Assassin's in Skyrim!

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:48 am

The Dark Brotherhood was one of my favorite things on TES IV: Oblivion. But the Quest line was short and somewhat repetitive. I didnt truely feel like an Assassin, just another Murderer. I enjoyed the Concept behind it all. The Sneak, the tense moments sneaking through the Imperial Sewers without being spotted. But it was much to short of a quest line, and could of used some TLC. The combat system and sneak system never made me feel like a true Assassin. As in I couldnt sneak behind someone and slit their throat. Or just simply use unique and satisfying moves to destroy the enemy. I know as soon as many of you here Assassin, you think Assassins Creed. I think TheElderScrolls could take some pointers from Assassins Creed, primarily the Combat and Movement System. Sniping them with a bow or giving them a poisaned apple, was fun but got tedious. I believe as an Assassin you should be quicker, more agile, and more uniquely skilled in Combat. Oblivion did a wonderful job on The Dark Brotherhood Quest Line. But I believe some quests could have been better. I wish that you could continue the Dark Brotherhood. Recruiting new members, hunting new targets. Also maybe do some truely challenging jobs. Such as eliminate a Count or Emperor. Armor and Weapons were sort of a drag for Assassins as well. Not much variety for a stealthy character. I commonly prefered to wear the Dark Brotherhood armor. Please Bethesda extend upon the Assassin in TES V. Maybe you could work as a Private Hitman. If a townsfolk has a problem with a certain individual they come to you.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:51 am

What do you mean you didn't feel like an Assassin, an Assassin is just someone who murders a high ranking individual or individuals on a contract, there is no "feeling" as an Assassin, any methods due. Unless you are suffering to feeling like Ezio or Altair. I think it'd be nice to be able to slit someones throat as a sneak attack, don't think it'd be that hard to implement either, just a animation.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:38 pm

What do you mean you didn't feel like an Assassin, an Assassin is just someone who murders a high ranking individual or individuals on a contract, there is no "feeling" as an Assassin, any methods due. Unless you are suffering to feeling like Ezio or Altair. I think it'd be nice to be able to slit someones throat as a sneak attack, don't think it'd be that hard to implement either, just a animation.

Oh yes there is a feeling of Assassin. Assassin has Connatation with it saying, Sneaking, Killing Machine. I know what an Assassin is, I am saying I want the Assassin in Oblivion to be extended in Skyrim. And no I do not want Ezio or Altair in TES .
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:53 pm

What's that? You want overpowered stealth? I vote no.
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emily grieve
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:39 am

What's that? You want overpowered stealth? I vote no.

Overpowered Stealth, I do not understand?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:41 pm

Oh yes there is a feeling of Assassin. Assassin has Connatation with it saying, Sneaking, Killing Machine. I know what an Assassin is, I am saying I want the Assassin in Oblivion to be extended in Skyrim. And no I do not want Ezio or Altair in TES .

I don't think this guy quite got what you were going for?
I am usually an assassin-esque character, and I know how you feel. The AI in Oblivion didnt work well for an assassin, you creep behind someone and they know your there just because its based on radius. If they could work it of the sounds you make, maybe even your shadows you cast and what exactly is in there line of sight, that would be nice.
I always longed for the feeling of a master assassin myself.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:21 pm

I don't think this guy quite got what you were going for?
I am usually an assassin-esque character, and I know how you feel. The AI in Oblivion didnt work well for an assassin, you creep behind someone and they know your there just because its based on radius. If they could work it of the sounds you make, maybe even your shadows you cast and what exactly is in there line of sight, that would be nice.
I always longed for the feeling of a master assassin myself.

Thank you Tredog, I appreciate your understanding.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:04 am

Instakills with stealth would be overpowered.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:54 am

Instakills with stealth would be overpowered.

