» Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:55 pm
Did anyone else notice framerate problems with Brotherhood? I have the PS3 versions of all three Assassin's Creed games and I thought something was wrong with Brotherhood's framerate, so I just compared the two, one after the other, a few minutes ago. Brotherhood definitely has a noticeable lower framerate than II... at least for me. I'm 100% sure of it. Maybe Brotherhood renders more at any given time, or something like that, but graphically, they are pretty much the same, as far as I can tell, except for shadows. II has better shadows than Brotherhood (II's may have some jagged lines, but they look more like actual shadows than the blurry things used in Brotherhood.
I prefer the clear, but jagged, shadows to the ones that seemed to be meant to hide the jagged lines.), in my opinion, and it somehow has a better framerate than Brotherhood. I can't notice a difference in the draw distance, either, and I don't know what more Brotherhood could be rendering at any given time than II, but I can't stand the framerate in Brotherhood. Also, the part where the Ubisoft symbol fills in before the game starts freezes for a second or two before continuing in Brotherhood while it doesn't do that in II. In addition, the paper that covers the entire game case and has screenshots and descriptions of the game on it (whatever it's called) is wavy rather than smooth. Maybe I just have bad luck, but for whatever reason, Brotherhood just came at a lower quality, it seems. If it isn't too much to ask, could anyone else compare these things or check any of them and let me know if they have the same problems... regardless of platform?