Hmm, sounds like this would be a great NPC to populate Starwarsguy's Shivering Isles mod, or some shrine to Sheogorath or something.

(sarcasm tags DEFINETELY needed on this thread)
[sarcasm]starwarsuy is making a Shivering Isles mod? Sweet! Is there a WIP thread for it?
[/sarcasm]I'm not making all of the Shivering Isles, that would be a massive project, and I'm already busy with Cyrodiil, I'm just taking over Melchior Darhk's Sheoth Weapons mod, which takes place on a small island in the Mania style. So if I wanted to put some maniacs around there, it would definitively fit.

@Plangkye and Pluto: Thanks for your descriptions, helps me understand a lot better than that extremely complexly worded wikipedia page, I'm no psycologist, I can't understand most of what's said on it.
I don't have Aspenger's myself, at least not that I know of, but I do have a unique way of thinking, as observed by several psycologists and myself: I think slower than normal people do, and generally process thoughts differently then most people, that could explain me being the crazy active modder I am at my age. Unfortunately for me, I constantly have to fight to keep my sanity with the teenage brain and body I have- being a teenager, I find myself being full of myself a lot, and in real life, I am easily aggrivated. I can fight though some of these things, to remain the person I want to be, but it's always annoying having these things to deal with all of the time. I just hope it will *fade away* as my brain and body mature further physically.