I'm calling imy new module Med-Tec, since it relies on my new Med-Tec Scanner (created of course by Vault Tec).
After your Med-Tec Scanner has been activated, it will diagnose your injuries, recommend any necessary treatment (based on your current medical supplies/abilities), and aid you in the treatment.
Both the scanner and the injuries system are now working great in my beta version.
I still need to add a few more things, but I now have all the current injury parts (Wounds, Blood Lost, Burns, and Trauma) pretty well balanced (for my own game play).
How much of any injury you receive is based on the weapon used against you, your loss of HPs, and your Armor AR.
Your injuries are cumulative, where several minor injuries can add up to a major injury.
The injuries slowly heal over time (as in very slowly) . . . all except for Excessive Bleeding, which require medical attention to stop the blood flow (and this is not something you can ijnore).
I'm currently tweaking my Sleep Heal script (which has been a real challenge, but my script is now finally working VERY well):
Unlike the default game, you will not magically regen all your health or repair your crippled limbs with a quick nap.
Your injuries will heal slowly while sleeping (based on how injured you are). . . except for Excessive Bleeding and Crippled body parts (damaged limbs, that are not crippled will slowly heal).
And your HP will slowly regen (both while you are sleeping and when you are awake . . . unless your wounds are too great).
In my v.5.0 Beta, I've also balanced out a bunch of stuff in the rest of my Tweaks so that my Med-Tec module will not make the game so difficult that it is more frustrating than fun.
For instance, you will no longer get crippled as easily . . . BUT, when you do become crippled, there will be even more consequences.
After my last play testing, I'm pretty sure that anyone who feels that my Hard-Core module is not challenging enough will have a change of heart, after they play with my new Med-Tec module installed.
So I'm getting there.