Meh, I see so many questions about petty details. I am more interested in things that are important. Like about the leveling system. Will the NPCs level up along with you and get better armor and stuff? I know they have mentioned a little about the leveling in dungeons but not about the world as a whole.
And in Oblivion, if you made a crime all the guards in the whole city would magically know all about it immediately. Will that be changed somehow, like maybe there will take some time before word comes around and you get some time to flee, unless a guard sees it with his own eyes?
Someone, please ask these questions =) I think the answers to them will tell us a lot about the gameplay, and the latter is very important for those who plan on playing a thief/assassin.
Edit: Will the guards ever forget about a crime if you spend enough time out of the city? It was so annoying to we wanted in oblivion, because guards were so unrealisticly observant of your exakt looks, even if you were all dressed up in disguise.
Edit 2: Will we be able to use masks to make it impossible/harder for guards/witnesses to identify us when we get caught doing a crime?