At TESNexus
Ash's Odd JobsAshven21-2-10v2.0DESCRIPTION Need work? Well, you have options! Bounce around town anywhere from six in the morning to about noon, and you're sure to find some work. Can't promise the pay is the best, but it'll put bread on your table for as lond as you're in town and got arms and legs to work with. Just check around, work's sure to come your way! In the first update, some jobs had skill and attribute requirements. I've included a separate text pad that lists all the jobs, and the skills they require. In the latest update, skill requirements were assigned (not attribute requirements) and risks and rewards are greater. Risk and pay variance help to flesh out the jobs a bit more.INSTALLING Simply drop the ESP into your data folder, check the mod using either OBMM, Wrye Bash, or the Oblivion launcher. This mod would do best loaded before mods such as BETTER CITIES.UNINSTALLING To uninstall (sniff, why would you want to do that?) you simply uncheck the mod and delete it from your data files.PLAYING THE MOD This mod adds a handfull of jobs to each town in the game, and the stables outside them. To take a job, simply walk up and activate the token object associated with the job (a large pitcher, for instance, for a bartender). Time will then fly by, and you will be compensated for your work that day. Jobs are only available at certain hours of the day! And some dirtier jobs, like rat catcher, are only available late at night. I'm sure any good roleplayer can find a job suited to them, and integrate it into their schedule. AND! Something nifty I found about my mod - I use MISC items that you can't pick up as my token objects. This means they still have havok - and you can move them. The nifty thing is with a mod like Redecoration or Decorator Assistant, you can move my tokens to anywhere you want, and lock them in place! I think it's cool, anyways. It helps with compatibility with some mods, anyways. With the new version, some minor script changes have made major gameplay impacts. It's now possible to catch diseases, and have variances in pay. Some days are better than others on certain jobs. Stabler jobs like mucker or stablehand are steady well paying jobs that you can count on, while others like Jester are more chance based (you can make 15 to 40 gold with Jester). you are warned.VERSION HISTORY1.0 - Original Release1.2 - Skill requirements and Rat catcher now has a 10% chance of catching Helljoint.2.0 - Revamped the original jobs with better scripts, and added jester. Probably my last update.COMPATIBILITY Thus far, I'm pretty sure it doesn't conflict with much. It simply adds a few token objects to cells, in places I don't remember seeing much - and I run quite a lot of city changing mods. If it does conflict with something (in an inconvenient place) simply move it - almost all my objects have havok! Once they are moved, after your shift is over and they disappear, they will come back in the place they were before. Handy! Something I forgot to take into account, is that this mod will never completely be compatible with Open Cities. This is because my jobs are found around towns, not only inside buildings. Some jobs are outside city walls, though, and still accessible, as are ones in interiors. All jobs unavailable because of the OC issue should be available in the Imperial City. I have also noticed that with Skingrad, Better Cities adds a line of rockes where the Caretaker job is started. I don't plan to do anything about it, as TCL and a couple seconds can fix this issue for that savegame. Five seconds of real life for hours of gameplay immersion? Your call.NOTICE TO MODDERS If anyone wants to take this mod and add to it or rewrite it, feel free. I'll probably end up using the new version, myself! No credits needed, though a mention is always nice.CREDITS~CS Wiki~gamesas for making a game we have to mod to enjoy (I mean that in a good way!)~ALL THE FEEDBACK I GOT IN MY IDEA THREAD. I probably wouldn't have even tried to make it if it weren't for some really inspiring comments. Thanks, guys!~The Wormhole Forums - I probably should be more active there, but I still thank them for giving my my modding home. Thanks, Worm!
Hope everyone enjoys!
:EDIT: Latest update now up, with enhanced code and the Jester job added.