I didnt exactly word to "Instakills" I just simply mean a better feeling when you murder someone.
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:14 pm

What I'd like, along with a base of some more functional stealth (no "psychics" or any of that), is for assassinations to NOT be scripted. Sneaking in through the basemant, finding a passage in the wall, and untying a fixture at a certain time of day; that's great. Or it would have been, if *I* had figured it out, instead of being told to do exactly that step by step. Or otherwise being told with astonishing accuracy where my target is, what their schedule is, when they are vulnerable, how to provoke them, and what I need to do to keep it secret. It's boring. I want to be given a target and then stalk them myself, keeping watch from a distance, observing their daily schedule, asking around town about them for any useful tidbits about their personality. I want to climb a tree and then kill them with an arrow because I thought of it as a way to bypass their security, instead of just mindlessly following directions like any other chafing fetchquest.

Instakills with stealth would be overpowered.

Depends on how it's implemented. A number of people (like myself) would like health in general to be lowered from Oblivion, so that fights aren't who gets hit 500 times and runs out of health potions first. A good stealth kill would be someone caught by surprise, possibly asleep, unarmored, by a skilled strike. It wouldn't be something you could just casually apply to everyone, especially if things like harder security access and getting away with crimes were implemented.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:27 am

i feel the same way.

i believe what TheElderPrime is saying is he is looking for the true stealth aspect of being an assassin or the mood of being one. as in the necessity of staying in the shadows, staying out of the line of sight, not making a sound. in oblivion there was no micro managing of any of this, to make sure your not detected rather than relying on the radius.

dont get me wrong i think the radius is still needed so you can have an idea of perception checks, to know if your sneak is greater than there perception. i think it would be nice if it perhaps changed colors or be like in fable where the eye opens and closes that way you would have some warning to if you are about to trip there perception check. but this ability should be granted at maybe journeyman lvl or higher.

i vote that stealth should be a mix of perception check against your stealth (what oblivion pretty much is now) and making sure your in the shadow, out of the line of sight, and not making noise. the second could work by applying + and - to your stealth.
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daniel royle
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:19 am

oh i just thought that it would be awesome to have npc assassins that you run into that are trying to kill you or are just assassin/thief type in a dungeon. to have them where there sneaking and you have to preform a perception check to notice them. im thinking they could appear like a chameleon spell until they trip your perception then theyed appear normal again.

you can still attack them of course but if the AI works properly theyd stick to the shadows and would be hard for you to see. there first attack while not tripping your perception would be a sneak attack and would work under the same multipliers as your characters. if you live they would become visible because of course your perception would know where they are, accept maybe for ranged stealth attack.

because distance would have an affect on perception. if they dont trip your perception the arrow fired could leave a type of trail, this would be your perception tracing the arrow to the general direction it was fired from. each additional arrow fired would put a - to there stealth until they can no longer pass your perception check.

this would also be nice to implement for your character. that way if you kill some one in a group of people with a ranged attack they would (possibly) die but the others would be slightly clueless to where the arrow came from. that way they dont gain the psychic guard ability.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:32 am

Instakills with stealth would be overpowered.

They would be, under the current system. I would want it to be almost impossible to sneak up on someone in armor...certainly not heavy armor, no matter what your sneak skill is. Also, I think you could avoid that by just not wearing the boots of the armor? As if the only noise steel plate makes is your footsteps.

Anyways...if your an assassin going for an insta-kill, and get detected, you should almost always have to run. Assassins should only be good at backstabs, poisions, and snipes. Maybe brief duels with unarmored people.

But I don't know where this "stealthy assassin" prototype came along. Must be ninjas. Because the hashishans were more like suicide killers who would strike in broad daylight, screaming. Most modern day assassins are similar to that, like the guy who shot Franz Ferdinand, Ghandi, Reagan, John Lennon, Lincoln...killing the target is more important that getting away.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:30 pm

Instakills with stealth would be overpowered.

Honestly, I never play stealth characters, but:

Complaining about something being overpowered in a single player game when you don't have to use it? Hmm..

