[RELZ] Arwen's NV Realism Tweaks [thread #6]

Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:52 pm

Hi, I'm more of a lurker on here but I figured I sign up to show my appreciation for all of the hard work you've put into this wonderful mod. I can't tell you how much fun I've had with this since, well, alpha (or the first module) and how much I hope you can keep it up. Reading your story on your site has made me enjoy it even more since I can feel that an actual human is working on this...I'm not sure how to explain it, but it's a good thing, trust me. The best of luck on your future endeavors, Arwen. I'll try to post more often on here as I know how helpful encouragement can be on such large projects.
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:58 pm

Thanks so much for posting and for the GREAT encouragement!

To be totally honest, lately I've been feeling a bit unappreciated . . . even though I've always been given more than my share of support, both here and on the Nexus forums (so this is just me and my crazy insecurities acting up again). It's just that I've been working so hard on this next version . . . devoting nearly all my free time for weeks now, and I've been feeling that very few users of my mod have any clue how much time I put into this thing (or even care . . . which deep down I know is not true). It can be very difficult at times to stay motivated after spending months and months on just one mod (Ok, so I tend to be a bit of an overachiever, or I would NEVER have attempted to make such a huge overhaul on my own).

I am still working like crazy to finish v.1.9 . . . which will be released just as soon as I get this darn ReadMe finished (my Med-Tec module is a complicated beast, so it is taking me FOREVER to put down in words what this svcker will actually do to your game). I would love to release this before going to bed tonight, but that may not happen (as my messed up brain cannot handle much more writing tonight). I REALLY need a vacation.

And I am definitely an actual human (with more than my share of human issues). :confused:
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james kite
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:23 pm

Another lurker here.

I just want to say that i really like what you're doing. I'm enjoying your mods for a while now and after reading my fellow lurker's post i realized i never said thank you.

So: Thank you very much!
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:27 pm

Just wanted to chime in and also tell you how much I appriciate your work. (Even though I can't play New Vegas right now. Stupid non-working, crashing, POS computer :brokencomputer:)
Keep up the good work and hopefully I can play 1.9 soon :)
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sara OMAR
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:48 pm

Arwen, when's your spring break? You seem in desperate need of it.
I am still working like crazy to finish v.1.9 . . . which will be released just as soon as I get this darn ReadMe finished (my Med-Tec module is a complicated beast, so it is taking me FOREVER to put down in words what this svcker will actually do to your game).

You can always say that "it does a lot of amazing changes" in the read-me and have simply have a changelog of the break down of each script. I'm not sure what it adds/subtracts/changes you've made with it but sometimes leaving detailed script variables out to simplify an explanation can be for the best. I'll be honest, when I first got your mod I looked through all of the changes but in the recent updates I've only but skimmed the changes. The small ones, I mean. Not that massive multiple quest scripts.

Silvarin, I love your avatar.

(Even though I can't play New Vegas right now. Stupid non-working, crashing, POS computer :brokencomputer: )

it took me the longest time to figure out what POS meant just now. If it makes you feel any better, my friend has to sneak walk everywhere so fps doesn't chug while exploring.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:46 pm

Another lurker here.
I just want to say that i really like what you're doing. I'm enjoying your mods for a while now and after reading my fellow lurker's post i realized i never said thank you.
So: Thank you very much!

You're welcome. :) And thank you for posting.

Just wanted to chime in and also tell you how much I appriciate your work. (Even though I can't play New Vegas right now. Stupid non-working, crashing, POS computer :brokencomputer:)
Keep up the good work and hopefully I can play 1.9 soon :)

Thanks! And you are most welcome. Sorry about your computer. I hope you can get it fixed soon.

Arwen, when's your spring break? You seem in desperate need of it.
You can always say that "it does a lot of amazing changes" in the read-me and have simply have a changelog of the break down of each script. I'm not sure what it adds/subtracts/changes you've made with it but sometimes leaving detailed script variables out to simplify an explanation can be for the best. I'll be honest, when I first got your mod I looked through all of the changes but in the recent updates I've only but skimmed the changes. The small ones, I mean. Not that massive multiple quest scripts.

