Ah Christ.
This is not because I'm angry.
Due to my weirdly rewired brain, I not even capable of anger . . . but I do feel pain and hurt . . . those two emotions work really well.
My problem is that I cannot separate the pain and the hurt from whatever was associated them.
And I've experienced more than my share of hurt in the real world.
So I do my best to avoid being hurt, as I need to do so in order to function.
This is an extremely strong survival instinct for me; and right now my survival instincts are in overdrive.
Arwen, you are incredibly unique and smart, something we need much more often in this world. Just because you're a bit more sensitive doesn't mean you should just give up.
I just cannot spend time on a forum where a member I viewed as a friend would intentionally insult me and my mod, just to prove that his mod is so much better than mine . . . in every way.
So right now just visiting this forum makes me way too sad to function . . . so I have to stay away for my own sake.
It was one single fight, and he better beg and plead for your return.
I have no idea no what I'm going to do about my Realism Tweaks.
I'm thinking of removing it and all my mods from FO3Nexus. And I'll probably remove my website.
But I'm going to wait for a few days, as I know that I'm not thinking very rationally right now.
For the love of God, please oh please don't go. Taking your mods off is even a worse idea. Could you imagine if DaVinchi said one day "David's hand is a little crooked...Man...Screw this." Do you know how many people have critiqued the most amazing inventions in this world, calling them impossible or stupid? Almost every single thing that has made our civilization today. Computers, the internet, airplanes, cars, boats, electricity, monotheism, everything. But they never gave up. If you're thinking that your simple tweaks aren't amazing, you're totally wrong. It is now my favorite mod, of all time. Crazy, I know. But there's something about it..If you pick it up and play it...You can tell someone has put a lot of love into it. If I were to play Fallout without it, it would just feel totally empty.
It will depend on whether or not I even want to have anything to do with mods anymore.
I will not make my mods available if I can no longer support them. I just can't do that with a clear conscience.
The end result will completely depend on my ability to remove the connection of pain and hurt from my mods.
And that is going to take me some time, and may not be something I'll be able to do.
It will take time, but time also heals all believe it or not.
Right now it just feels like walking away from all this is the best thing for me to do.
Wrong, good madame. Running away is childish, selfish, and above all plain stupid. It may seem the right thing to do now, but over time you'll see how wrong this decision is.
^^^^Sorry about this. Needed something mean in here.
The only reason I put so much effort into my Realism Tweaks is that I thought that my efforts were allowing players to have a unique game play experience.
Apparently I was mistaken, since anyone can just install FWE, select the right options in the config menu . . . and they have all my exact changes in their game.
I feel like my mod has been assimilated by the Borg . . . and the Borg is FWE.
NO. You are not mistaken. Totally and utterly...WRONG. ART isn't just another realism mod. It's so much different. So carefully thought out. So perfectly executed. Not too hard, not too easy. I don't want to throw my keyboard across the wall, I want to take a step back for a moment after I die. Assess the situation and carefully plot out my gun shots, the way I move, where I'll aim. I've never had so much thought put into a single game.
Arwen, you have even inspired me to mod. Inspired me to think that situations in my life could be a whole lot worse. Ever since I've played this, gone to your site, I feel as though I've striven to become different and a bit more optimistic. I always think how your life started out, and how hard you had to work to get this far.
But now...You're taking the easy way out.
This makes me...So sad. I've never been attached to someone on the internet (as stalkerish as that may sound) but I'm glad I have.
But now...You're proving me wrong.
And it's a true shame.
Please don't leave. I believe you're an inspiration to us all.
At least, to me you are.
/cheesy motivational speech. True, none the less.
EDIT: I've changed my avatar, just for you. awww.