Hello Arwen. I'm liking your realism tweaks a lot. Here are a few comments for your consideration.
- Using a stimpak on a bleeding wound via med-tec: The description says it should mod wound level by around -1, but I only see around -0.4 on my character, though I have to admit my character's medicine skill is only 15. Is the reduction dependent on medicine skill? Is the reduction immediate, or is it over time like a regular stimpak?
This is the full message: "Bleeding Wounds: a bandage will stop the blood loss from minor wounds, but it will take a few minutes with more serious wounds (and sometimes 2 bandages) If you do not have any bandages, injecting a stimpak into the wound will speed up clotting, slowing down the loss of blood (each stimpak should result in the Wound Level being decreased by about 1 point)."
The key part here is "injecting a stimpak into the wound will speed up clotting," which means that there is no immediate effect . . . but a gradual lessening of the blood flow for as long as the clotting lasts. And the amount of clotting depends on your Medicine skill:
For Med Skill < 40: you get a Clot Level of 5 ; -1 Wound Level over 15 game minutes (- any damage you might get from blood loss).
For Med Skill >= 40: you get a 50% bonus = Clot Level of 7.5 ; -1.5 Wound Level over 22.5 game minutes
- Healing a crippled limb w/o using med-tec: Sometimes my crippled limbs become uncrippled by themselves. I figure this happens if I already have a medical brace on, and the new crippling injury happened before the brace got removed. Is this what you intended?
Yes, this is intended. From my website: "Once a brace is applied, the limb will require time to heal fully before the brace can be removed, and penalties will be imposed while you are wearing any brace (specific to each limb). It takes roughly 12 hours for a limb to heal completely. But a limb cannot be crippled while it has a brace." [Technically it does get crippled, but then your get an immediate 5% heal to the crippled limb, so you still get a penalty from being crippled, as any healing that your braced limb has gained is pretty much reset . . . back to 5% . . . which can be a bummer.]
- No notification for a worsening infection or worsening rad sickness: I think it would be helpful if there were messages for this. Something along the lines of "You notice that your wounds are getting infected" when my wound level > 2, or "Your radiation poisoning is starting to make you feel sick when you eat" if my radiationrads are > 100 and digestion is > 1. But then again, maybe it's your intention to hurt the player if they neglected their wound or radiation levels.
Both levels are displayed when you press the Med-Tec Scan hotkey . . . and it's the players responsibility to monitor their health. Plus this module already displays a LOT of messages, even though I tried to keep them to a minimum . . . and I'd rather not have any more than necessary.