I'm no longer in college (I was pushed to go to law school, because I graduated in the top of my class, but it was way too expensive for me . . . and I doubt that I would have survived all the legal writing . . . there is nothing worse (imo) than writing a law review.) So no spring break for me. I'm actually doing fine mostly . . . I just have a language related learning disability which can be really frustrating at times (like when I'm tire and trying to write too much in one day). I do need Spring though, as it is still very much winter here and hasn't made it much above freezing this week.

I'm trying to reduce my ReadMe down to the bare necessities (but that has been really difficult for me) . . . and update my website as the place to get all the details (for those users who want or need more information). And I also updated my User's Guide doc, which is included in my mod's download.

Oh, and v.1.9 is now available on Nexus . . . I'll add the update post is a bit.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:00 pm

I'm no longer in college (I was pushed to go to law school, because I graduated in the top of my class, but it was way too expensive for me . . . and I doubt that I would have survived all the legal writing . . . there is nothing worse (imo) than writing a law review.) So no spring break for me. I'm actually doing fine mostly . . . I just have a language related learning disability which can be really frustrating at times (like when I'm tire and trying to write too much in one day). I do need Spring though, as it is still very much winter here and hasn't made it much above freezing this week.

I'm trying to reduce my ReadMe down to the bare necessities (but that has been really difficult for me) . . . and update my website as the place to get all the details (for those users who want or need more information). And I also updated my User's Guide doc, which is included in my mod's download.

Oh, and v.1.9 is now available on Nexus . . . I'll add the update post is a bit.

You know how sometimes someone is so happy they open their mouth to smile and a little squeak comes out? That just happened to me.

All sounds very fair because their are very few to read the read-mes and sometimes I do it just to see if an author made a joke about the select few who read them. Though I think those who play your mod are the read-me types. Also, happy belated graduation! :celebrate: I'm sure you made an awesome valedictorian. Probably deserved it more than those who buy their way into school, at least.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:52 pm

Version 1.9 is now available: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34759

Here are the major changes in v.1.9:
  • Balancing: a bunch of minor changes were made to all three of the other main modules, so that they would mesh better with my new Med-Tec module (the net result is pretty major).

*** Realism Core changes:
  • No PipBoy During Combat: now disabled by default, and I changed the cycle-down from right arrow key to C key, and cycle-up from left arrow key to X key (the arrow keys were conflicting with my Encumbrance Stain HUD display). To try to fix the CTD issue, I split off the cycle hotkey part into separate script. Turning off Auto-Saves will reduce CTDs, but this may still cause problems for some users (which is why I disabled it by default).
  • Blast & Whack Weapon Effects: When "No PipBoy During Combat" is enabled, if blasted (or whacked) with a weapon out, it is now returned to your inventory instead of being dropped (allows you to access this weapon during combat, through the cycle keys).
  • Stimpak Effect: was moved to new Med-Tec module, and now only reduces Strength by 1 point for 60 seconds (v.1.8 reduced any amount of STR to 1).
  • Dynamic Stealth: detection ranges reduce another 10% from v.1.7 (now at midday, this is just 15% higher than default).
  • Replaced Vault Jumpsuit (that Doc gave you) with something a bit more appropriate for the Mojave (the blue Vault suit is just sooo FO3).
  • A number of minor changes, including: Changed to [Arwen's Options Menu], so that it will be placed near the bottom of the Aid section of your inventory; Option Menu, Combat Difficulty part: made it clearer (I hope) that disabling Crippled Penalties just allows you to equip two-handed non-melee weapons when an arm is crippled. (All my other Crippled Weapon penalties will still apply: No VATS, lower melee damage, and poor accuracy with pistols.); Removed armor level from fatigue message (I had originally put this in as a debug tool, and it was not meant to be displayed in the released version).[/list
    *** Hard-Core module changes: [list]
  • Fixed Barter Skill Books: script was not working.
  • Adjusted Chance Multipliers for food and drinks, so vendors should generally have these items.
  • Adjusted Chance Multipliers for weapons and armors so that the NPCs should now have these weapons and armors in their inventory (should correct the Fiend missing armor issue, and most of unarmed/poorly armed NPCs).
  • Dynamic Respawn Rates for zones: now range from 24 to 108 hours, based on Timescale setting (default game respawn rate is 72). A 4 Timescale = 36 hour rate (every 1.5 days) and a 12 Timescale = 108 hour rate (every 4.5 days).

