My Fallout New Vegas Gameplay Overhaul, focused on making the New Vegas Mojave Wasteland a much harsher place, where your stats and skills are MUCH more important.
Current Version: 2.2 (May 18, 2011): Requires New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE). If you do not want to use NVSE, you are limited to version 1.4.2 (and earlier).
IMPORTANT! PLEASE follow my installation/update instructions carefully If you do not uninstall correctly or reinstall correctly, you could severely mess up your game. [Plus additional instructions to add the Encumbrance module's Strain Meter to the HUD.]
This mod was balanced for NORMAL Difficulty. If you normally play the game on Hard or Very Hard difficulty, PLEASE set your difficulty back to NORMAL and give my mod a chance before complaining about the balance. Using a Hard or Very Hard difficulty setting will just make the NPCs and Creatures even more difficult to kill (it will take more bullets), and your character will even be easier to kill. My Realism Tweaks already does both, so you will just be multiplying these two things . . . which will likely have negative effects.
Please do no make requests that I remove any skill damage increases, as that is totally contrary to my goal of making New Vegas a better RPG. My goal has NEVER been to make this a better FPS, so don't even try to convince me . . . I'm not budging on this. The default game includes skill damage increases . . . I just altered it a bit. The way my mod handles weapon skill is that you gain a weapon damage BONUS as your weapon skills increase. Even at 10 Skill, DAM is 9% greater than default. In the default game, any weapon that you use will not do its full DAM until your weapon skill (for that type of weapon) is at 100 (100%). With my Tweaks, a weapon will do its full DAM once your weapon skill reaches 50 (above 50 skill, the DAM will continue to increase, reaching a 1.5X DAM BONUS at 100 skill).
Here are the major changes in v.2.2:
- Expanded my "Realism Tweaks User Guide" Word doc.
- Realism Core module changes: Rebalanced weapons (mostly ranged weapons) due to 1.3 patch changes (but in a way that retains my mod's weapon balance).
- Hard-Core module: Fixed PlasmaSpaz perk, so that plasma weapons do 15% more damage, like I had intended (instead of 0.15 * DAM)
- Med-Tec module changes: Fixed bug that prevented Radiation Level from dropping while RAD damage was at 0.
- Removed the pause and restore options in the Med-Tec config/option menu (which is no longer necessary).
- NOTE: This is a minor update, and it should work just fine with any saves that were made with v.2.0 or v.2.1 of my Realism Tweaks (all you'll have to do is uninstall my Tweaks with FOMM, and then install v.2.2). For all others: you need to follow my Installing/Updating instructions carefully (see the ReadMe).
The Modules (esps): (The full details on all my changes are listed in the Realism Tweaks section my
1.) Realism Core (Arwen_NV_Realism_Core.esp):
- Required Core Module - Global tweaks that affect PC, NPCs, and Creatures. For more immersive and better balanced game play, with improved role-playing aspects.
- [Arwen's Option Menu]: for in-game change of Timescale, Menu Time, XPR Multiplier, Weapon Effects, Visual FX, Perception Based Accuracy, Fatigue Display, PipBoy Access During Combat, Hotkeys, and Crippled Weapon Penalties.
- Timescale related changes: enables use of a slower Timescale with the game's hardcoe mode, with the Needs increasing at much more realistic rates. The game clock no longer stops while in most menus. Implant Regen (used by Implant Regen Perk) is now based on Game Time, instead of on Real Time.
- Global XPR Multipliers: slow down how fast you level up by reducing ALL experience points rewards.
- Reduced Carrying Capacity: with Strength now a much larger factor, but equipped armor and helmets now weigh much less than when carried.
- Reduced Base Health: Endurance is now a much greater factor, and your HPs now longer increase when you level up. For equal Endurance, most NPCs will now have more HPs than the player.
- Movement Speed: increased holstered weapon Speed Bonus, slower speed when running backward (Agility based), and greater Crippled Speed penalties.
- Pain now has greater effect on player, and swimming or wading in radioactive water is now 10 times more deadly (but Radiation Accumulation rate remains at default).
- More immersive and more balanced VATS; and new Action Points formula (with Agility being a greater factor).
- Smarter AI: combat is now more challenging, and detection is more realistic.
- Dynamic Stealth: detection changes for interior vs. exterior cells, time of day, and weather conditions. Your PipBoy Light will now make you very visible; and other player actions (such as jumping and opening doors) will now alert your enemies.
- Balances armor/clothing values, weight, damage threshold, and "enchanted" effects.
- Localized Damage changes were made to all the default body types.
- Increased Weapon Skill DAM multiplier (a Bonus multiplier, not a penalty reduction). Weapon skill requirement penalties were increased (more gun sway when using a weapon that is beyond your skill level).
- Condition of a ranged weapon now has less effect on how much damage it does, but damaged weapons are less accurate, will not fire as fast, and have a greater chance of jamming after reloading. Automatic Weapons now take a bit longer to cool down.
- All weapons rebalanced: underpowered weapons were improved and overpowered weapons were reduced in DAM/sec. Skill and weight requirements were increased for many weapons. Energy weapons received a major overhaul (and DT reductions were added to the ammo). Melee Weapons generally had their DAM reduced (but a few were increased).
- Removed the zoomed-in view when aiming most non-scoped pistols (and a couple of the rifles), but scopes added with mod kits will still zoom correctly.
- Crippled (arm) Weapon Penalties: cannot equip some 2-handed weapons (optional), decreased pistol accuracy when right arm is crippled, reduced Melee damage, and disabled VATS.
- Perception Based Accuracy (optional): disables Auto-Aim, with aiming accuracy based on player's current Perception.
- Custom Weapon Effects adds fatigue damage, with knockouts (applies to both player and NPCs).
- No PipBoy Access During Combat (disabled by default): and the default hotkeys (1-8) will not work during combat, but you can still cycle through your hotkey items.
- Burns: continue to damage HP after the flames stop, and now include new Agility penalties.
- Poison: increased and slower HP damage, and now include new Agility penalties.
- Projectiles: more balanced (and a bit more realistic)
- Explosions: rebalanced explosive force, damage, and radius; most explosions now knock you down. Improved Grenade physics, and more realistic Death Force physics.
- Immersive visual changes: Spent shells now last 4 game hours. Removed most of the "Get Hit" lag. Optional custom Visual FXs when wearing sunglasses and reading glasses, and for loss of AGL and PER.
- Improvements were made to NPC's armor and weapons, across all levels, resulting in more challenging enemies.
- More Caps for Merchants - all merchants now have twice as many caps (Wasteland currency).
2.) Hard-Core module (Arwen_NV_Hard-Core.esp):
- Optional module, but this one requires that my Realism Core module is installed.
- Expands the difficulty and challenge of the Realism Core module, and your character's stats will have a much greater impact on your game play.
- Initial Skill Points: you will now have 5 less points to distribute in your SPECIALs, and will begin your game with about half as many skill points, and your skill points should increase roughly half as fast.
- When you first install this module, my Hard-Core Quest will be initialized soon after my Realism Core is fully activated. When beginning a new game, or when loading a saved game in which you are still at level 1, my Hare-Core Quest will reset your number of SPECIAL points to 35; plus you will have to select your tagged skills and traits again (since you may want to reconsider these, after seeing the results of my Skill Points reductions).
- Skill Books: are not "consumed," but are now replaced with a Read version. You now gain just 2 points from each Skill book that you read (3 points with the Educated Perk).
- Skill Magazines: only give +5 skill points for 90 seconds (180 seconds with Retention Perk, and +10 skill points with Comprehension Perk) and each now weighs 1 pound.
- Perks: Can now select a Perk at each level up. All 88 Regular Perks, a couple Challenger Perks, and half the Companion Perks were modified. I also added a few of my own unique perks (especially for lower-skilled characters), since perk requirements were generally increased.
- Adds Gender bonuses/penalties, including gender-based weapon skill requirements.
- Fewer HPs than with Realism Core [10 less HPs for females, and 25 less HPs for males].
- Greatly reduced carrying capacity [for 1 to 10 STR: 45 to 135 pounds for females, and 50 to 185 pounds for males].
- Decreased spawned loot: with the amount of loot now based on your Luck stat (each point of Luck increases the spawn rates by 5%). Luck is now a much more important stat.
- Dynamic Respawn Rates for zones: now range from 24 to 108 hours, based on Timescale setting (default game respawn rate is 72). A 4 Timescale = 36 hour rate (every 1.5 days) and a 12 Timescale = 108 hour rate (every 4.5 days).
- Bartering Overhaul: Globally reduced the value of all items (this in on top of the Realism Core's reduced values for many of the weapons and armor). But merchants will charge LOT more for items, and you'll get a LOT less for what you trade with them (based on your Bartering skill) . . . making Charisma an important stat.
- Repair Overhaul: items used for repairs will now improve the weapon or armor a bit less, your repair limit is now gender-based (male bonus).
3.) Encumbrance module (Arwen_NV_Encumbrance.esp):
- Totally optional and independent mod (but was balanced and created to be used with my Realism Core and Hard-Core module).
- You now suffer from Strain (similar to fatigue), which increases when walking with more than 100% encumbrance, and whenever you are running (at any encumbrance). Strain is based on game time, so Strain increases faster with faster Timescales.
- The higher your encumbrance limits, the shorter distance you will be able to travel, and the more you will hurt yourself if you reach your limit.
- With an encumbrance of less than 60%, you will be able to run for roughly 24 GAME MINUTES before your Stain reaches 100%, but at 100% encumbrance, you'll only be able to run for about 5 game minutes.
- When walking with 110% encumbrance, you will last about 12 game minutes before you need to rest, but with 150% encumbrance, you will need to rest every 3 game minutes.
- Strain increases faster when you are injured. And jumping and melee attacks (swinging a melee weapon) will both increase Strain.
- If your Strain exceeds 100% you will collapse, injure yourself, and your unholstered weapon will return to your inventory.
- Using Jet or Ultra Jet will immediately clear your Strain (resetting it to 0), which can be a lifesaver during combat.
- HUD Strain display: movable by holding down the grab key for 2 seconds, and then by using the arrow keys to move it. When your Strain is over 45%, your character will start breathing hard. Your Strain percentage will turn red when your Strain reaches 70% and your character will start breathing harder. At 85% Strain, the text starts flashing, warning that you are near your limit. Note: the Srain meter will not be dispayed unless you follow my Stain HUD Setup instructions exactly (just after install).
- Your current Health is factored into your Strain increase rate (25% slower at 100% Health; 50% faster at 25% Health).
- Strain decreases when you rest (when you stop running, or when you stop walking with over 100% encumbrance), and while you are in menus. How fast your Strain decreases depends on how encumbered you are. Plus your Strain will decrease 60% faster when you are sitting or crouching (non-moving sneak mode).
- During combat your Strain will only be reduced when you are not moving. And will not be reduced during combat when in menu mode.
- Dynamic Jump: based on your Agility and Encumbrance. You will not be able to jump when your AGL is really low, when you are over-encumbered, or when a leg is crippled.
- Dynamic movement speeds: the more you are encumbered, the slower you move. You also gain a running speed bonus when your encumbrance is low, as long as your health is fairly good.
- My Encumbrance notes are also added to your inventory, for easy reference.
4.) Med-Tec module (Arwen_NV_Med-Tec.esp):
- Optional module, but requires Realism Core module (balanced specifically to be used with my Full Realism Tweaks).
- A complete Needs & Injuries Overhaul, made to work with and enhance the default hardcoe needs (should still work if the hardcoe mode is not enabled).
- Med-Tec Quest begins 10 game minutes after leaving Doc's (or after being initialized in a saved game).
- Med-Tec Scanner tracks 22 stats and expands self-treatment; Quick Scan Hotkey [M] monitors your most vital stats during game play; automatic scan whenever you are injured.
*** The Injury Part:
- Adds Wounds, Burns, Blood Loss, Trauma, and Infections (and their treatment). Injuries are based directly on degree of injury, type of weapon, and Armor Level.
- Moderate injuries slowly heal, based on your Endurance. Severe injuries require medical treatment, where self-treatments are based on your Medicine skill.
- Your Health slowly Regenerates, but only when your Wound Level is less than 2, and when you are not receiving penalties for being Hungry, Thirsty, or Very Tired (10 Sleep Need).
- Wounds increase in severity up to Level 10, with Moderate Wounds beginning at Level 2 (when your health regen stops), and Severe Wounds beginning at Level 5 (where you suffer from loss of blood). Wounds higher than Level 3 will slowly become infected. Once an infection reaches Level 6, it damages your health, and the only cure requires an injection of Antibiotics.
- Bleeding is treated using your Med-Tec to apply bandages, or target a Stimpak injection to speed up clotting. A leather belt can be used to temporarily reduce blood flow. Bleeding stops once your Wound Level drops below 5.
- Blood Level is tracked in units of Blood Lost: if your Blood Lost reaches 8, your health will deteriorate. Blood slowly regenerates on its own, but you may need a Blood Transfusion to recover after excessive blood loss.
- Burns increase in severity up to Level 12, with Severe Burns beginning at Level 8 (Third-Degree Burns).
- Trauma injuries (bruising and tissue damage) increase in severity up to Level 10, with Severe Trauma beginning at Level 7 (Torso Trauma).
- Damaged limbs slowly heal, but only if the limb is not crippled (a Medical Brace is then require to heal). Braces can be used multiple times if your medical skills are high enough.
- Doctor's Bags require 25 Medicine, only non-crippled limbs are treated, and Head and Torso injuries will be healed 20% (even if crippled). The Doctor's Bag is no longer consumed, but is replaced with an Empty Doctor's Bag (used to craft a new Doctor Bag).
- Doctors no longer fully heal moderate or severe injuries. What you get for your caps is treatment, not instant health restoration (you will often leave splinted and bandaged). And your personal infirmary can now only be used to treat your injuries.
- Bandages, Tourniquets, and Splints all have penalties while they are equipped, and are automatically removed when they are no longer needed.
- Stimpak Animation Effect (with Hotkey): You can still give yourself an injection during combat, but this now happens in real time, while you will be incapacitated for a few seconds. Each injection also damages your Fatigue, messes up your vision, and reduces your Strength.
- Most other chems were also rebalanced, and medical supplies for doctors and general merchants are restocked daily.
*** The Needs Part:
- My Med-Tec Needs are synced with the default needs when this is first activated. The default needs will then be deactivated, but the default display will still function and will be kept in sync with my Med-Tec Needs.
- Water Need is now Dynamic: basic requirement is 40 ounces/day, but increases 50% while outdoors in the heat of the day, and decreases 50% while sleeping.
- Beverages no longer have any healing effect, but most will reduce your Water Need, with the greatest amounts coming from the purest types of bottled water. Liquor dehydrates you, and hard liquor now restores your Fatigue (instead of giving a Strength boost).
- Empty water bottles can be refilled, but you can only fill a water bottle when the bottle and the activator water types match. You can still drink from surface water, but cannot fill your water bottles from it. All but Purified Water contain some radiation and bacteria, and surface water is high in both.
- Nuka Colas (and other stimulants) use my Jolt effect to reduce your Sleep Need, but your Need jumps back up when my Jolt effect wears off.
- Food no longer has any healing effect, and Food Need is now based on your Permanent Strength and Endurance. An average PC (5STR,5END) requires 24 Food Units every 24 game hours (1 unit/hour). There are 10 Food Levels, from Food+1 through Food+10. Uncooked food is now higher in Rads, but Fresh Fruit and Vegetables will now reduce your Rads.
- Cooking is more necessary: meat taken from dead animals is now Raw Meat (high in bacteria and RADS). Raw Meat and some of the packaged food will be less nourishing unless it is cooked. Includes new recipes for all this raw meat and for the packaged food. A Cooking Kit is required for most of the campfire recipes; and a Mess Kit makes eating meals much more sanitary (lower in bacteria). Both Kits can be purchased from most merchants, or crafted if you have the skill.
- New basic "Pan Fried" recipes do not require the full Cook Kit . . . just a Metal Cooking Pan (in your inventory) and a large, sharp knife (that must be equipped for these new recipes to be visible).
- Eating causes your Digestion Level to increase (will slowly decrease when you are not eating). Eating when you are not hungry makes you sick, gaining no benefit from the food. But your Digestion Level will still increase a bit (because you now have indigestion).
- When your RADS are 100 or higher, your Radiation Level will increase while you are digesting food; and will slowly decrease once your Digestive Level returns to 0, or whenever your RADS drop below 100. You get Radiation Sickness when your Radiation Level reaches 5, and you no longer gain any benefit from eating or drinking (you will just get sick). Radiation Sickness lasts until your Radiation Level drops back down below 5.
- Bacteria Level: Uncooked meat and open sources of water (cisterns, puddles, streams, etc.) are high in Bacteria. The only water that is free of Bacteria is purified bottled water. Having a Mess Kit in your inventory when you eat most food will reduce the amount of Bacteria. If your Bacteria Level reaches 5, you will become sick with food poisoning. There is no treatment for Food Poisoning, you just have to wait until your bacteria level drops below Level 5. You will gain no benefit from eating when you have Food Poisoning, you will just get sick.
- You require 1 hour of Sleep for every 2 hours that you are awake. When your Sleep Need is 0, you won't need to sleep for 16 hours before becoming Sleepy; after 20 hours you'll be Very Tired; after 24 hours you'll be Exhausted. You heal while you are sleeping, but at exactly the same rate as when you are awake, and with the same restrictions. You cannot sleep or wait when you have excessive bleeding; you cannot take a nap until your Sleep Need is greater than 1 hour; and the longest you can sleep is the amount of your Sleep Need (rounded up).
- Tanning Hides now requires a large, sharp knife (a combat-type knife). You have to have one equipped for the tanning recipes to be visible.
- [Med-Tec Options menu]: Prepare to uninstall; Change the Med-Tec Scan hotkey; change the Stimpak Injection hotkey.
5.) Camera module (Arwen_Camera.esp):
- Totally optional, independent module
- I really didn't like the default over-the-shoulder camera, because of how far off center it was.
- My version is MUCH tighter (closer to center), resulting in a true over-the-shoulder view, making it easier to aim when in 3rd person.
- The Kill Camera mode (if you have this enabled) happens less often and is now a second shorter in length, making it much less distracting during combat.
- The Chase Camera's maximum distance is 3 times further away, so that you can now view you entire character. Plus you can now zoom out 3 times further when you're in vanity mode.
See my ReadMe (or my website) for:
- Installing/uninstalling (and Updating) procedures (which MUST be followed, or you run the risk of messing up your character's stats . . . and your Strain Meter will not work).
- Load Order
- Compatibility/Incompatibility with other mods.
- Bethesda and Obsidian for making Fallout New Vegas and releasing the GECK, so that we can mod the game.
- The New Vegas Script Extender Team for making NVSE
- 'DarN', for making the "DarNified UI F3" mod
- 'Imp of the Perverse', for his "HUD Counter Template" modder's resource, and for personally helping me add my Strain stat to DarN's UI.
- All the users who have given me such great feedback, and have helped chase down all those pesky bugs.
Download link: