Have fun digesting files containing 10,000+ lines of code liberally mixing C++ and C, without even function docstrings, much less inline comments or proper documentation. I've admired the studio for their support and certainly applaud their decision to open-source the game, but that code is not for the faint of heart.
Mmm, yes, its definitely not well documented and indeed it is being a [censored] to decipher some of the things. This a really weird approach, I am guessing when they were coding the game everyone knew what they were doing. Well, kinda, there have been 8 patches for the game. Usually when I code anything I tend to write novels. Oh well, still its pretty interesting and I will most definitely learn some new things. Sad thing is I'm gonna have to rely on google and books on that, but oh well uncommented code is better than no code

I was wondering, hypothetically as I have no experience with DirectX and its libraries, but would it be possible to recode the game engine to use the newer dx libraries to improve the graphics? I know they can't release the any tools for editing the 3D models, but maybe adding newer dx functions would improve the overall look of the game. Also someone should definitely try at least creating a texture replacer for the game, though the textures are in bmp format which to this day I still can't comprehend as to why someone would do that. I would really like to see an Arx modding community. Its one of the things that this game could've greatly benefited from.