I'd say keep that title, Of Ash & Blight. Caught my attention right away.
My two biggest ideas were -
1 - Disease should not be as easy to get rid of as "Click... drag... drop potion!" and it's gone, especially Blight. I was thinking something similar to NOM's drunken feature - could that be switched to match a "You are sick..."/ "You have a deadly infection!" type deal that sticks around for awhile, even after you take the cure? If Blight is as feared as cancer, why shouldn't the cures for it be detrimental to your body, like chemo or something? Maybe a little extreme...
The Blight is magically engineered - getting that cured ought to be a chore. My idea involved long-lasting effects that only went away days after taking a Cure Blight Potion - Stunted Magicka, health restrictions, blind/mute/deaf, etc. And, why shouldn't Blight can't affect vamps, werewolves, etc? That's balogna! Spells and vampirism, etc, ought to provide a pretty good resistance - but with the way everyone fears the Blight, only the Nerevarine ought to be fully immune to the Blight.
2 - Why does it seem a few Sleepers in caves and pesky Cliff Racers doesn't seem so terrifying? I don't know if anyone else has addressed that, I saw your thing about the blight rats, but I see that this could be integral to the purpose of the mod. Basically: Fallen Ordinators and Blight Armigers. How beast would they be? Like Sith Ordinators or something! Blight Werewolves and Vampires (who cares if they have 100% immunity, he's Dagoth Ur, and they'd wanna join him anyway!), mutated warriors of every race (MCA style?), Dagoth's own Ashlanders, Dark Brotherhood/Tong assassins, etc. That may be less of a Of Ash & Blight idea, and more towards a 6th House Creature expansion, but still!
I love the masks and helms, those look fantastic! Keep up the good work! Probably too overkill for what you seem to be handling right now, but I've been thinking of this same thing for ages - good luck with this! Hope that's not too long.
1) That is interesting I will look into such a thing, if it could be scripted. Possibly there will be a Blight Hard Cure.esp or something which would make the disease harder to get rid of.
2) Hopefully there will also be a creature addition type .esp for this too (even if small amount of additions). I will see what I end up including, I like the idea of Waste Rats and Blight Moths though. MCA does already have quite a lot in regards to the Sixth House, so I will most likely just leave that alone.
I like the title. It apeals to the enviroment and lore you try to reach with this mod. I have a suggestion I have seen your armors and the hasardous conditions you try to achive and I think that it would do well to add some deept to the ashlander tribes culture. I mean that they seem to be living in the ashlands as Robinson Crusoe would. Eversince my first go on Morrowind when I heard of the "nomadic tribes of ashlanders". I sort of depicted them much like the Freemen from Dune. And seeing your armors I think that if they had chitin based helms and wraps like yours they would be a step closer to the impresion the game gives you about them in dialogue. Don{t know if you plan to go to far on this becose to give the proper feel for example a "tent" is no proper refuge to the perilious ash storms nor against the madness driven blighted bests of the ashlands. I think the ashlanders should be more nomadic (move from one place to another, around a circuit of say 3 locations (script based)) they should habe the best equipment and they should know all caves and refuges along the ashlands.
The idea is that your travels in the ashlands would be greatly simplified once you become a clan friend, product of knowing their hideouts and the places were they burry/hide curative potions, medicines, and (with NOM patch) food and water. You would learn their moving months so you could chart your travel knowing you can drop by and sleep on camp. and so on.
It{s a complex idea, but you are an experianced modder, Hope you can at least drive some inspiration out of this!!
Best wishes for this mod!
I agree that if the Ashlanders were actually nomadic it would be amazing. I'm surprised that no one has ever tackled that so far. But regardless, that is a little outside the scope of this mod. Though my scope IS expanding

You definitely did give me an idea though: Ashlanders taking shelter in certain caves during ash/blight storms. They would be equipped with some of my armor, naturally (just so it gets an appearance...). These would be new NPCs who just have a scripted chance of appearing in certain caverns. Along with some scripted stuff that would appear along with them.
And I do plan to include either new NPCs in ashlander camps and/or add some of the armor to certain NPCs where appropriate. This mod will most likely be modular, if I can get it to that point, since currently I am working in one .esp. I'll just split it up when I'm finished I suppose.