[RELz] Ash's Odd Jobs

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:35 pm

I think I've got something that will work - and I've butchered this a little bit (and my main code is a lot updated from my earlier posts) to work with the random thing. The CS saves this without problems so I'm sure that it will work. I'd still like a quick passover by any script guru real fast, if it ain't too much trouble.

scn AshJobRatCatcherGENShort SneakyEnoughShort Diseasedbegin gamemodeSet SneakyEnough to player.getactorvalue SneakSet Diseased to getRandomPercentif gamehour >= 20 && gamehour <= 24 && SneakyEnough >= 45	enable	else		disableendifendBegin OnActivate	if Diseased <= 15		SetPCSleepHours 4 		player.additem gold001 15		player.addspell DisHelljoint		return	else		SetPCSleepHours 4 		player.additem gold001 15		return	endifend

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Daramis McGee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:26 am

Actually, I have a quick question. Will this work with better cities you think? I just installed it and I'd very much like to use your mod with it when it's ready :)
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:29 am

I use Better Cities, myself, and the worst hoop I've had to jump was to move a Mucker Shovel a few feet over and lock it in place with Redecoration.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:02 am

1) Redecoration? and 2) What is the best suggested Time Scale (I use the vanilla Monetary system.)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:44 pm

I use Better Cities, myself, and the worst hoop I've had to jump was to move a Mucker Shovel a few feet over and lock it in place with Redecoration.

Fantastic then, looking forward to the release :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:33 am

@ Andruck

Redecoration is an OBSE mod that allows you to move static objects around, and position objects like swords on a wall, and make it stick there.

It really doesn't matter what timescale you use, but with a timescale of 30 (vanilla) you might find yourself leaving for work at 5 in the morning and when you get there, it's eight and your job opportunity has closed.

Also, since you're apparently not using any economy difficulty increaser mods, you might find it's rather pointless to do these jobs unless you like to roleplay. I've made this mod with my game in mind - I run Enhanced Economy and money is harder to find than a furred orc. So a nice reliable paying job is important to some, while not to others depending on the mods they run.

:EDIT: The mod has now been updated to include skill requirements and Rat Catcher's chance of catching a disease.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:28 am

Eh more money is good, I tend to avoid dungeons unless I need to enter them for a quest, or I get bored, and my characters rarely have the Feather Potion/spells on hand to carry large loads, if I can get buy at Low levels money wise without having to go on killing sprees I'm happy.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:49 am

Just be warned that the best paying job is Vinter with 50 drakes - and it requires alchemy of 45 to take that job now. Won't even appear until you have that.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:12 pm

All my characters end up as Alchemists eventually actually, still gonna give the mod a shot. I guess I am a bit of a roleplayer ... the hack-n-slash play bores me ... which tends to be why I avoid the major Overhaul mods.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:39 pm

You'd probably love TIE, then. I love it enough that I, once a OOO junkie, dropped it in favour of using TIE 1.26. When you combine it with EE and some combat mods, thieves have to get downright dirty (and I mean, evicting worms kind of dirty) to win fights or get that next meal.

I just remembered that I wanted to make a version that covers vanilla economics, too, so after I get all the major work done on this mod, and I'm almost done with it, I'll release a version that gives more money for the job. Until then, experience the realism! :lol:
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Chris Jones
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:06 pm

I love the idea for this mod. Reminds me of Quest for Glory 1, where you can do odd, time-killing jobs for a small wage and maybe attribute gains. I hope you can put in a system where the player randomly gains a point or two in attributes/skills that relate to the job that was taken. Oh, and also maybe you can add a small bulletin board or job postings within the cities.

Other than that, I can't wait to try this out. Might be a long while though, since I promised myself I won't play a full session of Oblivion until my mod project is complete.... :(
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:33 pm

It's DONE!

Yay, now I need to get home so I can play Oblivion again, and find a decent jester outfit.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:59 pm

YX33A, I haven't put in jobs like Jester yet - I'm still working on some things. I deeply am sorry - because that will be one of my favoured jobs when this is all said and done.

I can add a 1/100th chance of increasing the job's skill. I'd want it to be rare enough not to make it something where you ignore dungeon romping, but still kind of plausible so as to give another small incentive to do the job.

Just give it a bit, play with what's there (could use with some real feedback) and there should be another version after a while.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:23 pm

Just wondering: Is this Better Cities compatible? I know it says there's probably no problem with it in the readme and the OP, but I want to make sure.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:22 am

Works fine for me. I will warn that you may need to move the tokens around a bit to make them more accessible/not in something else. They'll stay where you leave them, too.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:37 am

Wow, this mod would go great with realism mods, it would make the more mundane stealth classes fun to play.