*** Encumbrance module changes:
  • Strain rates were rebalanced and the script is now more optimized (should now have no impact of FPS).
  • Now, if you collapse with your weapon out, it is returned to inventory, instead of being dropped (which was a pain if you had my "No PipBoy During Combat" enabled).

*** Med-Tec module: [initial release]
  • This is a completely independent Needs & Injuries Mod. It is totally optional, but it was balanced specifically to be used with my Full Realism Tweaks.
  • Made especially to work with, and to enhance, the default hardcoe needs (but it should still work even if the hardcoe mode is not enabled).
  • Based on my vision of true hardcoe game play. Even if you survive combat, you can now easily die from your injuries.
  • Med-Tec Quest: begins 10 game minutes after leaving Doc's (or after being initialized in a saved game).
  • Med-Tec Scanner: when activated, it tracks 22 of your stats and greatly enhances self-treatment. Use the Quick Scan Hotkey [M] to monitor your most vital stats during game play. Plus whenever you are injured an automatic scan is performed.

*** The Injury Part:
  • You will now sustain Wounds, Burns, Blood Loss, Trauma, and Infections (which will all require treatment).
  • Injuries are not random, but are based directly on how much you were injured, type of weapon used, and on your Armor Level(armor can reduce your injuries by as much as 90%). Animal bites will result in a different injury than a bullet wound, which is different than what you receive from a laser or plasma weapon. To make injuries easier to monitor and treat, they are done by Levels (with Level 0 being no injury).
  • Most moderate injuries will slowly heal on their own, and the self healing rate for most injuries is based on your current Endurance. Severe injuries (such as Severe Wounds) will not heal without medical treatment (where your Medicine skill is factored into the effectiveness of self-treatments). And your Health now slowly Regenerates: but only when your Wound Level is less than 2. The rate is based on Timescale setting and your amount of Permanent HPs.
  • Wounds increase in severity up to Level 10, with Moderate Wounds beginning at Level 2 (when your health regen stops), and Severe Wounds beginning at Level 5 (where you suffer from loss of blood). Wounds higher than Level 3 will slowly become infected. Once an infection reaches Level 6, it will damage your health, and the only cure will require an injection of Antibiotics. To stop Bleeding: use your Med-Tec to apply bandages (or use a Leather Belt as a tourniquet, or target a Stimpak injection to speed up clotting).
  • Blood level is tracked in units of Blood Lost: if your Blood Lost reaches 8, your health will begin to deteriorate. Your blood slowly regenerates on its own, but you may need a Blood Transfusion to recover after excessive blood loss.
  • Burns increase in severity up to Level 12, with Severe Burns beginning at Level 8 (Third-Degree Burns). Full Treatment replaces damaged skin with synthetic skin (requires stimpak, Purified Water, and bandages). Partial treatment is also available (doesn't require Purified Water).
  • Trauma injuries (bruising and tissue damage) increase in severity up to Level 10, with Severe Trauma beginning at Level 7 (Torso Trauma)
  • Damaged limbs slowly heal, but only if the limb is not crippled (which need a Medical Brace applied in order to heal). Braces can be used multiple times if your medical skills are high enough.
  • Doctor's Bags now require 25 Medicine, and only non-crippled limbs are treated (if any limbs are crippled, you receive a Medical Brace to use splint one limb, using your Med-Tec scanner). Head and Torso injuries will be healed 20% (even if crippled). After use the Doctor's Bag is no longer "consumed," but is replaced with an Empty Doctor's Bag (which is now a necessary ingredient in the Doctor Bag Recipe).
  • Doctors no longer fully heal moderate or severe injuries. What you get for your caps is treatment, not instant health restoration (you will often leave splinted and bandaged).
  • You will no longer be able to instantly heal yourself will your personal infirmary, but can now only treat your injuries.
  • Bandages, Tourniquets, and Splints all have penalties while they are equipped, and are automatically removed when they are no longer needed.
  • Stimpak Animation Effect (with Injection Hotkey): No more freezing combat while you take a timeout to give yourself a Stimpak injection. You can still give yourself an injection during combat, but you will be incapacitated for a few seconds, and the bullets will still keep flying. Plus each injection now damages your Fatigue, your vision will now be messed up for the 30 seconds that your HP are being restored, and your Strength will be reduced by 1 point for 60 seconds.
  • Nearly all the default Chems were rebalanced: For example: Buffout only restores 30HP, Healing Powder slowly restores only 36HP, and Hydra only restores 30% of your limb conditions.
  • Medical supplies for all default doctors and most general merchants are restocked daily.

