Assassin gear

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:03 pm

So I play as a khajiit assassin/thief, currently a lvl 18. Havnt done much of the MQ, mostly random adventures and some DB quests. I have placed most of my perks into sneak and a couple into 1H and bow. I have yet to find good gear in my travels. Any tips on getting better gear? Mainly just want better daggers and maybe a bow.... Thanks
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:26 am

So I play as a khajiit assassin/thief, currently a lvl 18. Havnt done much of the MQ, mostly random adventures and some DB quests. I have placed most of my perks into sneak and a couple into 1H and bow. I have yet to find good gear in my travels. Any tips on getting better gear? Mainly just want better daggers and maybe a bow.... Thanks

My suggestion is to finish both the Dark Brotherhood questline, and the thieves guild questlines. I also suggest doing the mehrunes dagon daedric quest.
Reward for DB
Sweet Jester Outfit and awesome dagger called blade of woe.

Reward for TG
Sweet Armor called "Nightingale Armor" and Pretty cool enchanted bow.

Reward for MD
You get a dagger with a small chance for instant kill

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Kevan Olson
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