I must say, I'm quite excited for 4.1. I like the fact that you're adding weapon restrictions based on crippled limbs; I was actually planning to add another mod to my load order to do just that.
Me too! I've only had a brief chance to play test my latest changes, but I love my v.4.1 beta game! This is by far the best version I have released yet (even though it is not really a major update).
I've tried using other mods that limited weapon use when your limbs were crippled, but found them to be too restrictive, even though they were realistic (you were often only able to use hand-to-hand and explosives, if you had any). It just isn't any fun at all when you can no longer defend yourself. I also found them to be rather immersive breaking, as my weapon just disappeared back into my inventory.
So I did this a bit differently (and with a very simple, efficient little script). It may not be quite as realistic as the other mods, but it is a lot more fun to play:
1.) You'll always be able to use pistols (and of course explosives) even when both arms are crippled (so always keep a decent pistol and plenty of ammo in your inventory).
2.) You'll always be able to melee weapons . . . but they will inflict much less damage when one of your arms is crippled (and even less when both arms are crippled). But a baseball bat could still save your life in a pinch.
3.) Instead of a restricted weapon just disappearing when you try to use it, it will remain holstered (if you're using the weapon when your arm is crippled, it will be holstered).
As for the GNR problem:
I've tweaked all 3 of my weapon effects scripts again in v.4.1. My Blast Effect now reduces a smaller percentage of fatigue when the victim is not the PC (since the PC has 200 fatigue, and the NPCs/Creatures only get 50), plus your fatigue must now be less before you will be rendered unconscious. The end result is that it will take at least two explosive blasts before any victim is rendered unconscious (unless their fatigue was already damaged). I've also removed the reduced Perception and Agility penalties from NPCs and Creatures (which may have been what was causing the bug). [The reduced Perception and Agility penalties will still apply to the PC when you are Whacked or Blasted.]
I've also reduced the amount of time that Super Mutants will remain unconscious after being Blasted, from 10 to 6 seconds (so run really fast, if you hope to get out of range while they are out).
Plus in v.4.1, all Super Mutants (and some other Creatures) are now a LOT tougher.
What do you (and others) think about certain weapons being unusable to the player, if their weapon skills or stats are not high enough (this would be based on permanent stats)? For instance, not being able to use Big Guns when your Strength is < 5; and not being able to use automatic weapons when your SmallGuns skills are < 30. I really need some quick feedback on this, if it is going to make it into v.4.1 (or not, if it is not something people want in their game).