so goo and ashe piles are a permanent glitch no cure?
They are not a glitch, they're supposed to be there. What happens is that when a fatal hit with an Energy Weapon is determined to be a critical, instead of spawning the 'dead' version of a critter/NPC it spawns an ash/goo pile, depending on whether the weapon is Laser or Plasma, along with the critter/NPC's death item(s).
The fact they never go away is also not a glitch, due to how the respawning mechanics work, however the ever-increasing number of persistent references that have to be loaded each time you go through an area you've previously cleared can lag down/out some machines, thus some folks are seeking a way to be rid of them.
Unfortunately, due at least in part to said mechanics it's not that simple to permanently get rid of them. It is fairly simple to insure they never spawn in the first place, but that's not what's being asked for since some of the folks who are having a problem with the piles themselves do not mind the disintegration animations, and you have to block the latter to prevent the former from showing up.