Arwen, I have been using your mod from some time now and I really like it, however, I would like to have an option to turn off these "six dependent bonus". I don't like them, plain and simple.
Yes, on average, men have greater upper body strength than women. The key word here is "average", this doesn't mean that "any given man is much, much stronger than any given woman.", the concept of "average" doesn't work that way.
I know how the concept of "average" works . . . I even know how the concept of "above average" works. But in Fallout 3, you're NOT suppose to be above average. You're not entering the Wasteland as a genetic super-girl. As much as I like fictional characters like "Dark Angel", this is just not part of my vision of the game.
Up until I graduated from my university last May, I was an NCAA athlete, and am still a non-competing member of the Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association (ICSA). My team finished last season as #3 team in North America (out of 119 colleges). My coach (a female) and my assistant coach (a male) competed internationally and their team, USA 1, won the world dingy championships both years that I was on the team. So I know what it is like to compete as a female on a nationally ranked coed team (but one that is still dominated by males . . . on a team of 30+, there were only 10 females.) Plus I'm an Amazon . . . I'm 6 feet tall in my stocking feet! (I was a member of the women's volleyball team at my junior college.) Plus I paddle my sea kayak several hundred miles each summer; and hike, ski, and snowshoe in my nearby White Mountains.
But I am not as strong as the average male (although I can out paddle most guys . . . due to technique, not strength). I'm in pretty good shape, but the average guy can still carry more weight on his back than I can (even though I'm stronger than the average female) . . . I just don't have the same muscle mass. This is a fact. All else being equal, there are actual real differences between males and females, whether you're talking about the general population, or about athletes.
I'm probably not going to make my gender bonuses & penalties optional, as I see this as a great way to expand the way that character builds effect the game play (which is a major part of my mod). But I'm going to do my best to equalize things, so that there is no real advantages for either gender . . . but there will be noticeable differences. What I may do is make this part off my expanded Less-Is-More module (which will still be optional), instead of having it be part of my Realism Core module.
Yeah there's a good reason why such gender differentiations haven't appeared in games for decades...
Afterall that's what your stats are there for. Think your female character should have less upper body strength? Give her less strength! Think your male character should be better at repairing? Well simply put more points into your repair skill. There is NO need at all to force such things onto the player!
And on NPCs you won't notice such minor bonuses or penalties anyhows.
With my Tweaks, your stats have way more effect on your game play than in the default game . . . I'm just expanding this further . . . in another dimension. The problem is that in the default game, there is no difference between playing a female character and playing a male character (other than a couple of minor perk differences). And I view this as a game defect, because one of the biggest draws to RPGs is the character build. The trouble is that most modern RPGs have been dumbed down so that character builds have very little effect on game play. No matter what stats you select, or how you spread out your skill points, your character always comes out above average. There are no real consequences to your stat choices. And I'm trying to fix that.
In real life, being a female is different than being a male. Neither gender is superior, but there are real differences. I'm just trying to bring that into the game. The problem is that too many players are used to having all-powerful characters who are essentially super-human. With my full mod, you will no longer begin the game above average, and if you want to play as a female, you're not going to be able to carry as much as a male character with the same STR (but a female PC with 5-STR will still have a greater carrying capacity than a 3-STR male PC).
I KNEW this was really going to bother some people. But anyone who has used my mod, knows that it makes survival more difficule. My mod was never meant for the casual player . . . it is made for players who want the Wasteland to be a much harsher place . . . where your choices have actual game play consequences.