Any stone that gives a Greater Power. When the Greater Power is bound to the Crown, you can reset it as needed by unequipping and reequipping the crown. Need to go Invisible, but don't have the magicka or Illusion level to cast the spell? Use the Shadow Stone bound to the Aetherial Crown. Want to charge the Boss Room of a dungeon with every enemy you had to fight on the way there? Use the Ritual Stone bound to the Aetherial Crown. Want a ranged Paralysis that doesn't require a poison or weapon? Use the Serpent Stone bound to the Aetherial Crown. Tired of the Lockpicking minigame, and want to keep your level down at the same time? Use the Tower Stone bound to the Aetherial Crown.
Using the Steed Stone is actually a pretty good idea, as well. The best you can get with a custom Fortify Carry Weight enchantment is around 40-50 increased Carry Weight, and you can't even apply the effect to a head-slot item. Putting the Steed Stone in the Aetherial Crown not only gives you more Carry Weight than you'd get from a custom-enchanted Item, but it gives it in a slot you would normally be unable to put the effect in.
The Lady Stone is a nice effect for Vampires, as it gives you a single slot that increases both your health and stamina regen during the day. Of course, a custom-enchanted item can get better, but if you're not a Master Enchanter, the Lady Stone is a nice stopgap measure you can use until you are.
Atronach + Lord is a nice defensive setup. It gives you an instant 50% chance to simply ignore any hostile magic, and if you do take the hit, you get a 25% reduction in damage. On top of it, you get an extra 25 armor, and an extra 50 mana. The only downside is that your mana regenerates more slowly, but a set of Novice Robes will cure that problem instantly. And if you can't think of an Enchantment for the Chest, Ring, or Necklace slots, you can always throw a +72% Mana Regen enchantment on one of them and be slightly better than normal.
That's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there are other things I've missed.