[Relz] Atmospheric Loading Screens Thread #6

Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:09 pm

Updated to version 4.00 on September 14th, 2011.

Replaces the original loading screens with over 2000 unique DarkUI-style loading screens focused on the environment, using personal screenshots and screenshots contributed by community members. There are no "action shots," character portraits, etc.

Theme packs
All the theme packs are outdated at present. As the current releases still use the old narrow-screen format, I don't recommend using them until they are updated. New theme packs are also being worked on.
Outdated! October 6th, 2008 - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16963
The first in a series of theme packs for Atmospheric Loading Screens. Pack #1 replaces loading screens related to spires from The Lost Spires by Liquidgraph with an altered background texture and frame made using Liquidgraph's new spire textures. See http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c3/Galahaut/Oblivion%20Loading%20Screens%20-%20Lost%20Spires%20Theme1/ for images.

Outdated! November 8th, 2008 - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16983
The second in a series of theme packs for Atmospheric Loading Screens. Pack #2 replaces loading screens related to Oblivion realms with an altered background texture and frame made using textures from Oblivion (realms). See http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c3/Galahaut/Oblivion%20Loading%20Screens%20-%20Oblivion%20Realms%20Theme2/ for images.

Outdated! July 9th, 2008 - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17143
The third in a series of theme packs for Atmospheric Loading Screens. Pack #3 replaces loading screens related to Ayleid ruins (some exteriors and most interiors) with an altered background texture and frame made using Ayleid textures. See http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c3/Galahaut/Oblivion%20Loading%20Screens%20-%20Ayleid%20Ruins%20Theme3/ for images.

Old! September 28th, 2008 - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20060
The fourth in a series of theme packs for Atmospheric Loading Screens. Pack #4 replaces loading screens from the Shivering Isles according to various subthemes. See http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c3/Galahaut/Oblivion%20Loading%20Screens%20-%20Shivering%20Isles%20Theme4/ for images.

Old! November 12th, 2008 - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20881
The fifth in a series of theme packs for Atmospheric Loading Screens. Pack #5 replaces loading screens related to caves (at the moment, only interiors) with an altered background texture and frame made using cave and stone textures. See http://picasaweb.google.com/atmosphericloadingscreens/AtmosphericLoadingScreensThemePack5Caves for images.

Compatibility Mods
These all use the old narrowscreen format, and as such I can't honestly recommend them any more, although I do like the retextures.
* http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14704 by Shingouki
* http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17059 by Ismelda Lasombra (for Luchaire's UI retextures) - Currently covers up to 2.90.

Screenshot contributors and samples
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/wYF4_ZuiwTXFp48GxMujmw?feat=directlink - 3 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/El8XhfIyjJCCTQtnyXNp8Q?feat=directlink - 149 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/reSDLxKvgCnsVa-C7dz2sg?feat=directlink - 4 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/RoUIY6JcWSc_cekQ9xL0Mg?feat=directlink - 16 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/UxM-393x4wTd3ttqOuwu5A?feat=directlink - 8 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/J5WWsfWyw14XRCgscEmzWQ?feat=directlink - 61 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/k135ae6cEscXEpUe5gULUg?feat=directlink - 57 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/TAmufxEKQojz9RT9BAEBww?feat=directlink - 42 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/WUBT25TGLkzaZVtSOwICsg?feat=directlink - 42 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/JvLp3CvpkBZ7j_Kgo896Cg?feat=directlink - 15 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Ky-E9x0411DSZamZu6h0AA?feat=directlink - 9 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/ZgQKxK13789-ZKHI8oKQrA?feat=directlink - 45 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/3IAQeRZv8fl-KDonXw1lmw?feat=directlink - 55 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/vWuoAIj5JVXF1l3C_HMLrA?feat=directlink - 2 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/TRlr4CsBtUg8tvKkvuGeCA?feat=directlink - 30 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/NeZ8PVTejhuvc5oc-_7K2A?feat=directlink - 4 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/qrzMhwYElzlV1FsDcfqXfQ?feat=directlink - 1 screen
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/CuSPvYc3GEdIVg_F1uYkqQ?feat=directlink - 17 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/WiuEfCl9QpuVog9fE5cs2g?feat=directlink - 18 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/ZlB8fGUdGIGCmBG9UHDZNA?feat=directlink - 3 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/H1DJHlP0Dbm7HGTnuYXATw?feat=directlink - 57 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/WkcPRl7xowEnV0G6uk69-g?feat=directlink - 12 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/2QJ5f3w36GMjSFNRhxP1_g?feat=directlink - 133 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/lRqPyGHaZ3DvYr0_OpfSbg?feat=directlink - 16 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/oT4ivbTrAKEoY8W5cW1vDg?feat=directlink - 1 screen
https://picasaweb.google.com/112674428819165999250/ALSCore2?feat=directlink#5651748058391190162 - 1 screen
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/kfl_fE3-XLGoWNWN2SUjIA?feat=directlink - 10 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-_Knu7njOwOz8RZmhCx-NQ?feat=directlink - 13 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/jlJyJS8r3Es9Mm5Ehoorng?feat=directlink - 24 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/zMqRtsyrYdsHUNruMyvQYA?feat=directlink - 593 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/zhOmLyGj563z8ltvADRyOQ?feat=directlink - 532 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/TidBWMupAdb5NkypKUJrgA?feat=directlink - 4 screens
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/k3Atbo3WZew9d0ZLlmrNiA?feat=directlink - 34 screens

