» Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:39 pm
Thanks Povuholo!
I just fixed the Iced Nukas . . . they will have the Water+8 in version 5.1 (they will also have slightly less Rads than the regular Nukas).
I'm sure there are number of things that need fixing/tweaking . . . so I need to know about all these little (or not-so-little) issues, so that I can fix them in v.5.1.
You'll probably soon discover that when you drink from sinks, fire hydrants, and other activators . . . you don't receive any reduction of your Water Needs.
But you can fill an empty water bottle, and drink from that, and quench your thirst. I sort of like it that way . . . for balance.
I opened a http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1120422-relz-arwens-realism-tweaks-thread-no11/
Edited: In v.5.1, you'll be able to drink 2 ounces of water (reducing your Water Needs by 2) each time you use these activators . . . as long as you do not have Radiation Sickness.
I still haven't figured out how to get any benefit from drinking from surface water (or how to refill water bottles from those sources).