Just type up a real short summary of each of the things. It may be worth it.
1. Will we see additional travel options/services (Mage Guild Teleport, Mark/Recall, Divine Intervention etc.) next to regular Fast Travel?
2. In Oblivion almost all items were part of a levelled list. Will this be the same in Skyrim or will there be more handplaced loot and nonlevelled artifacts to be found in ancient ruins (like in Morrowind)? Also, will the loot be fitting to the area it is found in (so no gold septims and fresh apples in ancient locked Reliquaries)?
3. Pete made a tweet regarding Markarth and hinted at it being a Dwemer ruin. Yet the architecture does not look like the copperish industrial structures from Redguard and Morrowind. Have you taken on a different approach to Dwemer architecture or will we still see our industrial copper hallways and steampowered machines and guardians?
4. Will the player be able to get infected with lycanthropy and become a Werewolf/Boar/Bear?
5. Will Daedric armor be in the game; and if so will it be very rare (like maybe only one or two full suits in the entire game)?

I think those were my original questions, but only slightly better formulated when I made the original post