Ash and Steel

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:23 am

I know, we've seen enough of these. But I know some people enjoy a simple Morrowind sandbox RP... or at least, I do. So I figured I'd give it a shot. If you're interested, post a profile AND WAIT FOR MY OKAY BEFORE YOU BEGIN POSTING. Failure to wait for my approval will have consequences. It would also be best if we kept it slow until we had a good number of players (4-5) signed on.

Here's what you need to know.


Its a few months before the Nerevarine will arive in Morrowind and defeat Dagoth Ur. Ash storms roll across the island of Vvardenfell, the Great Houses are at each other's throats, the Empire is trying to get a grip on things, and evil lurks in the darkest corners of the earth.

What will you do?

Will you be a mercenary who signs on to fight with one of the Great Houses? Will you be a mage who wishes to prove his worth to the guild? Will you be a barmaid who dreams of one day being a noblewoman? Will you be a bard who's nightmares are filled with visions of a golden mask?

The choice is yours...


The Rules:

Naturally, you should read the guides to RPing on this forum before you join. I would reeeeeally prefer if you knew what you were doing, or at least had a decent idea or a strong will to learn about it.

-No godmodding. Try to be believable in who you are and what you do. (No half-Dremora barbarian princes who hack off limbs and shrug off arrows without pausing to catch a breath)
-Respect your other players, and be mindful of them. (Don't ignore what the other players are doing, as this can easily become important. Also, don't make life miserable for them.)
-As far as content goes, I'm not strict. But stay within forum rules. (Swear only when called for, same with gore. Romance is okay, but no graphic six scenes that make our eyes bleed, please.)
-Don't mutilate the backstory. (NO, you may not decide that Morrowind suddenly is at war with Skyrim. Only I can decide on game changing things like that.)
-Don't cause trouble. (No flaming, don't break these few simple rules, do not ignore stuff I tell you, and play nice.)
-Have fun. (Goes without saying, but still...)


So how do you play?

Simple. Run your character by me, get permission to start, and enjoy the land of Morrowind. Do whatever you want, as long as its within the realm of plausibility. (I would say believability, but come on... Elves fall from the sky, for crying out loud! :lol:) If you bump into another character, there are a few things you can do.

-Inititiate a conversation. (Say something to their character, and leave it at that. Let them do their parts, as a conversation should be...)
-Ignore them. (Handy if you don't want to be part of their plot, or you're still getting the hang of things...)
-Challenge them to Mortal Kombat! (Highly ill advised... but funny. :P)

When you bump into another character, be sure to put "TAG: *player's name*" at the end of your post, so they know its their turn to act.


A few other things...


I will play the roll of most major NPCs, as well as my own character. If you want to bump into somebody of your own device, though, go ahead. Just don't bump into the Emperor in Balmora or something silly like that... I will also control most major enemies and creatures, especially in combat. But again, if you have something special like a nix-hound or a pair of bandits in mind, go ahead...


When you get into a fight, it works the same way as a conversation. You write your bit, the other person writes theirs. If fighting a creature or NPC, write your action and wait for my response. For example, Player A stabs at Bandit B. I write that Bandit B's armor blocks the weapon, but he's knocked off balance. Player A can then try to push him over, cut his head off, or whatever. I'll tell them what happens next.


I'll be paying attention. If you play nice, get a good plot going, or otherwise make this RP enjoyable, expect things to go your way. If you cause trouble, argue with another player, or otherwise get on my nerves, don't be surpised when life starts to svck for your character. Make me laugh, and you might find a neat item in the grass beside the road. Bug the other players, and your character might find himself feeling ill, or worse.


No two sentence posts, please. Try to add some depth to your writing. If I see anything like "Bob went to Balmora, bought a potion, went to Vivic, sold the potion, and then went hunting." I will smite you faster than you can say "WABBAJACK!!"


So, anybody interested? If so, just fill out the basic form. Feel free to add extra details if you want...



General Goal(s) and Purpose(s): (optional)

Like I said, wait until I okay your character before you start writing, and if possible wait until other people join before we actually get serious...

Feel free to ask any questions, offer suggestions, or point out problems. :)

Its also worth pointing, before I forget, that this is a casual RP. If you can post 5 times a day, thats perfectly fine. But if you can only post once or twice a day, thats okay too. I just don't want people getting this thing running at break-neck speed and leaving else way behind. So if people start to get lost and confused, please slow it down a bit... I'll also be without internet on weekends, so try not to cause too much trouble while I'm gone. ;)

Oh, and if you guys want, a Time and Location thing would be nifty, too. For example...

