[RELz] Arwen's Realism Tweaks [Thread No.7]

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:57 pm

Great advice gothemasticator, and thanks!

Why do I get the feeling that my ReadMes (which take me FOREVER to write) are, more often than not, ignored?

I also have my own FO3 mod Load Order posted http://amito.freehostia.com/Fallout/FO-mods-order.htm.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:31 am

Why do I get the feeling that my ReadMes (which take me FOREVER to write) are, more often than not, ignored?

I'm pretty sure it's not just your readmes. I get lots of messages from people complaining about the dialogue disappearing way too quickly in my quest mod, because they didn't read the installation instructions for that in the readme. I even added another txt file with the dialogue installing instructions to the file called Dialogue Fix - IMPORTANT DO NOT SKIP.txt and it still happens. :P

Maybe if you call it Arwen's Secret Diary DO NOT READ.txt people will read it. :hehe:
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hannah sillery
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:15 am

I didnt Ignore it Arwen, I spend a while sorting it out via your Load order list, then I just wondered the few mods I had that you didn't have, then someone suggest BOSS.

The game works fine anyhows, very challenging
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:19 am

I'm pretty sure it's not just your readmes. I get lots of messages from people complaining about the dialogue disappearing way too quickly in my quest mod, because they didn't read the installation instructions for that in the readme. I even added another txt file with the dialogue installing instructions to the file called Dialogue Fix - IMPORTANT DO NOT SKIP.txt and it still happens. :P
Maybe if you call it Arwen's Secret Diary DO NOT READ.txt people will read it. :hehe:

I wasn't taking the ignoring of Readmes personal, as I realize that the non-reading of mod documentation is pretty much a global issue . . . but I do put a lot of effort into my readmes, so I do get a bit annoyed when I constantly have to answer questions that are totally explained in my included text file (such as "is this compatible with FOOK2?" . . . and NO, it isn't!).

Yeah, perhaps a name-change might help . . .

I didnt Ignore it Arwen, I spend a while sorting it out via your Load order list, then I just wondered the few mods I had that you didn't have, then someone suggest BOSS.
The game works fine anyhows, very challenging

I wasn't directly that at you at all . . . it was just a general comment.
I have never found any auto loader sort to work very well. There are just way too many variables and mods are constantly being added and updated (much faster than the load order templates). I have found that the best way to get your load order correct is by understanding exactly what each mod does (which means viewing your load order in FO3Edit).

I just did a quick check of your posted load order. you need to remove the following two esps:


Those are will conflict with RiPnO.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:50 am

I wasn't directly that at you at all . . . it was just a general comment.
I have never found any auto loader sort to work very well. There are just way too many variables and mods are constantly being added...

The only time BOSS hasn't worked for me was when I downloaded some random mod, and it just happened to be corrupted since it was 0 kilobytes.

Oh, and Arwen, if you love Morrowind so much, why have you yet to mod that?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:19 am

Oh, and Arwen, if you love Morrowind so much, why have you yet to mod that?

But I have. The first mod I ever released was one I made for Morrowind,

It wasn't much of a mod all all, it just turned off the NPC Health Bar (which was added when MW as patched) . . . which I viewed as a cheat, and didn't want in my game. My MW mod is still avail able on my MW site, it's called "No NPC Health Bar MOD," which I released way back in the summer of 2002. This was my one attempt at modding until last summer, when I decided that I wanted less Gore in FO3, and couldn't find a mod that did what I wanted.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:53 am

Progress on GOTY patches:

I'm currently trying to get through all the armor in all 5 DLC, which is the most difficult thing to balance, since there is so much armor and clothing in the game, and I have to change of adjust the way value, health, weight, and damage resistance are balanced for each individual piece. Plus I have to attach new or adjust existing enchantments for every piece of DLC clothing. I'm only about half way though the DLC clothing, but the other parts of the patches should go a bit faster. I my release the Realism_Core_GOTY patch as a beta version, as soon as I get it completed (or even partially cone). That way I can get feedback while I'm working on the Less-Is-More GOTY patch.

v.4.5 progress:

I've reduced vehicle health, for better balance, since I neglected to adjust this when I moved from a global weapon damage multiplier to a skill-based damage multiplier. ?I also rewrote part of my Stealth Quest script to adjust the exterior SneakSoundLosMult for the different times of day and weather conditions [the NPCs should be a bit less sensitive . . . won’t be alerted quite as easily when you fire a gun) . . . and they won't be able to find you quite as easily when you are hiding (not in their line of sight). There are also a number of other things that I'm playing around with that may make it into v.4.5.

I've also been play testing http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11418, and have concluded that it is totally compatible with my Tweaks. The only balancing issue is the mod's Health Regen feature, which is set way too high, so it makes some of my mod's changes pretty unbalanced. Fortunately this feature can be turned off in the Imp's config menu. This mod makes Primary Needs much more realistic . . . which makes trying to keep your eat/drink/sleep needs satisfied more difficult. The mod's penalties when your needs are not being met are much more severe, and they mesh well with my own penalties . . . but the combination is pretty harsh . . . to the point that you really need some health regen to balance things out. I've contacted Imp about this and he is going to make a minor change in the next version of his mod, which will enable me to make a simple compatibility patch for it that will greatly reduce the health regen speed, when it is used with my Tweaks. (I may actually be able to add the change to my Realism Core, which would eliminate the need for a separate patch esp.)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:21 pm

Even though I feel like I've been talking with myself for the last 5 days in this thread (and feeling a bit ignored), here's another progress update for my next release. Hopefully some people are still interested.

Version 4.5 will also include my new encumbrance overhaul, which is now nearly finished (after several days of struggling with my new encumbrance script).

No longer will you be able to carry a load that exceeds your carrying capacity without some penalties (beyond the default's game's inability to run). I've added a new Strain (sort of like fatigue, but separate from it). The amount of strain is determined by your carrying capacity and the number of percentage points above 100%. The more you exceed your carrying capacity, the shorter distance you'll be able to carry it before you collapse under the strain. And if you do collapse, you'll injure yourself. Basically what happens is that your Stain amount is constantly increasing when you are walking with a load that is beyond your capacity . . . and when you reach your strain limit, you collapse. Resting will slowly decrease you strain points.

And this also affects running. You still won't be able to run when your capacity exceeds 100%, but now your Stain points will increase while you are running with a load that is more than 75% of your carrying capacity, with the same results as when you walk when overloaded. Both resting and walking will slowly decrease your running strain points. Oh, and there's a Strain counter that pops up every few seconds when you are straining yourself . . . so you will have plenty of warning.

I've also made it so your movement speeds are now altered by your encumbrance. When you load is light (and your health is above 75%), you'll gain a 10% speed bonus (beyond your normal walking and running speeds), and when your load gets heavy, you'll move slower (this extends beyond your carry weight limit).
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:52 am

Hey now! We may not be posting, but we are listening.

I'm really liking the strain mechanic. It always bugged me how I could carry so much with so little penalty.
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Alister Scott
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:35 am

I'm definitely interested. My character is about to head into the Pitt, so I've stopped playing FO3 until your GOTY patch comes out. I'm hoping the GOTY patch will be compatible with Fallout and only some of the DLC installed? I only have the Pitt and Point Lookout. If I need to go into FO3Edit or the GECK to delete some records, I don't mind doing so.

The encumbrance addition sounds great! It'll make you be careful when looting stuff, rather than always going up to your weight limit and then running back home to sell it. Also, it sounds like this will make strength (and alcohol/buffout) even more useful, if strain depends on carrying capacity.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:19 pm

I'm also still reading. The stain mechanic sounds interesting. ;)
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:12 am

Yeah. Still here Arwen! I'm hoping 4.5 will be ready by the time I've finished the latest updates to DW. Not given FO3 much proper play time recently but from what I've seen of your recent releases and what's coming up in 4.5, it's looking good!

~Xeph' :)
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:43 pm

All sounds very interesting. "Strain", hmmmm... Just please don't start simulating slipped discs or anything. I have enough problems with my back in RL let alone role playing it too! :P
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:21 am

Heyheyhey. Sorry for not posting, haven't had the time mkay?

Yes! An update! I was fearing id never see this day.

Would this strain have anything to do with AP?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:54 am

Arwen, no worries, I'm also regularly checking your thread for updates, mainly for the GOTY patches. Stopped playing fallout for now as i'm almost over the main quest and will soon be heading into DLC territory. Also have exams coming up, much to my dismay.

The strain mechanic sounds like it could be interesting, so long as it doesn't take too long to recharge stamina and the chance for injury is pretty low. I like the basic concept, so long as it isn't implemented too harshly I think it would be a good addition. I stopped using realistic fatigue for oblivion because it just wasn't fun having to take a breather every minute of play. Also, I hope it doesn't interfere with the Sprint mod.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:32 am

Thanks for all the great responses . . . it is really nice to see that I'm not alone here. :)
I was beginning to think that my need for a little time away perhaps scared people away from my Tweaks.

Version 4.5 is well under way. The hardest part has been trying to get my new Encumbrance Script balanced with all my other changes.

My Strain is not connected to Action Points or Fatigue (other than I damage the player's fatigue when their Strain > 100% . . . which is what causes them to collapse).

My intent is NOT to make this tedious, but to add a consequence when you try to carry too much of a load. You can walk pretty far with even a 110% encumbrance and you can run pretty far with an 80% encumbrance. And you regen pretty fast when resting.
The idea is to make it really difficult to totally over load your character and then just walk to the nearest trader with no penalty at all (other than not being able to run),
If you exceed 120% encumbrance, you're going to moving pretty slow, and you're not going to be able to get very far at all before you'll have to rest.

This should be pretty compatible with other mods, since my method is pretty unique (as I'm not touching any of the default stats).
Oh, and it is going to be part of my Less-Is-More module (not part of my Realism_Core).

My GOTY patches are likely going to require ALL 5 DLC, but I might be able to break them up . . . it will depend on just how difficult this all becomes. So far it has been a very slow process, but it should go faster once I get through all the armor. Please don't wait for these patches, as it will likely still be weeks before they are finished. Sorry, but I'm only one person, and I'm not very fast at whipping out updates and patches. But I am making progress.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:22 am

If there is one thing I would like implemented into Fallout it would be this "strain" script. I'm horrible about packing stuff up and heading out to a trader. I'll actually turn on autowalk and go in a general direction for awhile rather then drop a blood pack. I never get the Vampire perk, so they are worthless for me.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:35 am

Arwen, you really have a thing about pack-rats, do you? :D I have to admit that I'm still struggling with myself to leave anything behind that's worth more than a bottle cap. Even though my current character has to sell a lot of those items to get one bottle cap. :facepalm: I also tend to carry a gun for every sort of ammunition, I've tried leave some behind, but the fear of running out of ammo halfway through a dungeon is pretty strong. It's a very strange feeling when your Chinese Assault Rifle stops firing when 5 Super-Mutants pound up those stairs with their nail-boards and sledge hammers, not to mention those downstairs shooting at you with hunting guns, assault riffles and mini-guns.

You did mention toning down some of the detection abilities of the NPCs, is that only for the sneaking or will that also work for the NPCs among themselves? That might improve the survival chances of the scavengers, most of them tend to detect some nearby enemies and either attack or flee and run into some other enemies. The end result is the same, a dead scavenger. The worst is when you see him running off, and can't catch up with him in time to save him. On the other hand, I've seen some spectacular fights, for example Talon Company against Raiders, the survivors being surprised by yao guais or deathclaws (or by me).
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:18 pm

Yes Aloyse, you nailed me . . . I really don't like clutter. :shrug:

But, there is a reason that named my mod my "Realism Tweaks." While I do totally get that RPGs are not meant to be totally realistic (since most are based on alternate/fantasy realities), I am a firm believer that RPGs should be believable . . . or I start having real issues with immersion . . . as in the lack of being able to be immersed in a game world that doesn't impose enough consequences for my actions.

So, my wimpy 4 STR character has a carrying capacity of 80 pounds with my full mod installed (default was 190 pounds!), but I could still totally overload her, and she would happily carry way over 100 pounds . . . with the only consequence being that she could no longer run (which totally made sense) . . . but she could be loaded up way beyond 100% encumbrance and walk 10 miles with that load, without ever breaking into a sweat. And that just felt so wrong. So this is my attempt to fix this issue (which is a pretty big issue for me). I really like how my Strain works, and have already had to rethink some of my strategy (such as tossing stuff when I'm trying to get away). Plus the low encumbrance running speed boost works great for exploring new territory (it's my new Indian Scout mode).

The changes I made to my dynamic sneak will only affect detection when you are outside (in the exterior cells), but they should affect NPCs as well, and they should also have an effect when you are not in sneak mod. It wasn't a hugh change, but I've noticed a difference in my own game, in how am now being detected and in my ability to rehide.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:00 pm

I have to admit that I'm still struggling with myself to leave anything behind that's worth more than a bottle cap... I also tend to carry a gun for every sort of ammunition...

You've just got to ask yourself what kind of game you want to play. Old-school hack-n-slash games are very much about loot-collecting. Vanilla FO3 kept this dynamic.

Arwen's got a pretty particular and well-thought out set of criteria for the game she wants to play, though. And it's well-explained in the forum threads, the readmes and her online journal.

I never lose interest in Arwen's mod, even though I don't use it, because it's a coherent and detailed project. There's internal consistency to her decisions. This is rare.

My playtime is severely limited these days, so I have tailored my game to my situation. I use FWE, disable the primary needs and configure the rest of the features so as not to be too punishing. Reason being, if I'm only going to play occassionally and for short periods of time, I prefer to be able to make some quick progress. I did the same with Oblivion. Previously I had both games set up with some particularly punishing mods - realistic in the sense that my characters spent the first four levels in both games starving, penniless, frightened, exhausted, wounded, limping... Great fun, but it sometimes took me four hours to clear out a dungeon, and that might well be three weeks of real-world time. Too long for me... I do like to usually clear out a dungeon in one play session...

Cheers, Arwen. Keep on pluggin'!

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:10 am

Well, my character is now close to level 16, started with ART 3.? and played with all the updates as soon as they were published. I also use the reduced XP-mod. My playing time is also quite limited by real life. Actually ART makes some dungeons easier to clear, since due to the bigger detection radius most of the enemies in a zone tend to join the initial fight (which is certainly more realistic than ignoring all those shotgun or machine gun blasts next door :gun:). So if you manage to survive that fight (and that's a big if :D) you've probably killed most of the enemies in the zone except for the occasional laggard. :)

One of the reasons I'm using ART is to get rid of the pack-rat behaviour, it's not the main reason however, I also want the game to be more challenging.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:18 am

I hate having crap in my inventory. So much sorting, I like having things organized. In the gameworld. Not my world. So I'm very happy to see that my tiny spine could break if I carry over 300 pounds of scrap metal and junk. And Arwen, I know this may be nearly impossible but is there any way we can get different currencies? Not lore friendly...well the first two were set in California...Who knows what's going on over there. Even the Brotherhood is having a bit of a civil war. Anyway, I see all this prewar currency laying about and wonder whey we don't use both, like New Vegas will. Maybe each city could have different currency. For us high luck characters, caps are a very easy find. not to mention all the bountiful quest rewards. high rate of exchange possibly? Maybe I need to look into this.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:50 am

I hate having crap in my inventory. So much sorting, I like having things organized. In the gameworld. Not my world. So I'm very happy to see that my tiny spine could break if I carry over 300 pounds of scrap metal and junk. And Arwen, I know this may be nearly impossible but is there any way we can get different currencies? Not lore friendly...well the first two were set in California...Who knows what's going on over there. Even the Brotherhood is having a bit of a civil war. Anyway, I see all this prewar currency laying about and wonder whey we don't use both, like New Vegas will. Maybe each city could have different currency. For us high luck characters, caps are a very easy find. not to mention all the bountiful quest rewards. high rate of exchange possibly? Maybe I need to look into this.

Sounds interesting, but to me it sounds like that would work best as a mod project of its own rather than an addition to ART, if that was what you meant.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:17 am

It was just a thought, though it would be a nice add-on to ART. And with her great scripting skills and thousands of hours play testing, I thought she would do a great job at it.

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:47 am

Well, my character is now close to level 16, started with ART 3.? and played with all the updates as soon as they were published. I also use the reduced XP-mod. My playing time is also quite limited by real life. Actually ART makes some dungeons easier to clear, since due to the bigger detection radius most of the enemies in a zone tend to join the initial fight (which is certainly more realistic than ignoring all those shotgun or machine gun blasts next door :gun:). So if you manage to survive that fight (and that's a big if :D) you've probably killed most of the enemies in the zone except for the occasional laggard. :)

One of the reasons I'm using ART is to get rid of the pack-rat behaviour, it's not the main reason however, I also want the game to be more challenging.

I've been rewriting my Dynamic Stealth Quest script over the past few days, along with making some edits to other detection values, in an attempt to find a better balance. My maximum detection radius is now much smaller at mid day (virtually the same as in the default game), so all the enemies in a zone will no longer join in a fight. And the PC will not be alerted as soon when enemies are nearby (the hostile markers won't appear on the compass until enemies are much closer). The results seem to work much better. And this affects both exterior and interior cells.

I also simplified my Encumbrance script and reduced the Strain penalties a bit, along with slightly faster regens. This seems to now match my intent of having over-encumbered penalties, but ones that start out pretty mild, and get harsher as you continue to overload your character. Hopefully most users of my Less-Is-More module will enjoy the result.

So version 4.5 is nearly ready for release (if my final play testing doesn't turn up an new bugs).
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