Okay, good news. I've proven this script works, and therefore I shall move on and revamp all the older scripts. For the record, I don't care if anyone takes this script and uses it, by the way. It's nothing over complicated.
scn AshJobRatCatcherGENShort SneakyEnoughShort Diseasedbegin gamemodeSet SneakyEnough to player.getactorvalue SneakSet Diseased to getRandomPercentif gamehour >= 20 && gamehour <= 24 && SneakyEnough >= 45 enable else disableendifendBegin OnActivate if Diseased <= 15 SetPCSleepHours 4 player.additem gold001 15 player.addspell DisHelljoint Message "I think I caught something nastier than a rat, down there..." 5 return elseif Diseased >=95 advancepcskill Sneak 1 SetPCSleepHours 4 player.additem gold001 15 Message "Seems I have a few more lessons to learn from rats." 5 return else SetPCSleepHours 4 player.additem gold001 15 return endifend
Okay. Now I have warnings! Some of the jobs that might be more dependent on performance (like jester) or tips (bartender) might mean great variance in pay! This could be bad, or pretty good. Meaning, some days you meet the regular amount (i.e. 20g) and some days, you got a decent patron who left you a pretty septim (35g). Or, you forgot about a patron during the night rush and he walked out, and the owner docked you. (15g)
I think that's kind of cool. Some jobs will be more stable paywise, while others won't be as reliable, but will have shorter shifts and slightly more flexible schedules. Methinks I'm on to something. Whaddasayayall?