Balmora: Afternoon

Bob staggered through the front gates of Balmora, clutching the wound in his side. As his vision began to blur from blood loss, he noticed a familiar form standing nearby. It was Steve! Bob began to stumble towards his old friend, his strength quickly leaving his body. Finally, he found himself unable to go on, and his body fell limply to the dirt with a dull thud. He lay still, darkness quickly overtaking him. However, he was still alive... barely.

(TAG: Steve's player.)"

Alrighty then... are we clear? So, who wants to play? :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:27 pm

EDIT: I'll be posting a character, or two, after dinner and edit this again. Looking forward to it.

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Louise Lowe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:55 am

Lets keep it to one character each, for now. ;) If the game works out pretty good and I see you're more than capable or playing two characters, or if we suddenly have a need for characters since half our players quit or something like that. :P
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:49 pm

OOC:sounds like time for a Dumner Bard with an obsession over alcoholic alchemy!
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:49 pm

OOC: Sounds good to me! :D Hopefully more people will join. I kind of expected a little more activity, actually... :shrug:
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:14 am

Sandbox RP in Morrowind? Sure, why the heck not? I'll reach into my barrel of oddities, yank one out by the scruff and toss him or her your way when I get home. :P
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:08 am

Sweet! Glad to have you aboard. And fear not, you'll have a lot more freedom this time around. ;) I've learned my lessons from The Cave and TES: Bioshock, and I think I've gotten the formula for good RP Hosting down this time...

Oh, I need to find my character. I know he's somewhere around here... *begisn to scour the Fan Fiction forum*
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:31 pm

ooc: I'm in, I'll make a character eventually. (damn the return of the procrastination)
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:26 am

Just someone I whipped up (And don't worry Lycan, I'm not going to be RPing her as some sixfiend or anything; she isn't going to try and bed everyone she meets. It just adds to the character)

Name: Keelin the Promiscuous
Race: Nord/Imperial
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Build: Athletic/Curvy

Location: Balmora, Vvardenfell. (Subject to change?)
Class: Barmaid -- Wannabe Adventurer.
Class Description: The serving and waiting of alcoholic drinks and food in the employ of an Inn or Tavern keeper. Mediocre pay, but generally free food and a roof over your head if you don't mind the occasional butt slap from drunk patrons.

Appearance: Not one to indulge in food despite being around plenty, Keelin has kept a very good athletic, yet curvy figure. After all, as she sees it, an adventurer has to be attractive. Not to be described as beautiful in the face, she generally makes up for it in her mind with her other ample assets, usually making her sought out by quite a lot of men and mer alike. Long brown hair wavy inherited from her mother flows down her neck and settles around her shoulders.
Scars/Marks/Tattoos: A small nondescript birthmark on the nape of her neck.
Personality: There's nothing more fun to Keelin than a roll in the hay, hence her given title, and going on a grand adventure across Morrowind (Or at least, that's how she views it. Not that she'd tell anyone, but she hasn't been outside the fringes of the Balmora region all her life) Despite these facts, Keelin is genuinely a good person with an amiable and open personality and extroverted nature. Because she has seen very little hardships in her life, she has a naive view of the world where everything is black and white, or good and evil. But this also has an advantage as she is always persistent and headstrong where others would despair or weary.

Weapons/Equipment: Being little more than a barmaid, Keelin doesn't earn much money, so the only weapon she owns is a Nord-style steel Shortsword. Apart from that she has little equipment apart from everyday needs and despite her "adventures" keeps all her personal items in her room above the Inn.
Clothes/Armor: Despite wanting to be an adventurer, Keelin has only one serviceable piece of armour, and that is a short sleeved hauberk of steel mail. When not out "adventuring", Keelin wears a close-fitted green tunic, bound at the waist by a thick black belt. She also wears tight fitting moleskin trousers and calf high black leather boots. When working, she usually wears an apron over this, or when "adventuring" a coarse grey cloak.
-A gold hammer totem on a necklace around her neck, from her father.
-A leatherbound journal.
-A novice Mortar & Pestle.
-An empty vial.

Spells: N/A
Skills: Minor Blade, Stitching, Horse Riding, Minor Alchemy (Does serving drinks count?)
Strengths: Her personality. Being relatively physically weak, Keelin must rely on her unwavering persistence and quest for glory.
Weaknesses: Has no grasp of Magicka and not well trained in combat or educated in the ways of the world.
Likes: Fresh baked bread, wine, walks and adventuring, Khajiits (She finds them cute and cuddly, much to some Khajiit's disgust)
Hates: The smell of fish, kwama in general, slavery.

