Another lurker here.
I just want to say that i really like what you're doing. I'm enjoying your mods for a while now and after reading my fellow lurker's post i realized i never said thank you.
So: Thank you very much!
You're welcome.

And thank you for posting.
Just wanted to chime in and also tell you how much I appriciate your work. (Even though I can't play New Vegas right now. Stupid non-working, crashing, POS computer :brokencomputer:)
Keep up the good work and hopefully I can play 1.9 soon

Thanks! And you are most welcome. Sorry about your computer. I hope you can get it fixed soon.
Arwen, when's your spring break? You seem in desperate need of it.
You can always say that "it does a lot of amazing changes" in the read-me and have simply have a changelog of the break down of each script. I'm not sure what it adds/subtracts/changes you've made with it but sometimes leaving detailed script variables out to simplify an explanation can be for the best. I'll be honest, when I first got your mod I looked through all of the changes but in the recent updates I've only but skimmed the changes. The small ones, I mean. Not that massive multiple quest scripts.
I'm no longer in college (I was pushed to go to law school, because I graduated in the top of my class, but it was way too expensive for me . . . and I doubt that I would have survived all the legal writing . . . there is nothing worse (imo) than writing a law review.) So no spring break for me. I'm actually doing fine mostly . . . I just have a language related learning disability which can be really frustrating at times (like when I'm tire and trying to write too much in one day). I do need Spring though, as it is still very much winter here and hasn't made it much above freezing this week.
I'm trying to reduce my ReadMe down to the bare necessities (but that has been really difficult for me) . . . and update my website as the place to get all the details (for those users who want or need more information). And I also updated my User's Guide doc, which is included in my mod's download.
Oh, and v.1.9 is now available on Nexus . . . I'll add the update post is a bit.