[RELz] Arwen's Realism Tweaks [Thread No.6]

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 pm

Thanks Hattix! It's nice to hear that you have been enjoying my mod . . . and v.4.1 is nearly done, which you'll likely find to be even less playable . . which I'm hoping is a good thing. :)

v.4.1 Progress: I now have a fully working, bug free (I hope) Weapons with Skill Requirements script, after many hours and with lots of help with some new FOSE commands (Thanks Schlangster!).

I changed my requirements for Big Guns to 6 Endurance OR a Big Guns skill of 30 (as this seemed only fair).

If you try to use Big Guns, Energy Weapons, or Automatic Weapons when your skills are too low, you will still be able to draw the weapon, but it instantly gets re-holstered (which is awesome!), and now the rifles also work perfectly.

All that I really have left to do is clean up my new scripts and merge my test esps into my Tweaks. After that, if play testing doesn't uncover any bugs, or I don't decide to add any other last minute changes, I'll start writing the ReadMe. So it looks like a Friday release is all but certain now (it would be sooner if the next two days were not so busy for me).

I'm adding both my Weapon Attack Conditions (the one where you can't use some weapons when you have a crippled arm) and my Weapons with Skill Requirements to the Survival module, as this seems like the best place for them. And my Jump-distance-based-on-agility with be part of my Main Tweaks module.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:55 am

Version 4.1 is now available for download: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7565

This turned out to be another pretty Major Update, with many improvements and a few brand new features. Here are the major changes:

1.) Main Tweaks Module:
- Jump distance (how far and how high you can jump) is now based on the character's Agility.
- Reduced the crippled limb damage multiplier - should result in the player being crippled a bit less often during combat (I had this set a bit too high)

2.) SmarterAI Module:
- Raiders and Talon Company members are less likely to flee during combat.
- Increased the chance that enemies will shoot an unconscious victim.

3.) Survival Module:
- Tweaked the way that your Small Guns skill effects Gun Spread (earlier versions resulted in a bit too much spread).
*** Two-handed, non-melee weapons are disabled when arms are crippled. (You can still use Melee Weapons, but they will now do much less damage.)
*** Some weapons now have weapon skill requirements: Big Guns require a current Endurance 6, unless you have a Permanent Big Guns skill of 30; Automatic weapons require a permanent Small Guns skill of 30; Energy weapons require a permanent Energy Weapons skill of 20 for the pistols and 30 for the rifles.

4.) Armor Module:
- The Enclave Scientist outfit and All-Purpose Science Suit now have the Radiation Suit Object effect and both have been added to the Radiation Suit Repair List.

5.) Weapons Module:
*** rewrote all three of my weapon effect scripts (yet again):
- Gunshot Effect: Fatigue is now reduced by 50%/hit for PC, and 30%/hit for NPC; forced a 5 second unconscious state (should prevent the fatigue bug); reduced Agility effect now lasts only 3 minutes.
- Whack effect: Fatigue damage per hit is now more balanced: it should now take about 3 whacks to knock out your victim (or to be knocked out). Actors with a crippled arm may still be able to knock out their victim, but it will take more whacks. Reduced Perception now only affects the player, and reduced Agility effect now lasts only 3 minutes.
- Blast effect: Fatigue is now reduced by 80%/blast for PC, and 50%/blast for NPC; reduced perception now only affects the player (this may fix the idle NPC bug); reduced Agility effect now only lasts 4 minutes; Super Mutants will now only stay unconscious for 6 seconds.

6.) Localized Damage Module:
- Redid the damage and health balances for nearly every body type (this is a MAJOR revision of this module!). Super Mutants are now VERY hard to kill! If you're fresh out of the vault, do NOT even think about trying to kill a Super Mutant (or some of the other tougher creatures), unless you have explosives (it will take a LOT of 10mm bullets, when your small guns skill is low . . . even with head shots).

7.) Less_Is_More Module:
- Fixed the bug that added the possibility that Arkansas would end up not having his sniper rifle.

8.) Skills Module: No changes.

9) Reduced Quest XPR module:
- Corrected some minor errors with the activation message.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:04 am

:foodndrink: on the 4.1 release! The changes look nice.

