Anyhow, here is my, uh, querry?
I always like being sneaky, and i don't want to be limited to one combat style. I want to go for melee and archery with light armor.
BUT, i don't understand where i'd be going on the melee section and if it'd gimp me.
I'd want to dual wield. If i went toe-to-toe, it sounds like i'd be at a disadvantage with dual daggers if that ever happened. I certinally don't want to be limited to purely striking from the shadows, even though i like that playstyle, i want to be able to hold my own if i'm not allowed to be hidden.
I could go on with this forever to specify what I want, but i'll try to shorten it up -
Would specializing in:
Dual Wielding Melee (dagger, dagger) or (dagger, sword) or (sword, sword???)
Light Armor
Mean I had to be forever stuck in the shadows if I wanted to have a chance at fighting?
So pretty much my problem comes in the melee area. I want to be able to fight from the shadows, aswell as outside of them and not get destroyed.