Why not a delivery jobs that require speed and agility values? I'm just guessing that people that use this mod don't use fast travel, so why not have a destination for your long trips besides quests and dungeon crawling. The longer the distance the more money you gain. Or you can just have the person fast travel to the destination. And add a box where you can "deliver" the object.

Or Apothecary jobs, chapels hire you to heal sick people with alchemy or restorations. I don't know, just throwing ideas at you.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:45 am

Downloading this right now, thank you!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:46 pm

An earlier post just gave me an idea as another reward in Viconia, Return to the Underdark. The Priestess could boost certain attributes and/or skills. After all, you killed
. The reward could be even better. I digress.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:18 am

The newest update will have two new jobs : Dancer and Jester/Entertainer. This doesn't cover all my wants, but I'm running out of odd jobs for a player to do that doesn't exactly make the player feel obligated to continue working at a certain place for a long stretch. That's why they're odd jobs ;)

Anyways, with a test ESP I've managed to make a 5/100 chance of a skill increase work. I'm going to go back and change all attribute requirements to skills, as well. 5 out of 100 seemed to be the best balance of plausible versus playable. This could be an issue at later levels - the chance for a skill gain is the same at skill level 75 as it is at 15. But then again, the job you're doing might not neccessarily be the skill you want to increase. Overall, it doesn't hurt my sense of balance, and I'll keep it.

With this release, I'm probably going to duplicate the ESP but add higher pay for that one, for people who don't run EE with very hard settings (or run it with easy settings.) Current pays will be tripled in this version of the mod.

Anyways, there's my daily update. This project is technically finished as it is, so please forgive me for not beating it into completion as fast as I did the first version. I'm definitely going to have this up by Sunday afternoon, FOR SURE.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:39 am

I suggest raising the endurance requirements to 50 or so. 25 doesn't seem very fitting, since there's no way you can't have that much without getting it damaged. A personality requirement would make sense for the Jester and Dancer jobs.

Thanks for the great mod! :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:50 am

This might seem like an odd question ash, but aside from adding an item that has the job script attached does it change the cell the jobs are in (Such as bartender) I noticed I can't get my Inns to play music anymore with even using stuff from BetterMusicSystem. Mind you I'm also waiting on a reply from Side if Timescale shifts and mess with BMS and the music.

Just wanna rule stuff out while I try to find the glitch.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:47 am

Well, all I've done to cells is add a Misc item. If it were anything, it would be my forcing the time to pass. I'm not terribly sure about what would be wrong, myself.

Itachi, I kept thinking about that myself. I definitely need to add some serious checks against skills, to keep it worthwhile. I just want to make sure some jobs are still available to a newer character. I'm going to start by removing the requirements of sweeper/mucker/shoveler, because those are things I can't see would need a muscleman for. I'm going to add a few more restrictions. And, I know how to add double skill restrictions (Bartender as Speechcraft and mercantile, e.g.) so things might get more interesting - lower overall skill checks, but more restriction on who can do the job.

Anyways, I've still got a lot of planning to do. My new version is pretty much going to completely overhaul what I have.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:11 am

Okay, good news. I've proven this script works, and therefore I shall move on and revamp all the older scripts. For the record, I don't care if anyone takes this script and uses it, by the way. It's nothing over complicated.

scn AshJobRatCatcherGENShort SneakyEnoughShort Diseasedbegin gamemodeSet SneakyEnough to player.getactorvalue SneakSet Diseased to getRandomPercentif gamehour >= 20 && gamehour <= 24 && SneakyEnough >= 45	enable	else		disableendifendBegin OnActivate	if Diseased <= 15		SetPCSleepHours 4 		player.additem gold001 15		player.addspell DisHelljoint		Message "I think I caught something nastier than a rat, down there..." 5		return	elseif Diseased >=95		advancepcskill Sneak 1		SetPCSleepHours 4 		player.additem gold001 15		Message "Seems I have a few more lessons to learn from rats." 5		return	else		SetPCSleepHours 4 		player.additem gold001 15		return	endifend

Okay. Now I have warnings! Some of the jobs that might be more dependent on performance (like jester) or tips (bartender) might mean great variance in pay! This could be bad, or pretty good. Meaning, some days you meet the regular amount (i.e. 20g) and some days, you got a decent patron who left you a pretty septim (35g). Or, you forgot about a patron during the night rush and he walked out, and the owner docked you. (15g)

I think that's kind of cool. Some jobs will be more stable paywise, while others won't be as reliable, but will have shorter shifts and slightly more flexible schedules. Methinks I'm on to something. Whaddasayayall?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:20 am

sounds like it makes perfect sense, Could be funny to be a dancer as an Argonian, but that's cause I think more along the lines of Exotic styles
-pushes down the urge to sing Private Dancer-
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:13 am

*Cough*Where's the jester?*Cough*

Also, I need to find a decent jester garb. Well, hat, really. I have the garb, but not the hat.
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