Err, these new forums are killing me. Soooo slow =) Oh well.
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kirsty williams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:12 am

Thanks Mez!

I'm a bit concerned that some of my changes are not going to be too popular (such as the skill requirements for some types of weapons, and making Super Mutants VERY hard to kill). But this is my vision of what the game should be . . . and hopefully most will appreciate my changes.

Agreed! I really dislike these new forums! Really tough to view and edit on my wide screen (where they now only fill half the screen) . . . and I'm going blind trying to read all the grey-on-grey. It took me FOREVER to update my original post (as the formate is very different than what I had saved).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:58 am

Thanks Mez!

I'm a bit concerned that some of my changes are not going to be too popular (such as the skill requirements for some types of weapons, and making Super Mutants VERY hard to kill). But this is my vision of what the game should be . . . and hopefully most will appreciate my changes.

Agreed! I really dislike these new forums! Really tough to view and edit on my wide screen (where they now only fill half the screen) . . . and I'm going blind trying to read all the grey-on-grey. It took me FOREVER to update my original post (as the formate is very different than what I had saved).

We'll you have to do what feel is right =)

I'm curious how the experience turns out for having the weapon requirements, it's an interesting and bold idea. It will radically change the experience . . . my current char with FWE is an energy guns user primarily (level 26 or so). But I can't say how many times early on I grabbed an assault rifle or an M60 (in FWE) and laid waste when my skills in those were about 15 =) Breaking that ability could be a big improvement to gameplay in some respects.

I think some people won't like it, but I bet a lot people will. As it is with all this stuff :)

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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:10 pm

I generally think the weapon requirements are a good idea, simply adds another layer of concern (of which I can never have enough! :)) Here are some ideas on how I would like it:
- Whether you can equip/hold a weapon or not is based on endurance/strenght, weapon type (one handed/two handed), and weapon weight only (though this would require all weapons to have reasonable weights...).
- For conventional weapons, based on damage per shot and weapon skill (and strength maybe?), there's an increasing chance of dropping the gun (1 handed) or dazzling yourself (2 handed) when firing it because you can't handle the recoil.
- Since energy weapons have no recoil, an an alternative for those would be to cause damage to yourself and the weapon because of improper handling

Would probably be a little less RPG but a little more realistic.

Oh no... i shouldn't have hit preview...my formatting never was pretty but now.. this :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:11 am

Well, I'm not having too many problems with the weapon requirements so far; I can't use the Mezmetron now, but I should be able to fix that next level-up... However, I've found a crippling bug (It's related to crippling, and is a bit of a problem). I can't jump after getting my legs crippled, which is your intent (and I agree with this). However I had a crippled leg, which I then healed. I'm still getting no jumping. I have an agility of 6, so I should be getting some height, but I'm not getting anything. I'll test some more, just to make sure I'm not just losing it. I'll report back when I have something more definitive.

Edit: Yep, I still can't jump. I'd test to see if the condition has cleared, but Mole Rats have crippled my legs and I have no stims. Can't very well test this when my legs are broken :). Also, I've had the arm cripple effect (disabled 2-Handed firearms) and it's nifty. Is there any way to implement an auto-holster effect for it? Currently, it seems you need to try to fire before it holsters.
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[ becca ]
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:02 am

I generally think the weapon requirements are a good idea, simply adds another layer of concern (of which I can never have enough! :)) Here are some ideas on how I would like it:
- Whether you can equip/hold a weapon or not is based on endurance/strenght, weapon type (one handed/two handed), and weapon weight only (though this would require all weapons to have reasonable weights...).
- For conventional weapons, based on damage per shot and weapon skill (and strength maybe?), there's an increasing chance of dropping the gun (1 handed) or dazzling yourself (2 handed) when firing it because you can't handle the recoil.
- Since energy weapons have no recoil, an an alternative for those would be to cause damage to yourself and the weapon because of improper handling

Would probably be a little less RPG but a little more realistic.