Also, I would assume that if Assassination Moves or something of the sort were implemented, they'd be implemented with skill checks and dice rolls, not just an INSTANT S00PER K00L ASSASSUNZ KREED KIL LUL
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:58 pm

All I want, and I mean ALL I want from an addition the assassnation in Skyrim, is the feature that you can instakill a sleeping opponent. Please, give me an argument why you shouldn't be able to. Instakill in combat is something else entirely, but honestly, why shouldn't you be able to sneak past guards and into a nobles home, and quickly stab the bastard in the heart? I felt like I was being left out when I crept into someones house in Oblivion, and all I could do was get a single attack on someone before they ran out of the house.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:18 am

All I want, and I mean ALL I want from an addition the assassnation in Skyrim, is the feature that you can instakill a sleeping opponent. Please, give me an argument why you shouldn't be able to. Instakill in combat is something else entirely, but honestly, why shouldn't you be able to sneak past guards and into a nobles home, and quickly stab the bastard in the heart? I felt like I was being left out when I crept into someones house in Oblivion, and all I could do was get a single attack on someone before they ran out of the house.

or slit their throat :ninja: :evil:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:34 pm

Funny. I found I could kill a fair lot of people in one shot with a sneak attack.
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:31 am

Funny. I found I could kill a fair lot of people in one shot with a sneak attack.

same here but that was when i played on easy and normal... never got the nerve to play on hard with OOO running
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Amy Masters
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:52 pm

same here but that was when i played on easy and normal... never got the nerve to play on hard with OOO running

Oh wait. I'm pretty sure I enchanted my sword with drain health 100 points for 1 second on strike. That might have had something to do with it.
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le GraiN
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:00 am

I vividly imagined an assassin trying to run up an icy Skyrim roof. Lol.

What they needed was true stealth for stealthy characters. Giving you the ability to duck behind things, climbs onto things, peer around things, etc.

I mean, there were so many times I thought "Why don't I just duck right now so they can't see my face?" Oh yeah, 'cause there's nothing to duck behind.

If they're to make Stealth characters more stealthy, what they need is a world that supports these characters better. Now, their engine's already made so I'm not going to go into climbing and ledge-grabbing/walking. If they've done it, they've done it, if they haven't there's nothing we can do now.

Large crowds should offer some cover from crimes, after-all, the best place to hide is in plain sight. Methods to kill people should be elaborated on a little bit more, besides poisoned apples or violently murdering. Why not be able to set traps, too? For player-settable traps they'd probably have to be something simple like bear-traps or explosions from an enchanted item.

What I think Assassins (and all people) really need are non-passive skills that are offered in the game world. Maybe somebody could teach you a jumping-stab, and another person could teach you how to blend into a crowd without attracting attention to yourself, another person could teach you in the art of throwing daggers and somebody else could teach your character how to shoot from a horse (would work for the standard archer class as well).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:40 am

Oh wait. I'm pretty sure I enchanted my sword with drain health 100 points for 1 second on strike. That might have had something to do with it.

Probably. I distinctly remember sneaking up on people sleeping in their beds and hitting them with the 6x multiplier with a daedric dagger, and the only result being them hopping up and shouting for the guards.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:35 am

I vividly imagined an assassin trying to run up an icy Skyrim roof. Lol.

What they needed was true stealth for stealthy characters. Giving you the ability to duck behind things, climbs onto things, peer around things, etc.

I mean, there were so many times I thought "Why don't I just duck right now so they can't see my face?" Oh yeah, 'cause there's nothing to duck behind.

lol it would be awsome to attack from the rooftops but as for the hiding behind stuff you check out. i am currently antisipating this game because of the nifty stealth things you can do.

oh and you should be able to move bodies easier and then hide them.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:49 am

I think the Morag Tong still have a presence (as of Third Era). There's also Orcs of Mauloch, who reflect your Tuggee-type killer. There should be more freelance work, really. Enough of the guilds, I'd like to establish my own clientele.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:46 am

I would like an assassin's guild in Skyrim but with more Morag Tong like principals instead of the psychotic Sithis worshiping style in Oblivion. Or have both to make everyone happy.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:10 am

i HATED the dark brotherhood in oblivion. even though it had the best quest line of all the guilds....actually of the entire game with the possible exception of a couple of the daedra quests..... they acted so amateurish and unprofessional. no wonder the morag tong wiped the floor with them in morrowind. the morag tong were far more professional and treated it like a job not a hobby. im kind of hoping that since the dumner are supposed to be moving into skyrim that they might have a DB vs morag tong questline in the next game.
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