I advice you, to play the whole story line without any mods first, and if you get familiar with the game, you can decide afterwards what mods you may wanna install.
Your computers configuration (hardware related) plays an important role for enjoying Skyrim to the fullest.
Also, you wanna definitely install the Unofficial patches as well. You can get them from here: http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/files/category/95-unofficial-patch-project/
Actually i would say, don't read too much over the net, and just Play the game !!!
When you are starting your game, don't worry about making mistakes, and don't worry about playing efficiently. It's most important to spend as much time as possible playing, and as little time as possible reading. !!!
However, some advice for starters:
You obviously wanna play it on PC, as it's the best-looking version of the game, and the load times are significantly shorter as well.
If you have an controller (like an Xbox 360 controller) play it that way. The user interface has been designed with console controllers in mind, and it works perfectly with a plugged in controller.
Furthermore, the swing and crash of melee combat feels much more natural with a controller than a mouse and keyboard.
Of course, thats a matter of personal preference - However, give the controller a shot. It's nice. !!!
Don't lower the difficulty too much, as some fights are supposed to be hard.
The game will force you to level your character and improve your skills until you can take on the challenge before you.
You will find some Ancestral Stones, right near the beginning of the game. Whichever one you choose causes skills associated with that class, to improve faster than other skills.
However, there are 13 ancestral stones lying around Skyrim, and while you can only have one active at a time, you can change whenever you want.
So, they are not permanent. You'll have time to decide which style of play suits you over the course of the game. So, don't go mad over the decision at the beginning of the game. lol
It's possible to wander Skyrim for an hour, find some good stuff, and then be killed by a mammoth or alike and lose all your progress. Well, not a good thing i guess...
Apropos Mammoths. Don't piss off the Mammoths, and the Giants as well. lol
Get a Companion. It will make your life a lot easier, especially on difficult quests.
Try to use a shield. On Skyrim you can play it however you want. So magic, melee, ranged, or some combination. However, sometimes the physical combat is more enjoyable and a touch deeper than ranged combat.
Skyrim's offers improved melee combat, so it's worth giving a shield a try. Also, shield-bashing is really fun too.
It's best to switch to first-person perspective in combat. and leave the 3rd person for exploration. The chaos of first-person makes the combat seem more exciting than it actually looks in 3rd person.
But that's your decision of course.
Don't spend your gold on equipment, earlier in game. Instead save your money, since you'll find loads of the basic steel and iron weapons lying around, as well as enough arrows.
Save your money to spend on Training, which allows you to get out of the low-level a bit faster, while improving your combat efficiency.
In the early stages on the game, buy health potions whenever you can. Health potions can be applied immediately in combat, unlike a healing spell for example.
When you're in a ugly situation, you wanna have four or five minor health potions in your inventory. Also, they are not too expensive, so buy them asap.
AND LASTLY: Wander !!!
Skyrim comes to it's awesomeness by that moment when you are walking down a road towards an objective and suddenly, you notice another path off to the right.
So, where does it lead ??? To a cave, a bandit hideout, some magical stone perhaps, or even some lost artifact ???