Bio: Born and raised in Balmora, her father was a famous Nord adventurer, Harald the Blue (non-canon obviously) and her mother an Imperial Barkeep like herself who ended up living together for several years. When Keelin was only 8, Harald left Balmora with no apparent reason, saying that he was off on an adventure to Red Mountain at the heart of Vvardenfell, leaving only a necklace for her. Keelin then lived with her mother, dreaming of going on a grand adventure with her beloved father while her mother grew more bitter and cynical by the day. Her mother passed away when Keelin was 16 and left to the care of the local Innkeeper, Areyn.

General Goal(s) and Purpose(s): To one day become a famous and wealthy adventurer like her father.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:49 pm

Excellent! I like it... And like I said, romance and stuff is fine by me, as long as its not explicit. Implied stuff is okay as long as it doesn't bother anyone, though I doubt we'll have to worry about that anyway. *recalls TES: Bioshock* Then again...... :facepalm:

Oh, and your background works quite nicely with one of the missions I had in mind for ya'll... ;)

Next? :D
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Charlotte X
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:34 am

Excellent! I like it... And like I said, romance and stuff is fine by me, as long as its not explicit. Implied stuff is okay as long as it doesn't bother anyone, though I doubt we'll have to worry about that anyway. *recalls TES: Bioshock* Then again...... :facepalm:

Oh, and your background works quite nicely with one of the missions I had in mind for ya'll... ;)

Looking forward to it :foodndrink:
I'll bring it to the attention of some others if they havn't seen it already. This has definitely got potential to be awesome.
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:14 pm

Sorry guys, I gotta go home. I think I have the flu... So no posting from me for the next few days, if not a week. You guys can still post your characters and stuff, but I don't think we can get underway until Sunday or so, more than likely. :shrug: Sorry guys...
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:13 pm

im awaiting approval :D
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James Rhead
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:34 pm

Name: Svavar
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Build: Skinny as a twig :D
Appearance: Skinny, 6'0", premature gray hair of medium length, and a serious look.
Scars/Marks/Tattoos: Pentagram tattoo on his right hand. (He claims it helps him do great magic *rolls eyes*)
Personality: Dislikes being social. Loves magic and food.
Clothes/Armor: A robe the darkest shade of black you can find.
Items: An amulet he stole from the mages guild. He still doesn't know what it does.

Spells: Frost Diver, Frost Bolt, and Frost Shield. (All his spells are weak on account of he isn't really trained...*wink wink* I hope there's another mage....)
Skills: Destruction Magic.... and eating?
Strengths: Magic?
Weaknesses: Physical work of any kind.
Likes: The cold.
Hates: Physical activity.

Bio: Svavar had always loved magic. He never loved people. When he got into the Mages Guild he enjoyed it for about half an hour before he started to realize how many people there actually were, but he stuck with it because of his love for magic. On his 2nd year when his teachers were in a conference about only god knows what Svavar snuck into a teachers room and made off with an amulet. The amulet was cold to the touch but Svavar had NO idea what it did and he didn't want to try it and as soon as he did his old teacher would poof into the room. Once out of the Guild he wondered in the woods complaining the whole way about walking. He found an abandoned house in the woods away from everyone and set up shop there trying to learn the amulets secrets.

(Criticize it!! Beat me into a pulp with your comments!! I am new to forum RPing and I would like to get better so tell me it's bad and to start over if it is!! I must improve!! Or just leaves some suggestions... :D)
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:40 pm

Havok, I've PMed you on the subject. ;)

MunkeE, I shall do as you command and nit-pick you to death now. :evil: Nah, just kidding. But I will point out a few things. It seems like a good character, but why would he randomly steal an amulet? It just seems... pointless. He's already learning magic, and it makes no sense for him to just throw his career away over a little trinket. Oh, and why a pentagram? That has no purpose or power in the Elder Scrolls, and plus it automatically tarnishes a character's image and makes them seem like an attempt at being "cool" or something along those lines. :P

Aw man... I was hoping for some more interest. We only need 2 or so more players... Where are Webster, Fubb, FC4, and the other guys who usually play with me? :sad:
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 pm

ooc: maybe they haven't seen this yet.

Character coming within 24 hours.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:04 pm

Havok, I've PMed you on the subject. ;)

MunkeE, I shall do as you command and nit-pick you to death now. :evil: Nah, just kidding. But I will point out a few things. It seems like a good character, but why would he randomly steal an amulet? It just seems... pointless. He's already learning magic, and it makes no sense for him to just throw his career away over a little trinket. Oh, and why a pentagram? That has no purpose or power in the Elder Scrolls, and plus it automatically tarnishes a character's image and makes them seem like an attempt at being "cool" or something along those lines. :P

Aw man... I was hoping for some more interest. We only need 2 or so more players... Where are Webster, Fubb, FC4, and the other guys who usually play with me? :sad:

I bet that last bit sounded better in you're head didnt it? I'd join but Sandbox RP's dont really do it for me. No offence intended.
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