Thanks, for the suggestions! This is my first go at weapon restrictions, so I do hope to expand and improve this in future releases. But first I wanted to get something basic working, and this update was long over due. Last night I attempted to make the restricted energy weapons usable, but not reload-able until you had the necessary skills . . . unfortunately I could not get the script to work (even though it really should have) . . . but some of the commands are more than a bit quirky, and some just never seem to work like the GECK wiki states.

Personally I have no problems with the way this is now working. And Big Guns are based both on a minimum endurance of 6 OR having a 30 Big Guns skill (which makes it both semi-realistic and RPG-ish). Plus I added weapon restrictions when an arm is crippled to this release (which I actually did first and then added the skill restrictions to the script).

Well, I'm not having too many problems with the weapon requirements so far; I can't use the Mezmetron now, but I should be able to fix that next level-up... However, I've found a crippling bug (It's related to crippling, and is a bit of a problem). I can't jump after getting my legs crippled, which is your intent (and I agree with this). However I had a crippled leg, which I then healed. I'm still getting no jumping. I have an agility of 6, so I should be getting some height, but I'm not getting anything. I'll test some more, just to make sure I'm not just losing it. I'll report back when I have something more definitive.

Edit: Yep, I still can't jump. I'd test to see if the condition has cleared, but Mole Rats have crippled my legs and I have no stims. Can't very well test this when my legs are broken :). Also, I've had the arm cripple effect (disabled 2-Handed firearms) and it's nifty. Is there any way to implement an auto-holster effect for it? Currently, it seems you need to try to fire before it holsters.

Is your current agility at 6, or is that your Permanent agility? Because the jump calculations are based on your current agility (which may be a LOT lower if your agility has been temporarily damaged . . . such as when you've recently been Whacked). I tested the jump script out rather extensively and I never had any problem jumping after I was healed (unless my AGL was really low). The only issue that I ever had was that I was often able to still jump, after one leg had been crippled (like the no-jump effect took a while to kick in).

Thanks! But it took extra work (and a lot of help from Schlangster) for me to get the try-to-fire-before-it-holsters working. With my early script the pistols worked like they do now, but the rifles (and any back "holstered" weapon) just remained on the back . . . which was NOT a good thing, since it was really difficult to tell that your weapon had been disabled, as it looked more like a mouse bug than anything else.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:38 am

...Of course, after playing a bit more, I can jump perfectly fine... :huh:

You know, it was probably due to a lowered Agility. If it happens again, and my agility is still at 6 (that's my permanent agility, till I get the bobblehead), I'll let you know.

Also, I'm in agreement about the forums. I think they could use a few layout changes...
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meghan lock
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:32 am

I'm glad that you can now jump again. :)

I intentionally make it so the jumping ability was based on the actor's current agility, as this can make combat more interesting. For instance, if you Whack an enemy, they will have a -5 AGL penalty, and will no longer be able to jump very high (or at all) . . . which means that you will likely be able to out jump them (or even jump/climb out of their melee range) . . . assuming that they did not also Whack you. It is actually sort of funny, as the NPC just gives up and waits for his or her agility to return,

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:41 am

I'm glad too. :)

In other news, I'm about to go to GNR. This should let me test if the Behemoth falls over due to that scripted explosion... Sadly, I don't have the Big Guns skills or Endurance to use the Fat Man (and chances are, I never will). I do have the Firelance though... so I should be okay.

Edit: Got him. I must say, for such a large creature, Behemoths leave surprisingly small piles of ash... :)

I didn't encounter any bugs (as far as I can see) either, though I was sniping from a window in the school most of the time. I must say, Super Mutants are tough with a capital T now; I must have fired 25-30 .32 rounds at one Mutie!

Granted, I've got less than great Small Guns skill, so most of those shots probably missed, but STILL! Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Exploring the DC ruins is going to be fun...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:00 am

I think since I have yet to actually test the last version(almost not at all, sadly). That I'll stick with that one for a while. I liked it a lot. I have all of 34 minutes(no...seriously) in actual game play in the past 3 weeks from moving apartments >_<

But if I don't catch this version I'll try the future ones =)

Thanks for making us fun new toys arwen ^_^

In the mean time go listen to this guy......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYU7oG2V7uc&feature=popt00us13

edit- Is it just me or is anyone else begin to hallucinate when they come the the new forums?

Hm.....right......mono.....*droollll in zombie fashion* chrome......BRaiNssssssss.............................hungry ugly.............(sorry, resident evil anyone?)
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:15 pm

I hate this new forum layout too..., let's :flamethrower: it

shh, otherwise I might get this thread closed lol...

Apart from that, I'm so happy for your new patch Arwen, Thanks a lot, I've just started a new game (It got too hard, it became impossible) so now I pay more attention to the perks, levels, etc.

lets play :foodndrink:
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:17 am

Arwen, would it be possible for you to post a version minus skills AND minus weapon skill requirements? I really like your survival module and wouldn't want to miss out on its features, it's only the new weapon skill requirements I don't want to have. I know, this is your idea of how things should work in this game and I really, really appreciate all of what you've done, buuuuuuut....pretty please? :)

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:36 am

In other news, I'm about to go to GNR. This should let me test if the Behemoth falls over due to that scripted explosion... Sadly, I don't have the Big Guns skills or Endurance to use the Fat Man (and chances are, I never will). I do have the Firelance though... so I should be okay.
Edit: Got him. I must say, for such a large creature, Behemoths leave surprisingly small piles of ash... :)
I didn't encounter any bugs (as far as I can see) either, though I was sniping from a window in the school most of the time. I must say, Super Mutants are tough with a capital T now; I must have fired 25-30 .32 rounds at one Mutie!
Granted, I've got less than great Small Guns skill, so most of those shots probably missed, but STILL! Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Exploring the DC ruins is going to be fun...

Hopefully that GNR bug is now squashed. See, I wasn't exaggerating when I wrote, "Super Mutants are now VERY hard to kill." I actually had them even a bit tougher in my beta version of v.4.1, but ended up with a compromise . . . much tougher than v.4.0, but not impossible to kill.

Arwen, would it be possible for you to post a version minus skills AND minus weapon skill requirements? I really like your survival module and wouldn't want to miss out on its features, it's only the new weapon skill requirements I don't want to have. I know, this is your idea of how things should work in this game and I really, really appreciate all of what you've done, buuuuuuut....pretty please? :)

Sorry, but I'm not going to do that . . . at least not now. In a future update I may be reorganizing the modules a bit differently, depending on what else I end up adding.
Since you are not using my Skills module, it should be fairly easy to get to the point rather quickly where you will meet the minimum requirements for all the weapons. My weapon requirements are not all that harsh, unless you are using my FULL Tweaks, along with my Reduced Quest XPR module AND my Reduced XRP mod (the extreme version), which is what I'm using in my own game.

I decided to add my Skill Requirements for Weapons after playing Mass Effect, which does a really good job in adding a number of requirements for weapons (which are based on obtaining the technology, having the necessary skills, AND then having the resources to actually have the weapon made . . . since you cannot just pick up dropped weapons in Mass Effect).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:32 pm

Has anyone who is now using v.4.1 of my Realism Tweaks experienced any problem with the NPC idle bug that many experienced with v.4.0? (the bug apparently often showed up during the BoS GNR attack)

If so, could you please let me know what modules you are using?

I'm hoping that the bug is not gone, but if not, I need to try to figure it out or try something else in my next update.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:59 am

I don't know if you have noticed or whether this is caused by your mod or another one I use, but lately there have been some small bugs concerning weapons. for example, sometimes a bullet is shot without me pulling the trigger, or sometimes I can't use a weapon after left clicking on it.
Some issues with two handed weapons too, when I'm in VATS and I get hit and my arm gets clipped for example, it keeps trying to use that weapon and puts it back in, and it keeps on doing so until the enemy finally kills me.

However, after restarting the game, everything gets back to normal
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:42 am

Thanks for the new update, Arwen - you sure as hell know how to make my game still harder! I've found another great "needs" mod over at the Nexus - http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11418 works very well with your tweaks, BLTC and RiPnO. I started yet another new game to test out this combination (along with other mod tweaks) and it all seems to play nicely together.

I've had no problems yet in about 6 hours play, though I do miss charging around with a laser pistol or assault rifle (yes, I'm still a masochist and go for "physically weak" characters with higher intelligence and charisma, with skills to reflect that such as medicine, barter, speech or science). Killing something is now a real achievement in itself.

Once more, great work and thanks to all who had input into this latest "tweaks".

A mutfruit a day keeps the doctor away
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:57 pm

I have yet to try the newest version, but why would the super mutants become harder to kill since they are still flesh and blood?

That GNR bug can be found also in the Citadel. Just go intside and start a fight. Everyone pours into the center and starts shooting. You can find the bug on some characters. Not sure about the newest version of course. But its an easier way to find the bug that GNR.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:45 am

I don't know if you have noticed or whether this is caused by your mod or another one I use, but lately there have been some small bugs concerning weapons. for example, sometimes a bullet is shot without me pulling the trigger, or sometimes I can't use a weapon after left clicking on it.
Some issues with two handed weapons too, when I'm in VATS and I get hit and my arm gets clipped for example, it keeps trying to use that weapon and puts it back in, and it keeps on doing so until the enemy finally kills me.
However, after restarting the game, everything gets back to normal

I've had the first one happen without even when my Realism Tweaks were not installed, so I think that may be a game bug.
I rarely use VATS, so it is no surprise that I haven't noticed that bug . . . and I have no idea if it would be caused by my mod. But that sounds like an animation issue, and my mod doesn't touch any animations. Are you using any other mods that change or add animations?

Thanks for the new update, Arwen - you sure as hell know how to make my game still harder! I've found another great "needs" mod over at the Nexus - http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11418 works very well with your tweaks, BLTC and RiPnO. I started yet another new game to test out this combination (along with other mod tweaks) and it all seems to play nicely together.

I've had no problems yet in about 6 hours play, though I do miss charging around with a laser pistol or assault rifle (yes, I'm still a masochist and go for "physically weak" characters with higher intelligence and charisma, with skills to reflect that such as medicine, barter, speech or science). Killing something is now a real achievement in itself.
Once more, great work and thanks to all who had input into this latest "tweaks".

Thanks Pauly! I'm glad you're enjoying my latest version. :)
I've downloaded Imp's mod, but haven't had a chance to play test it yet (I have to first update the RI/PN patch, as I've gotten a couple of version behind, while I was trying to complete v.4.1). Thanks for the link.

I have yet to try the newest version, but why would the super mutants become harder to kill since they are still flesh and blood?

But they are much tougher than humans. What I am trying to do is keep this closer to Fallout lore:
"Average super mutants stand approximately 10.5 feet (3.2 meters) tall (although they typically stand with hunched backs that reduce them to about 8 feet, or 2.4 meters) and weigh around 800 pounds (360 kg), possibly even more. Their skin color is predominately gray with tints of green, although some mutants with other skin colors also exist. Their skin is extremely tough, and their muscle and bone structure are enhanced well beyond the human norm.
Super mutant cells undergo cellular division at a greatly increased rate. Mitosis occurs at a rate 15% quicker than that found in pure strain humans. A super mutant's cellular structure is said to be highly similar to normal humans. Super mutant DNA strands are nearly flawless, with all of the recessive genes that produce many of the most common ailments like diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease eradicated from the genome. Those recessive genes which are commonly found in humans have been manipulated in such a way by the infection of the FEV virus as to bring about the best possible combination of genetic traits. A super mutant's RNA structure was also altered by the virus to produce more rapid transcription, resulting in the enhanced regenerative capacities of the mutated form." [source: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Super_Mutant%5D
That GNR bug can be found also in the Citadel. Just go intside and start a fight. Everyone pours into the center and starts shooting. You can find the bug on some characters. Not sure about the newest version of course. But its an easier way to find the bug that GNR.

Well, once you update to v.4.1, please post whether this bug is still present in your game.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:22 am

I don't know if you have noticed or whether this is caused by your mod or another one I use, but lately there have been some small bugs concerning weapons. for example, sometimes a bullet is shot without me pulling the trigger, or sometimes I can't use a weapon after left clicking on it.

That's regular Gamebryo input lag.

Some issues with two handed weapons too, when I'm in VATS and I get hit and my arm gets clipped for example, it keeps trying to use that weapon and puts it back in, and it keeps on doing so until the enemy finally kills me.

That however is actually caused by Arwen's mod. When you get hit in the arm, your arm is crippled and you normally wouldn't be able to use two handed weapons anymore in Arwen's mod. The game however can't unequip a weapon properly while in VATS mod and will keep trying to shoot with it, sending you into a loop.
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Timara White
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:24 am

That however is actually caused by Arwen's mod. When you get hit in the arm, your arm is crippled and you normally wouldn't be able to use two handed weapons anymore in Arwen's mod. The game however can't unequip a weapon properly while in VATS mod and will keep trying to shoot with it, sending you into a loop.

Thanks Kai! I'll add that to my bug list.

Do know if I could add a command that would prevent my weapon restrictions from kicking in when the player is in VATS? Since you need to select your weapon before entering VATS, my restrictions should still work when an arm is already crippled.

All I can come up with is: GetVATSMode
Would something like "if GetVATSMode == 0" perhaps work?

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Trista Jim
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:46 pm

Thanks Kai! I'll add that to my bug list.

Do know if I could add a command that would prevent my weapon restrictions from kicking in when the player is in VATS? Since you need to select your weapon before entering VATS, my restrictions should still work when an arm is already crippled.

All I can come up with is: GetVATSMode
Would something like "if GetVATSMode == 0" perhaps work?

I've been thinking about it, but can't remember any function that can simply terminate VATS mode.
GetVATSMode==0 will only tell you if the player is currently in VATS or not, so not really helpful.
You would need a script that checks if GetVATSMode==1 and if the players arm is crippled and if that's the case terminate the script. But can't really think of a way right now to do this(since like you, I generally just ignore VATS).

I would personally do it the other way around:
Check if the player is in VATS mode and if his arm is crippled and if that's the case, restore his arms health a little, which should allow him to fire again in VATS. Something like that should work, might need to play around with it a bit.

Hope this helps. By the way how far are you in Mass Effect by now? Or are you stuck in modding again? ;)
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:44 pm

I've been thinking about it, but can't remember any function that can simply terminate VATS mode.
GetVATSMode==0 will only tell you if the player is currently in VATS or not, so not really helpful.
You would need a script that checks if GetVATSMode==1 and if the players arm is crippled and if that's the case terminate the script. But can't really think of a way right now to do this(since like you, I generally just ignore VATS).

I would personally do it the other way around:
Check if the player is in VATS mode and if his arm is crippled and if that's the case, restore his arms health a little, which should allow him to fire again in VATS. Something like that should work, might need to play around with it a bit.

Hope this helps. By the way how far are you in Mass Effect by now? Or are you stuck in modding again? ;)

My WeaponAbilityQuestScript uses "if player.isWeaponOut == 0" as a conditional requirement at the very beginning, so that the rest of the script will only run when the player has a weapon drawn.

I was just thinking that adding "if GetVATSMode==1" at the very beginning (right after the above), as a second condition, could work in much the same way; where the rest of the script would only run when the player was not in VATS.

But there is still a LOT that I don't understand about scripting, so perhaps I am way off.

RE: Mass Effect: I made it through ME1 (which I really liked); and I'm perhaps half way through ME2 (which I don't like nearly as much) . . . but haven't played much in the past week (due to FO3 modding).
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:15 am

My WeaponAbilityQuestScript uses "if player.isWeaponOut == 0" as a conditional requirement at the very beginning, so that the rest of the script will only run when the player has a weapon drawn.

I was just thinking that adding "if GetVATSMode==1" at the very beginning (right after the above), as a second condition, could work in much the same way; where the rest of the script would only run when the player was not in VATS.

But there is still a LOT that I don't understand about scripting, so perhaps I am way off.

RE: Mass Effect: I made it through ME1 (which I really liked); and I'm perhaps half way through ME2 (which I don't like nearly as much) . . . but haven't played much in the past week (due to FO3 modding).

Ah okay, I hadn't looked at your script, but if that's the case that would be the easiest solution of course to prevent the rest of the script executing while the player is in VATS.
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Taylah Haines
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