I have created 2 scripts
First script is on an item (ID: NPCClockScull) i carry in my backpack that lauches a simple timer on GameMode counting.
scn MyTimerScriptint iDoOncefloat fTimerBegin GameModeset fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassedmessage "%.0f" fTimerif iDoOnce == 0set iDoOnce to 1set fTimer to 120.0endifif fTimer >= 120.0set fTimer to fTimer - 120.0 endifEnd
I want The second script (running on actor) to check for the timer variable that runs and get values from my item.
This a small part of the code:
....if NPCClockScull.fTimer >= 120.0NPC.RemoveScriptPackage NPCDrinkingCurrentLocation NPC.RemoveScriptPackage NPCReadingCurrentLocationNPC.RemoveScriptPackage NPCEatingCurrentLocationNPC.RemoveScriptPackage NPCSleepingCurrentLocation NPC.RemoveScriptPackage NPCWanderingCurrentLocation set DoOnceTrigger6 to 0set DoOnceTrigger7 to 0endif....
I dont hink this works because the npc doesnt seem to respond
The scripts dont give any mistakes.
What is wrong?
Can you help me?