@ Davos: That's strange, as their Calculated Health in v.1.2 is exactly the same as in the default game. I'll bump it up a tad more in v.1.3.
On my mod's Nexus forum thread one user has had problems with patients in hospital rooms dying . . . has anyone here noticed that? If so, I need the names or IDs of the NPCs, so that I can try to fix this.
@Doedel: I'm still working on the best way to balance DT and how tough the Player and NPCs are.
I've also reduced the DT of some of the Radscorpions and Deathclaws.
What is NOT right is how ineffective explosives are against DT . . . I'm going to attempt to improve that in v.1.3.
I'm not impressed with the DT system either, as it seems to rely too much on special ammo . . . and it is MUCH harder to balance.
I have tweaked the Cazadores, but they are tough buggers . . . In v.1.2 Head shots now do 3 times the DAM as vanilla . . . and Torso shots do 1.5 to 2 times the DAM.
@Mr.Moe7: Helmets do NOT specifically reduce damage to the head . . . the helmet DT (or AR) is just added in with the armor DT. The total DT is what determines the amount of damage that is subtracted from the victim's health . When the DT is higher than your Weapon DAM, only 10% of the DAM penetrates the armor or the hide/shell of creatures (in the default game, 20% of the DAM penetrated). The exact amount of HPs that are affected depends on the part of the body that was hit (along with that body type's Damage Multiplier and Health Percent).
I'm considering adding some selectable minimum Threshold Resistance percentages in my options menu. That may be the best way to handle this, as I doubt that I'm going to be able to find ones etting that balances out this in a way that works for everyone. I'll see what I can do.