*** The Needs Part:
  • My Med-Tec Needs are synced with the default needs when this module is first activated. The default needs will then be deactivated, but the default display will still function and will be kept in sync with my Med-Tec Needs.
  • Water Need is now Dynamic: basic requirement is 40 ounces/day, but increases while outdoors in the heat of the day, and decreases while asleep.
  • Most Beverages give you some water benefit, with the greatest amounts coming from the purest types of bottled water. Beverages no longer have any healing effect. Liquor will not quench your thirst, but dehydrates you and hard liquor no longer gives you a Strength boost, but now restores your Fatigue.
  • Empty water bottles can be refilled, but you can only fill a water bottle when the bottle and the activator water types match. You can also still drink from surface water, but cannot fill your water bottles from it. All but Purified Water contain some Radiation and bacteria, but surface water is high in both (more on Bacteria below, with Food Need).
  • Nuka Colas (and other stimulants) uses my Jolt effect to reduce your Sleep Need. Similar to the default game, except when my effect wears off your full sleep need jumps back up.
  • Food Need is also Dynamic: based on your Permanent Strength and Endurance. An average PC (5STR,5END) requires 24 Food Units every 24 game hours (1 unit/hour). There are 10 Food Levels: from Food+1 through Food+10. Food no longer has any healing effect, and uncooked food is now higher in Rads (but Fresh Fruit and Vegetables will now reduce your Rads).
  • Cooking is much more rewarding: meat taken from dead animals is now Raw Meat, which is high in bacteria and RADS. Raw Meat and some of the packaged food will be less nourishing unless it is cooked. There are new recipes for all this raw meat, and for the packaged food. You will now need a Cooking Kit to make most of the recipes that use campfires. I also added a Mess Kit, which makes eating meals much more sanitary. Both Kits can be purchased from most merchants, or crafted if you have the skill.
  • When you eat, your Digestion Level increases, and then slowly decreases when you are not eating. If you eat anything when you are not hungry, you will get sick, gaining no benefit from the food. But your Digestion Level will still increase a bit (because you now have indigestion).
  • When your RADS are 100 or higher, your Radiation Level will increase while you are digesting food; and will slowly decrease once your Digestive Level returns to 0, or whenever your RADS drop below 100. You get Radiation Sickness when your Radiation Level reaches 5, and you no longer gain any benefit from eating or drinking (you will just get sick). Radiation Sickness lasts until your Radiation Level drops back down below 5.
  • Bacteria Level: Uncooked meat and open sources of water (cisterns, puddles, streams, etc.) are high in Bacteria. The only water that is free of Bacteria is purified water. Not having a Mess Kit in your inventory will result in an increase in your Bacteria Level when you eat most food. If your Bacteria Level reaches 5, you will become sick with food poisoning. There is no treatment for Food Poisoning, you just have to wait until your bacteria level drops below Level 5.
  • Sleep Need: You require 1 hour of Sleep for every 2 hours that you are awake. When your Sleep Need is 0, you won't need to sleep for 16 hours before becoming Sleepy; after 20 hours you'll be Very Tired; after 24 hours you'll be Exhausted. You will slowly heal while you are sleeping, at exactly the same rate as when you are awake (with the same restrictions). You cannot sleep or wait when you have excessive bleeding; you cannot take a nap until your Sleep Need is greater than 1 hour; and the longest you can sleep is the amount of your Sleep Need (which is rounded up, so if you need 7.1 hours of sleep, you should be able to sleep 8 hours).

I'll update the opening post in this thread when I get the chance, but I need to finish updating my website, so that it contain all the detais that I left out of the ReadMe. So it may be a while (which is why I put so much in this post).
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:33 pm

Thanks for the new release Arwen. I have been enjoying your mod for a while and am trying out the new med tech module. I encountered a bug where wound level and blood lost are reported as -1.$. Here's a http://i.imgur.com/EF0Zg.jpg of it happening.

Edit: All of the numbers expect trauma are stuck as they are. I am unsure if they are still functioning in the background. My needs on my pipboy are all at zero. I have tried restarting the quest but that didn't work. Some help with be appreciated.

P.S. An extra request (not as important as the above). Would it be possible to stop the Med-Tech quest from contributing to the 5/5 completed quests?
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:06 pm

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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:29 pm

Thanks for the new release Arwen. I have been enjoying your mod for a while and am trying out the new med tech module. I encountered a bug where wound level and blood lost are reported as -1.$. Here's a http://i.imgur.com/EF0Zg.jpg of it happening.
Edit: All of the numbers expect trauma are stuck as they are. I am unsure if they are still functioning in the background. My needs on my pipboy are all at zero. I have tried restarting the quest but that didn't work. Some help with be appreciated.
P.S. An extra request (not as important as the above). Would it be possible to stop the Med-Tech quest from contributing to the 5/5 completed quests?

Thanks. I don't believe that your bug is a bug in any of my mod's scripts, but is being caused by either a corrupt save or another mod that is causing a conflict. The reason that I'm fair sure this is the case, is because there are $ symbols where there should be numbers.

I spent hours and hours play testing my Med-Tec module and my Need values in the scan never froze up . . . not even once. Nor have I ever ended up with $ symbols where integers should be.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:21 am

Edit: I couldn't fix it so I just started a new game. Hopefully it doesn't pop up again.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:19 pm

Congratulations on the release :foodndrink:

Thank you for all the work you've put into this, it is very much appreciated.
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:23 am

Having loads of fun thus far! While I'm not asking for a compatibility patch, I'm wondering what in the world could cause the incompatibilities between Med-Tec and Project Nevada. PN only adds perks through items right?
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Julie Ann
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:29 am

Hello again Arwen. I am having another problem, this time to do with the encumbrance module. My strain level will not go up from walking or back down from resting. Jumping and melee attacking raise it. This can lead to funny situations where I am permanently passed out on the ground. I tried turning off the module, saving, and reloading, which didn't work.

I also noticed if you hold down the jump key it will quickly increase your strain meter causing you to pass out and die.

Edit: I removed the broken strain meter by loading an older save. The cause seemed to be sleeping for two hours. Sleeping the second time did not replicate it. Hopefully that's a heads up if it's a bug. The jump problem still occurs.

Community Bugfix Compilation Patch.esm
IWR - Rebuilt.esp
Better Binoculars High.esp
Moddable Unique Weps.esp
ShilohDS-Color Maps and Icons.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
Nevada Skies.esp
Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:56 am

Congratulations on the release :foodndrink:
Thank you for all the work you've put into this, it is very much appreciated.

Thanks, and you're most welcome. :)

Having loads of fun thus far! While I'm not asking for a compatibility patch, I'm wondering what in the world could cause the incompatibilities between Med-Tec and Project Nevada. PN only adds perks through items right?

I haven't kept up with PN (or hardly any other mods for a number of months) . . . can you toggle off the Primary Needs HUD? Some users on the Nexus forum have suggested that the problem might the PN HUD. I'm using the DUIPanels mod (which is a FO3 port of DarN's UI, which puts a LOT more information in the HUD, including all the Needs), and it works perfect with my Tweaks. I would like my Tweaks to be compatible with Project Nevada, so if anyone knows what has to be done to make the two compatible, please let me know.

I also noticed if you hold down the jump key it will quickly increase your strain meter causing you to pass out and die . . . The jump problem still occurs.

My solution is: Don't hold down the jump key. Seriously, why would you ever hold it down more than a second or so? My encumbrance script runs 4 times every second in v.1.9 (it was 10 times/sec in v.1.8) . . . anything slower creates too much of a lag between the displayed Strain and your actual Strain. and the jump penalty (+5 Strain) is applied if the jump key is being press. So, if you're holding it down, your Strain in increase +20 every second. Tapping the jump key will only increase your Strain by 5 points [or no points at all, depending on where the script is when you tap).
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:06 am

Just dropping by to say that this mod kicks ass, and I wouldn't play NV without it. Been following this since day one and it's great to finally have all the modules so I can do a proper playthrough :smile:
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:58 pm

I haven't kept up with PN (or hardly any other mods for a number of months) . . . can you toggle off the Primary Needs HUD? Some users on the Nexus forum have suggested that the problem might the PN HUD. I'm using the DUIPanels mod (which is a FO3 port of DarN's UI, which puts a LOT more information in the HUD, including all the Needs), and it works perfect with my Tweaks. I would like my Tweaks to be compatible with Project Nevada, so if anyone knows what has to be done to make the two compatible, please let me know.

So you think it's in the hud? But I started a new game with both on, and it froze up then too, even though hardcoe wasn't on. But maybe both scripts were running, so I'll open up PN to see if I can find a hud script.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:09 pm

My solution is: Don't hold down the jump key. Seriously, why would you ever hold it down more than a second or so? My encumbrance script runs 4 times every second in v.1.9 (it was 10 times/sec in v.1.8) . . . anything slower creates too much of a lag between the displayed Strain and your actual Strain. and the jump penalty (+5 Strain) is applied if the jump key is being press. So, if you're holding it down, your Strain in increase +20 every second. Tapping the jump key will only increase your Strain by 5 points [or no points at all, depending on where the script is when you tap).

Fair enough. I just thought I would point this out to you (as if you wouldn't already know) :tongue: The particular bed I was sleeping in is from the mod Goodsprings Home so that may be reason for the other issue.
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:42 am

I may have read the read-me too quickly, but I understand the idea behind not moving while using a stimpak, but what I don't get is what the camera does when I use one. It feels like it tries to go to third person, but the hud is still on and it's quite awkward. Did you plan on making it go to third person and I'm in some sort of weird dimensional stitch?
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:52 am

There is no 1st person animation for stimpak injections. Originally my script switched you to 3rd person view, when you injected a stimpak when in 1st person . . . but some users didn't like that (as they only play in 1st person, so this broke immersion for them). What happens now is that the 1st person view uses the 3rd person animation, which includes the animated head movements. Watch the animation from 3rd person view, and you'll see what's going on. If you're crouched, the effect is the most noticeable, as your character stands up to do an injection.

There's not much I can do about this (without making a new 1st person animation, which I don't know how to do). If this is bothersome, I would suggest only doing animations when in 3rd person.
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:42 pm

There is no 1st person animation for stimpak injections. Originally my script switched you to 3rd person view, when you injected a stimpak when in 1st person . . . but some users didn't like that (as they only play in 1st person, so this broke immersion for them).

So I'm guessing they never sit down...? But thanks for explaining, makes more sense now. Now I just need to find a big spoon...Seriously, I've been looking for like an hour now.
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:42 pm

I wanted the crafting of a Cooking Kit to involve a somewhat difficult search for all the items . . . which is why I included the big spoons, as it is a less common item. Did I make this too difficult?
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:58 pm

I think so, yes. I created a character with Medicine, Survival, and Repair. And it feels like I've only tagged two since I can't even cook anything without 4 and a half items or 100 caps or so. I can change this pretty easily by going into the GECK (or so I thought) but I can't seem to find where the recipes are, so I can't get rid of the big spoon in the ingredients.

Also, while I'm not too familiar with scripting in general, is it possible to have optional requirements? Like in order to make you need Xander root, Maize, and Cooking Kit or Grilling Kit.
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claire ley
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:25 am

If the big spoon is proving impossible to find, I can replace it with something a bit more common.
Survival, like any of the other tagged skills is still going to be pretty low until you gain a few levels.
But the cooking kit should be somewhat difficult to obtain . . . otherwise, what's the point of requiring it?

Unfortunately the Recipes do not permit OR conditional statements.
In v.2.0, I might add a way to cook a few basic things, like some of the raw meat, without requiring the cooking pot . . . but you would still need 15 Survival (which you should have it you tag Survival, and have 5 END).
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