killed him but instead he was getting up! I told myself, "Oh snap thats cool!

I also love the differences in hitting someone with say a bat which seems to hit the vulnerable areas while shooting someone with guns ends up hitting their armor if they're wearing armor. Makes armor worth wearing against enemies using guns and melee weapons worth using against armored targets due to the sense of being able to better target (swing at etc) exposed areas. Gives combat a very logical natural rythm to damage results.
Love the much brighter Pip light since i play with the ingame brightness all the way down for realism and to make colors richer.
I was shocked with glee when using my gun Amata gives me for the very first time shooting a Vault 101 guard in his thigh and actually seeing him go down on one knee as if feeling the sudden intense pain of being shot yet not being killed. This was the first of many pain reflex moments i have enjoyed seeing enemies do making them seem very alive.
Oh my falling damage keeps catching me by surprise as heights that used to do nothing to my body will cause me some physical damage when jumping off a high area. Excellent work and feels just right.
Love the new lower carry limit and reduced health. Makes my low level character feel like just that low level instead of a trained assassin right out of the vault. The increased walking speed and reduced running speed are also very good.
The changes to VATS is awesome. I love how much longer it takes to get action points fully charged up again. It gives the feeling of using a special piece of equipment which enhances the body temporarily for combat but not to the point where one relies on it solely which makes the player rely on the trickier deadlier real time method alot more.
Thanks for all the amazing work Arwen and for going to the trouble of making your fantastic work compatible with EVE :foodndrink: