My Fallout 3 Gameplay Overhaul, focused on making the Wasteland a much harsher place, where your stats and skills are MUCH more important.
Thread #7 [previous thread
Current Version 4.5 (June 02, 2010). Requires FOSE, v.1.1 or later. This is a Major update.
Here are the major changes in v.4.5:
- Made extensive edits to my Sneak changes: the NPCs will no longer be alerted quite as easily when you fire a gun. This is very difficult to balance, since there seems to be a very fine line between having the NPCs just stand there, or having everyone come running when you fire your weapon. But my new changes seem to improve this quite a bit (Realism Core).
- As part on my Sneak changes, the enemy detection radius was reduced quite a bit, so you will no longer see the orange warning markers until your enemy is quite close. This makes avoiding detection much more realistic, but also more difficult (Realism Core).
- Made adjustments to the AI, so NPCs will not be so quick to seek out better weapons while they are in the middle of combat (Realism Core).
- Adjusted Movement speeds. I discovered that increasing the Movement Base Speed, changes the animation speed for creatures (which is not a good thing). So I set this back at default, and increased both my Holstered Weapon Bonus and my Movement Run Multiplier. The end result is that my walking and running speeds are nearly identical to what you had with v.4.4, but the creatures movement will be less twitchy, and the NPCs will move a bit slower when they are attacking with their weapon drawn. My movement settings were also balanced to work seamlessly with my new Encumbrance module's dynamic walking and running speeds(Realism Core).
- Vehicle health has been reduced to be balanced with the amount of damage inflicted from an actor with an average weapons skill. I neglected to adjust this when I changed from a global weapon damage multiplier to my current skill-based weapon damage multiplier. Cars and other static vehicles should now be easier to damage (it will take less shots to make them blow up), but if your weapons skill is much below average (below 50), it will still take quite a few shots before any signs of damage is noticeable (Realism Core).
- Encumbrance module [New for v.4.5]: You now suffer from Strain (which is like fatigue, but totally separate from the default fatigue).
- (see details under "The 4 Modules" section, #3 Encumbrance.)
- My mod REQUIRES that you follow my Update/Install procedures exactly . . . due to changes in Object Effects and my new scripts (see Installation section). If you do not follow these procedures, you can permanently mess up you character's stats. (The only exception is if you will be starting a new game.)
- My optional Less-Is-More module is best used in a new game. If you use this module in an existing game, your skills are going to take a major hit and I'm not sure what my perk and skill books changes might do (it would depend on what perks and skill books you have used). If you're above a Level 2 (or 3 at most), and you don't want to start a new game, you may not want to use my Less-Is-More module.
Why I Created this Mod:
Warning: Do NOT install this mod unless you want the Wasteland to be a harsher, less forgiving place. If you install my Realism Tweaks, you'll instantly have a game that requires you to use a LOT more strategy . . . just to survive. For the best Hard-Core experience, I highly recommend using all four of my modules, along with ALL the mods in my FO3 Journal's Extreme Realism list. You may also want to try my Reduced XPR mod, which greatly slows down how fast you level up in the game.
Still somewhat modular: it now contains 4 different esps, which are all meant to be used together for the full Tweaks to take effect.:
- My Realism Core module (required) is more streamlined and balanced than my more modular version was AND it is a bit less hard-core in some ways.
- My expanded Less-Is-More module is now a bit more hard-core (with harsher effects, reduced skill/stat points, tougher economics, gender bonuses/penalties, and my new repair script).
- For instance, my reduced carrying capacity still exists in my Realism Core module, but the capacities are considerably greater than they are in my expanded Less-Is-More module. The same is true for my reduced Hit Points.
- What I am attempting to do is to address the two types of gamers who make up the bulk of my Tweaks users: those players who want most of my changes (but do not want all my hard-core changes), and those who want ALL of my changes (including all my hard-core ones). So even though there are now only 3 modules, the combination of the Realism Core with the Less-Is-More module will give you a very different gaming experience than what you would have with just the Realism Core.
- And the Reduced Quest XPR module will further change the game. Hopefully this new repackaged version will work for most players who have been using my previous versions.
The 4 Modules (esps) - [For the more details on the 4 modules, please visit the]
Major changes from the default game:
1.) Realism Core (Arwen_Realism_Core.esp):
- Required Core Module (necessary if you want to use Less=Is-More module).
- Global tweaks that affect PC, NPCs, and Creatures. For more immersive and better balanced game play, with improved role-playing aspects.
- Reduced Carrying Capacity and fewer HPs for PC (both are further reduced by Less-Is-More module).
- More immersive and more balanced VATS.
- Smarter AI: combat with NPCs is now much more challenging, and sneaking is now much more realistic
- Includes my Dynamic Stealth where time of day, weather conditions, and being in an interior cell factors into your ability to remain undetected.
- The Wasteland is now a much less forgiving place. Your character is now weaker and much more vulnerable, and the NPCs are stronger and healthier.
- Weapon damage is much greater, and weapon skills are now a much greater factor. Some types of weapons will not be usable when an arm is crippled.
- Balances armor/clothing values, weight, damage resistance, and "enchanted" effects. Includes my 1.5X AR global modifier.
- More realistic explosions, projectiles, grenade physics, and death force effects. Unique weapon effects: Gunshot knock downs, Whack and Blast knockouts.
- Enhanced repair lists for both weapons and armor.
- Changes the localized body damage effects in a way that balances out game play, while making strategic hits more effective (such as crippling shots, and head shots now do a LOT more damage). Super Mutants are now VERY hard to kill.
2.) Less-Is-More (Arwen_Less-Is-More.esp):
- This module is totally Optional, but it does Require that my Realism Core module is installed!
- Expands the difficulty and challenge of the Realism Core module, by making your character's stats have a much greater impact on your game play, and by totally changing the economics of the game.
- Adds much needed balance to skill points. You will now begin the game with half as many skill points, and your skill points should increase roughly half as fast as in the default game. Reduces amount of Derived Skill Points.
- Changes Skill Books and 95% of the default Perks (and adds a few of my own unique perks).
- Overhauled Bobbleheads and reduced initial SPECIAL points.
- Adds Gender bonuses/penalties, including gender-based weapon skill requirements.
- Makes caps, food, weapons, and ammo MUCH less abundant in the Wasteland.
- The amount of spawned loot is now based on your Luck stat. For each point of Luck less than 10, the average amount of found loot decreases by 5%.
- Bartering was totally rebalanced: the value of all items is half the default value, but merchants will charge LOT more for items, and you'll get a LOT less for what you trade with them (based on your Bartering skill).
- Repair has had a major overhaul: items used for repairs will now improve the weapon or armor a bit less, your repair limit is now gender-based (male bonus), and merchants will now be MUCH better at repairing.
- Outcasts Rewards are now more balanced (you'll now get less stuff in trade).
3.) Encumbrance moduleArwen_Encumbrance.esp [new for v.4.5]:
- This module is totally Optional, but it does Require that my Realism Core module is installed! (It has been balanced to be used with the Less-Is-More module, but it can be used with just the Realism Core.)
- You now suffer from Strain (similar to fatigue, but totally separate from the default fatigue).
- Your Strain increases when walking with more than 100% encumbrance, and whenever you are running (at any encumbrance).
- The higher your encumbrance limits, the shorter distance you will be able to travel, and the more you will hurt yourself if you reach your limit (you’ll lose more HPs when you collapse).
- With an encumbrance of less than 60%, you will be able to run for just over 4 minutes before your Stain reaches 100%.
- But at 100% encumbrance, you'll only be able to run for about 50 seconds.
- When walking with 110% encumbrance, you will last about 2 minutes before you need to rest
- But at 150% encumbrance, you will need to rest every 30 seconds.
- If your Strain exceeds 100%, you will collapse.
- You will lose HPs when you collapse, and the amount you lose is based on your current Strain/second.
- So pay attention to your Strain level, and rest before you collapse. (You rest when you stop walking, or when you stop running.)
- Your accumulated Strain will be displayed every few seconds whenever your Strain is over 45%, and your character will start breathing hard.
- Above 75% Strain, you'll hear a pounding heartbeat, warning that you are near your limit.
- Dynamic walking and running speeds: movement speed is now affected by your encumbrance . . . the more you are encumbered, the slower you move. But you also gain a running speed bonus when your encumbrance is less than 60%, as long as your health is no lower than 50%.
- [Previously part of my Realism Core. I just moved it here, where it fits a bit better . . . but the settings remain unchanged from what I used in v.4.4.]
4.) Reduced Quest XPR Module(Arwen_Reduced_QuestXPR.esp):
- This module is totally Optional, AND completely independent - It was made to complement my other two modules (and my Reduced XPR mod), but it does NOT require that my Realism Core or my Less-Is-More modules are installed.
- I released this as a separate independent module (instead of including these changes in my Less-Is-More module), as it needs to load early, before any mods that modify any of the default quests
- In-game activation message explains what module does:
- Reduces the experience points rewards (XPR) for all default quests by 90%. For instance, you will no longer instantly level up to Level 2 when you escape from Vault 101, but will now only gain 20 XPs (instead of 200), so you won't level up until you earn all 200 XPs.
- Changes Timescale to 4 after you exit Vault 101 (since a Timescale faster than 8 or so, does not work very well with my new dynamic stealth). But also includes instructions on how to set it to the Timescale you prefer.
- Gives the player character a little reward for making it out of Vault 101.
- Reduced some global XPRs . . . you'll now receive fewer points for some minor quest accomplishments.
Optional Files - These files are not included in the archive, but must be downloaded separately (under "Optional Files"):
- Arwen_Realism_Tweaks_MMM_Patch (Arwen_MMM_Patch.esp): compatibility patch for "Marts Mutant Mod - RC 5." This patch REQUIRES that you have Marts Mutant Mod-RC5 installed in your game, and loaded BEFORE my Realism Core module. My Realism Tweaks mod has always been compatible with MMM (in the sense that there are no real conflicts), so this patch is not required (at this point). What this patch does is it removes all MMM's AI scripts, which should eliminate any AI balancing issues between MMM and my Realism Core module, and should improve gameplay a bit.
- Arwen_Realism_Tweaks_EVE_Patch: compatibility patch for my Realism Core module and EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced. This patch REQUIRES that you have EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced installed in your game. My Realism Tweaks mod has always been compatible with EVE (in the sense that there are no real conflicts, but you lost my tweaks for a few explosions, if you loaded EVE after my mod. There is also a second esp that covers both EVE and "RH_Ironsights – FOSE" (Basic Edition only) (Arwen_EVE_RH-IS_Patch.esp) See the archive's ReadMe for details and load order.
- Arwen_Realism_Tweaks_RiPnO_Patch (Arwen_RiPnO_Patch.esp): compatibility patch for Real Injuries/Primary Needs (Orfevs' Patched version), plus a RI/PN/Better Living Through Chemicals (BLTC) version (Arwen_RiPnO+BLTC_Patch.esp). Enables your Luck stat to alter the amount of RI's spawned loot . . . stuff like stimpaks, Morphine, Healing Powder, bandage packs, and water. The RiPnO/BLTC version also includes all BLTC's spawned chems and alcohol. This patch REQUIRES that you have Real Injuries AND Primary Needs installed, PLUS RiPnO - Real Injuries Patch, AND that my Less-Is-More module is activated. [See the archive's ReadMe for details and load order]
- I've attempted to make all my mods compatible with all the mods on my FO3 mod list.
- Fully compatible with MMM
- Fully compatible with EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced (with my Arwen_Realism_Tweaks_EVE_Patch).
- Fully compatible with RH_Ironsights–FOSE (Basic Edition only)
- Fully compatible with all the DLC, in that they should not cause any conflicts. But there could be some minor balancing issues (I'm currently working on some large GOTY patches).
- My Reduced Quest XPR module should be compatible with most other mods, just load it BEFORE any mod that makes changes to any of the default quests.
- For more mods that I have personally tested for compatibility, visit
- My Realism Tweaks will overwrite any mods that make any of the changes I have listed here.
- Do NOT use my Realism Tweaks with other balancing mod that make changes to the same game elements, as this will unbalance the game play (by making some things too easy, while making others too difficult).
- My Realism Tweaks are not compatible with mods that alter the specs of default armor/clothing (but should be compatible with mods that ONLY add cosmetic changes).
- My Realism Tweaks are not compatible with mods that alter the specs of default weapons or default projectiles . . . although it should be compatible with mods that only make cosmetic changes to weapons (the exceptions are non-blade melee weapons, shotguns, and the few ranged weapons that my mod alters).
- My Realism Tweaks are NOT compatible with FOOK or FWE (even though my earlier Smarter AI module is integrated into FWE).
- My Realism Tweaks are NOT compatible with the Elite Edition of RH_Ironsights–FOSE
Load Order:
- In order to insure that all my Tweaks are being applied (and that other mods are not overriding any) put the esps near the end of your load order (generally AFTER any mods that make changes to same portions of the game).
- The Arwen_Realism_Core.esp MUST load BEFORE the Arwen_Less-Is-More.esp. And the Arwen_Reduced_QuestXPR.esp should load before the Arwen_Realism_Core.esp.
- Also, the Arwen_Reduced_QuestXPR.esp should BEFORE any other mods that make changes to any of the default quests (otherwise, the other mods will not work).
- See compatibility section for load order with some specific mods.
Known Issues or Bugs:
- Bethesda Softworks, for making Fallout 3.
- The Fallout Script Extender team for making
- IAR80 and taylorsd for, which my Smarter AI module was initially based on.
- ALL the great guys over on the The G.E.C.K. forums . . . who freely gave of their time to guide a clueless, whining, rookie script-writer-wanna-be.
Download link:
Other Mods by Arwen: