Wow, do share! I've been remaking the game's damage system to go with my Shooter mod and have noticed that NPCs always aim for the head. It becomes quite a problem when they just whittle away the condition of the helmet until an incapacitation can occur, regardless of other armor. They may not always hit the head, but if you increase their accuracy you can see that it's always the target--even with melee weapons. The iCombatTargetPlayerSoftCap setting seemed most promising but I didn't see any change when its value was modified.
I also initially tried messing around with the iCombatTargetPlayerSoftCap values, but I never noticed that anything changed . . . does anyone have any idea of what it does/is-for?
I've been trying another setting, under Body Part Data, which seems to reduce the high rate of receiving head shots . . . but I need to test more before I can tell if it actually makes a difference, or my character was just getting a lucky break from the Raiders. Once I'm fairly sure I'll share what I did.
Does anyone know how NPCs actually target the PC (and other NPCs and Creatures)? I have to wonder if they are using using the game VATS targeting, which could explain a lot of what is happening.
Arwen, Just wanted to say that I've been using your AI tweaks (and urging others to try it) on top of FWE . . . really adds a lot to the experience!
Thanks! I really respect your opinion, since you have LOT more experience at modding and balancing this game than I do.
I'd be curious to see what you have come up with regarding accuracy tweaks (i.e. getting hit in the head all the time). Combat Enhanced Tactics used a game settings that was like fNPCMaxGunWobble or something like that (filter for wobble in the gamesetting GECK list). He doubled the original value and it definetly seemed to reduce their accuracy overall a bit, which works well alongside mods like FWE and your tweaks that adjust the global accuracy values. Did you come up with anything else?
Do you mean "fNPCMaxGunWobbleAngle"? As I understand it the fNPCMaxGunWobbleAngle setting only kicks in when the NPC's arms are crippled. So this helps some, since the ones who have injured (right) arms won't be nearly as accurate (increases spread ... I think.), but I don't believe this has any effect on NPCs with uninjured arms.
I don't know if any of your tweak users have reported it either, but I've been struggling with FWE's changes not giving the most consistent / accurate results in VATS. Many times with only 1-5% chance to hit, all the bullets seem to hit, or a much higher percentage than should be. I'm not sure if this is a problem with VATS related gamesettings or the general accuracy gamesettings.
EDIT: This is purely speculation, but I feel like the VATS hit % numbers you see on screen are not based on the same thing that the actual hit %'s are reporting. I of course have no way to verify this =)
I don't recall anyone mentioning this . . . but I HAVE noticed it in my own game (not sure if this is from my own mod or from one of the others that I'm using . . . I'm blaming it on my mod until I can rule it out). I'm guessing that the numbers are waaay off, as I'm hitting way too often when the given percentage is in the single digits.
Edit/update: I figured out what it likely causing the low percentage numbers: Gun spread is apparently the main way that weapon skill affects VATS accuracy ... and I've doubled the default fVATSSpreadMult from 0.5 to 1.0 (which makes it the same as with regular combat). I don't recall if CEP also altered this setting. But this is not part of my SmarterAI module ... it is part of my VATS module.