Nearly seven months without a post? I'd better rescue this from the jaws of Oblivion with a well-timed bump.
I'll probably be shelling out on a license for Photoshop myself, it seems, so I probably could take over this in the future, but my own projects have priority over taking over a project that's decently "finished" in terms of development. I'd still like to add some of those extra hundreds of screens I provided, but I'd like to get some of my other stuff released even more.
More likely I'll either make my own for TES5 if Galahaut doesn't do one, or try and contribute more directly to Galahaut's mod if he does one for TES5.
I'll definitely be doing one (or at least attempting one) for TESV, if...
1) There are loading screens, and they are boring and/or low in quantity.
2) They are in an easy/basic/simple format (see: the opposite of Fallout 3).
3) There is a CS.
In any case, to anyone looking at this with curious eyes, this is the best loading screens mod I've seen to my personal taste. Highly recommended!
Is this mod actually still being updated? Or is it totally finished now?
Not really. The post from February pretty much still stands. I do have around half an update sitting around somewhere, but the mod is essentially "complete." There are a decent amount of screens and a few good text choices, the major theme packs have been completed, and everything "works."
As I said earlier, if anyone wanted to take over the updating process, I'd certainly be up for that depending on the person (or people) and the circumstances. You can PM me, or email me, or whatever, if interested in that. I do still have all the development resources (and backlog of contributed screenshots), and I'm obviously still available to help out with any questions/problems.
Well, you always have the potential for more screens. But this mod is definetely one of the better loading screens mod. Anyone that uses this mod should also get the theme packs, which are also exceptional.

Aside from more screens, I was planning (back when I was still working on ALS) to get all (or at least the large majority) of screens covered by theme packs, so that is always another option for any future work.
Well, I see Galahaut sneaking a peek at the thread as I type this, so maybe he'll choose to answer, but the simple answer as far as I know is that with over 1600 loading screens working perfectly and 5 theme packs also working perfectly, yes, this one's pretty much finished its development cycle. If Galahaut (or myself, or someone else whom Galahaut would pass it on to) wanted to add more screens then that could happen, but 1600 screens isn't a trivial number and gives a good bit of variety. In this case, "finished" isn't abandoned, it's actually finished.
Yes, I was doing my occasional narcissistic forum search for myself and noticed these posts.