The point was just to help your team, And have it as an objective would let you know who the player is, also it wouldn't matter how long a player was In server as it would reset each game. You don't see some1s kill count carrying over to the next game.
Also I suggested the kill the best/ most valuable player because you get like 10-25 exp for killing some1. So it would be just maybe 50-60-100 for killing the BP. And if it is an objective it wouldnt come up as much, so ppl couldn't farm best player kills for heaps of exp.
And saying that there isn't a 'best player' Means that no one would be coming first within the team. Where in every ither game there is a scorboard. So the best player would be determined by how the gametype works out who is coming first.
Also I posted earlier saying that the operative class was just an example.
At the beginning of the thread Im pretty sure I meant it as an Objective to be recived, not an overall misson. (I think that was said by some1 later)