... regardless of platform?
I have Brotherhood on the 360 and the PC and never experienced any framerate problems whatsoever. Also, but that's just my opinion, comparing AC1, AC2 and AC:B on both systems, AC:B on PC looked best. With all settings cranked to max of course. The shadows didn't bother me at all.
There were two years between AC1 and AC2, and pretty much everyone will agree with me that AC2 was supreme over AC1 with everything. But, even though there was only one year of development between AC2 and AC:B, Brotherhood has been widely received as the best AC game so far by many game magazines and sites and whatnot. Ubisoft knows what they're doing and in my opinion they prove that one year is enough to produce a quality game. Just my two cents.

I will =P I need to update the first post with all the information given out so far anyway. When I made this thread I was far too excited to make a decent intro post, I admit.

Honestly, the only thing that's annoying me about this is we're playing as Altair again. I hated him and his inexplicably American accent and lack of personality.
Personally I prefer his American voice over the new voice he had in Bloodlines (PSP) where he did have an Arabian accent. I don't know, his Bloodlines voice made me squirm and not in a good way either. What I hope to see is some more Malik, I miss having a snarky side kick.

Those who have played the Da Vinci Disappearence DLC may remember that when you solve the final puzzle with Leonardo you get a series of symbol codes, more specifically 43 39 19 N and 75 27 42 W. Leonardo mentions the message 'is not meant for them' and they leave, but.... those two codes when used in Google Maps point to a town in the state New York. The name of the town is Turin. The Shroud of Turin is one of the main Pieces of Eden in the series. Could be coincidal but it's interesting nonetheless. So far we have only seen the Staff and one Apple in the main games (the Shroud is mentioned in AC: Legacy where it was used to heal Giovanni Borgia). It may be a hint to a future game, seeing as there are still dozens of Pieces of Eden.