Okay, I just went to wikiOblivion or whatever its called. Apparently Pelinal was an avatar. I think it was Shor/Akotosh one of these gods. Reminds me a bit of Hercules, does great deeds, but it a bit of a #$%! up lol. But, an avatar is a god actually taking residence in the mortal plane. How can a mortal take residence in the godly plain is what I'm asking?
Go to the http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page or http://www.imperial-library.info/ for your lore needs.

There is no godly plane. The Aedra "died" and they became Nirn. They do not have a plane. The "plane" of a Daedric Prince is actually the Daedric Prince itself; it doesn't inhabit a world, it decided to make itself resemble a plane[t], but it still
is the plane[t].
The Aubris is like a wheel. The hub is the Mundus, the spokes are... I forget what they are. The spaces in between the spokes are empty space, collectively called the void of Oblivion. A lot of that stuff is in Vivec's Sermons, which I haven't really fully read. I'm just recalling info I've soaked up from previous threads on the Lore forums. There's the Aetherius, too, but I'm not sure where that goes in a spatial arrangement of the universe (which is probably impossible anyway). I think it's just raw magicka or something? The Dreamsleeve is the mechanic by which mortal souls go through and get stripped of their memories; it is a big soul recycler.