» Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:57 pm
Thanks, but that is not something that I can just toggle on and off . . . it involves edits to every single weapon that I have removed the unrealistic zoom from. I would have to release yet another module . . . just for the scopeless zooms, which is way too much work . . . and I'm trying to keep my modules down to a bare minimum (I was planing on just 4 modules, but with v.1.9, I'll be up to 5 already). Besides, most users of my Tweaks seem to like this change (and it is more realistic and all, so it does really belong in my Realism Core module).
Progress on Version 1.9:
I spent most the day trying to wrap this up, but the a couple of my final "little" scripts turned out to be much more challenging than I had expected. One took me forever, as the little svcker just refused to play nice with the rest of my mod . . . but I finally figured out a way to make it do what I needed it to (but not in the way that I had originally planned to do it). So the first three-quarters of my day was not a lot of fun . . . but then I got to spend several hours play testing (which made it all worth the effort).
The update is now ~98% done (I thought it was 100% done until my last play testing proved me wrong). So I still need to tweak a few more things, and improve the balance on a couple of minor issues. After tonight's lengthy play test, I'm quite happy with the way my Injuries and Needs have totally changed the strategy of the game play (beyond the changes of all my previous modules). It has been a LOT of work, but with the addition of my Med-Tec module, my game is finally truly hardcoe. It is now pretty tough to survive as a Low-Level character in a hostile environment (that now actually feels dangerous). Personally I love it, but I'm feeling that this may be quite a bit more of a challenge than what most users want . . . so I'm not really expecting that this is going to be a very popular module. Hopefully some users will really enjoy my changes, and be able to appreciate all the work that went into this final module (and now understand why I saved this one for last).
I'm going to finish my check list (from my last play testing) first thing in the morning. But I want to put in at least a couple more hours of play testing before I consider this version done. And once the mod itself is done, I'll still have to spend several hours writing the docs (which is like my least favorite part, since I'm so slow at writing). So, even if all goes really well, I'm afraid that version 1.9 probably won't be available until late tomorrow (possible late afternoon, at the earliest).
BTW: In addition to being the first version of my NV Tweaks to include my Med-Tec module, v.1.9 also includes changes to all my previous modules (with the exception of my little Camera module), so this is one of my biggest updates yet (my Med-Tec module alone, changes nearly 800 records and adds over 50 custom scripts to my full Realism Tweaks).