Awesome changes! :celebration:
So that mean bandages will not be removed even after 12 hours if your wound level is higher than 1, right?
Yes, but it depends on the number of bandages you applied. If you only applied one bandage, that bandage will remain on for 4 hours, and then it will only be removed if your Wound Level is < 1 (since you would want to leave a bandage on until a would is mostly healed) . . . and even then, the bandage will remain in place if you are flagged as being "ion combat." Right now, each additional bandage adds 4 hours to the bandage timer, as I wanted to ensure that bandage time was increased for more serious injuries . . . but I may have this a bit too high, so I'll likely reduce it in my next update (I never get through everything that I have on my current to-change/add list when I make an update).
Thanks for these! Those high level enclave troops all have their weapon skill maxed out so they do an incredible amount of damage with those plasma rifles and heavy incinerators. I'm glad they'll be a bit easier to kill now.
Thanks for pointing this unbalance out. I spent some time looking at the related NPCs/Creatures and weapons, so my changes should hopefully still keep these higher level enemies challenging . . . while removing much of the impossible-to-kill frustrating part.
Also I think I figured out the problem I had with the bandages not showing up on the selling list for doctors (they still don't, they start with some if I start a new game but I don't think they ever got new ones after that). My bashed patch includes an entry to the LootChemsHealing levelled lists from other mods, but not yours. So it was overwriting your changes to the LootChemsHealing lists.
I think it's Broken Steel, which adds aqua pura to those lists.
I can get them to respawn now (after 3 days) but usually they only get 2 bandages, which is too little. So I don't think the 9 am script is working, for me at least. Maybe I still have some sort of mod conflict.
I'm not at all experienced in adding new items to the game, so it has been doubly hard to add items that need to be replenished regularly. My goal has always been to have just enough bandage available to get you though moderate injuries, without them being so easy to come by that you'll not have to worry about having enough for the more serious injuries. My new script adds 3 more bandages to the doctors if their stock that day is less then 3 . . . so they should always have at least three after the 9 am restock. I may be doing this totally wrong, but in my play testing I know that the script was running when it was suppose to and it did seem to be making changes to the few doctor's and merchant's inventories that I checked over a couple of days (which I was letting progress as normally as possible). Eventually I'll improve and expend this script (once I'm 100% sure that it is working correctly), and then I'll remove my changes to the Leveled Lists, as they won't be needed (which should take care of any conflicts).