Thanks for all the GREAT support.

I would have replied sooner, but my internet connection as been very quirky the last few days, and for some reason Bethesda's forum format always seems to make the problem worse. I've begun a response a number of times, only to have my internet connection severed before I can post my reply.
I'm working on v.1.3 and I'm going to likely release it late this week. I feel like I have an obligation to support my Realism Tweaks. A LOT of people are apparently using my mod and they are rightfully expecting me to release updates as I complete them. And I feel that I need to release this next update sooner than later, as it fixes a few bugs in v.1.2 and balances out a few things much better. If the NVSE is available within the next few days, I'll also be including my missing scripts (like my Dynamic Stealth quest script).
I cannot possibly reply to every individual post from the past day or so. Writing is very difficult for me, due to my brain damage. It takes me FOREVER to type out even a short reply. But I have asked for feedback and it is not fair to ask for something and then just ignore it, just because it is a bit difficult for me. Right now I feel that I have to address the discussion about Realism a bit (plus I just responded to the same topic on my NV Nexus thread, so I can cut and paste most of it).
My use of the word "realism" in my mod's name is meant to be taken within the context of the game. The Fallout world is not based on our reality any more than Oblivion was. Plus this is a Role-Playing game, not a combat simulator, and I've clearly stated that my main goal is to make NV a better RPG. In a RPG your weapon skills are a major factor in how effective you will be with a weapon. If you can kill every opponent in the game with 2 or 3 head shots with only a Guns skill of 10, there is no incentive to improve those skills. So, while this may not seem very realistic, it is a necessary function of the game, and it is an essential element in my goal of making FO:NV a better RPG. If you don't like this . . . don't use my mod. I'm NOT going to change this. I am NOT going to remove the skill factor in the amount of damage you can do with a weapon. So please stop[ whining about this. Personally I feel that adds to the realism/immersion of the game, as it feels right that my character should be able to be more competent with a weapon as her skills improve. You don't have to agree, but this is not something that I'm willing to compromise on.
But my mod does make the game more realistic in MANY ways (most are not even in this first module . . . remember this is still only the first module . . . and this one is still not complete or fully balanced yet). For instance: all weapons do 25 to 100% more damage than default (depending on your weapon skills), armor is much more protective, I removed most weapon skill enchantments from clothing, reduced the carrying capacities (and based it more on strength), reduced the weight of armor when it is worn. leveled out the differences between PC and NPCs, made movement speeds more realistic (including slower speeds when running backward, base on your agility), reduced falling distances (you will be hurt if you fall more than 14 feet), reduced the movement speeds when crippled, improved the combat AI of the NPCs, made pain have more impact on the player, increased radiation damage, increased burn damage, reduced the damage modifier for stealth attacks, increased the deterioration of armor and weapons, removed many of the VATS cheats, greatly improved localized body damage (so that head shots would reduce way more health than shots to arms and legs), made strength a much greater factor in melee combat, plus a whole slew of other little tweaks that I cannot recal right now.