Thanks for all the great responses . . . it is really nice to see that I'm not alone here.
I was beginning to think that my need for a little time away perhaps scared people away from my Tweaks.
Version 4.5 is well under way. The hardest part has been trying to get my new Encumbrance Script balanced with all my other changes.
My Strain is not connected to Action Points or Fatigue (other than I damage the player's fatigue when their Strain > 100% . . . which is what causes them to collapse).
My intent is NOT to make this tedious, but to add a consequence when you try to carry too much of a load. You can walk pretty far with even a 110% encumbrance and you can run pretty far with an 80% encumbrance. And you regen pretty fast when resting.
The idea is to make it really difficult to totally over load your character and then just walk to the nearest trader with no penalty at all (other than not being able to run),
If you exceed 120% encumbrance, you're going to moving pretty slow, and you're not going to be able to get very far at all before you'll have to rest.
This should be pretty compatible with other mods, since my method is pretty unique (as I'm not touching any of the default stats).
Oh, and it is going to be part of my Less-Is-More module (not part of my Realism_Core).
My GOTY patches are likely going to require ALL 5 DLC, but I might be able to break them up . . . it will depend on just how difficult this all becomes. So far it has been a very slow process, but it should go faster once I get through all the armor. Please don't wait for these patches, as it will likely still be weeks before they are finished. Sorry, but I'm only one person, and I'm not very fast at whipping out updates and patches. But I am making progress.