All the 2,011 screens may be viewed at the following galleries

See the spoiler for details of the narrowscreen format galleries:

The rest of the loading screens can be viewed in my http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c3/Galahaut/Oblivion%20Loading%20Screens/. Loading screens 1001 and beyond are in a http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c3/Galahaut/Oblivion%20Loading%20Screens%20Part%202/ due to Photobucket album size restrictions. Screens #1596 and beyond can be viewed in my http://picasaweb.google.com/atmosphericloadingscreens/OblivionLoadingScreensPart3, as I have reached the Photobucket account limit of 1 GB. 12 revised original loading screens can also be viewed in this http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c3/Galahaut/Oblivion%20Loading%20Screens%20-%20Revised%20Originals/.
Screens produced by Vacuity can be viewed in another http://www.myalbum.tw/Album=ZZA8EWYR

PES - Outdated
4shared (All current files, 100 files total (archive of older versions)) Offline at present.

Description and Details
Replaces the original loading screens with over 2000 unique DarkUI-style loading screens focused on the environment, using personal screenshots and screenshots contributed by community members. There are no "action shots," character portraits, etc. Any loading screens with characters in them are not focused on the character. As of version 0.99, loading screens for the Shivering Isles are included.

Note that some of the loading screens, especially the Shivering Isles ones, may display some quest or plot spoilers due to the location and/or subject matter of the screenshots.

As of version 0.99, this mod REQUIRES the Shivering Isles expansion. Version 0.95 will remain available for download for anyone without Shivering Isles, but all future versions will require Shivering Isles.

There are currently three options for the new loading screens.

No Text - Over 2000 screens with no text. The loading bar will still be moved to the top, however. If you want the bar to remain in its original position, use the XML from "Dark UI Loading Screens" by Darkbirdy instead of the one included with this mod.

Original Text - Over 2000 screens with the original Bethesda text. A few loading screens related to the main quest will only display in their originally intended areas, but the rest will display anywhere. Recommended for people that still want or need to read Bethesda's lore, hints, information, etc. Loading screens showing the entrance to the Shivering Isles will only display in the Shivering Isles in this version, unlike the other two versions, where these screens can display anywhere.

Random Quotes - Over 2000 screens with random quotes. Currently includes quotes from H.P. Lovecraft, Ernest Hemingway, Edgar Allan Poe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Benjamin Disraeli, J.R.R. Tolkien, Friedrich Nietzsche, Immanuel Kant, Aristotle, William Butler Yeats, Thomas Moore, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, Henry David Thoreau, Rene Descartes, Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, C.S. Lewis, Orson Welles, Aesop, George Orwell, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, John Calvin, Robert Frost, Walt Whitman, Peter Abelard, Blaise Pascal, Winston Churchill, Horace, Sun Tzu, Juvenal, George Bernard Shaw, Ansel Adams, William of Occam, M.C. Escher, Plutarch, Plato, George Herbert, Tom Stoppard, Ambrose Bierce, Sophocles, Samuel Beckett, Moliere, William Faulkner, Euripedes, John Steinbeck, Harper Lee, Linus Pauling, Marie Curie, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Homer, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Arthur Miller, Christopher Marlowe, Virgil, Alexandre Dumas, Aldous Huxley, Ray Bradbury, Robert A. Heinlein, George R. R. Martin, Elie Wiesel, J. K. Rowling, Joseph Conrad, William Golding, Daniel Defoe, George Eliot, Robert Loius Stevenson, Julius Caesar, Charles dikeens, Emily dikeinson, Epictetus, Epicurus, H. L. Mencken, Lao Tzu, Albert Camus, Benjamin Franklin, Arthur Conan Doyle, Bertrand Russell, Buddha, Maya Angelou, T. S. Eliot, Galileo Galilei, Dante Alighieri, Petrarch, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Johann Kepler, Niels Bohr, Enrico Fermi, Xun Zi, Mecius, Francis Bacon, Herbert Spencer, Annie Besant, Jeremy Bentham, Democritus, Heracletus, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Muhammad Ali, Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, B. F. Skinner, Antisthenes, Hypatia, Diogenes, Theophrastus, Xenophanes, Menander, Pericles, Solon, Nelson Mandela, and Thomas Jefferson. "The beliefs, messages, thoughts, values, and quotes of the aforementioned authors do not in any way reflect on the beliefs, messages, thoughts, and values of the author of this mod."

Please check the readme for those who want more in-depth information and specific details.


  • Bugfixing.
  • Updating the theme packs.
  • Releasing further updates.

If you have any screenshots that you think would fit in with the rest of the screens (see the albums), please send them to either Galahaut or Vacuity (see Contact below). You can send them by email, upload them to a site, etc. Please try to leave them in their original size and quality, if possible. You will obviously receive credit if your screenshots are used.

With the current amount of screens, the best submissions are those that are unique, different, and interesting. Some examples are below, but this list is not exhaustive.

*Underrepresented areas such as DLC, Shivering Isles, rarely visited locations, and especially mods that add new locations, quests, structures, etc.
*Non-action screenshots of NPCs and creatures (both hostile and friendly). Good shots that include (but are not entirely focused on) the player character are also possible.
*Screenshots with varied texture packs or other visual enhancements (OBGE, etc.).

Things to avoid:
*Low resolution screenshots. Non-widescreen is okay as long as the resolution is high.
*Compressed, lossy screenshots (re-uploaded JPGs, etc.).
*Action shots (combat, etc.). Could be great, but don't fit ALS style/theme.
*Nudity, excessive violence, or anything else that would run afoul of either Nexus or Bethesda forum rules.
*Overly tweaked (via photo editing, shaders, etc.) screenshots. Too much blur or film grain or glow or desaturation/saturation may make using shots difficult.

Modders are welcome to contribute screenshots from their mods.

Of course, *any* screenshots are appreciated. Don't worry if you think your screenshots aren't "good enough," as long as they fit in with the overall style of the current loading screens. They may not be bad at all, and if they are truly "bad", it may be possible to fix them up.

Additionally, I would gladly accept contributions of already completed (Dark UI) loading screens if you do not want to submit straight screenshots or if you would like to try creating loading screens yourself. These loading screens could be part of a mod you have released or simply screens that you made but have not yet used.

If anyone is interested in creating alternate text versions for inclusion in this mod, please contact me. I do not currently have the time or the motivation to create an entirely new text ESP, but if someone is willing to do the first huge portion of work (setting up the ESP for all of the current screens), I would gladly include it in future releases and handle the subsequent updating of that ESP, if wanted. You would, obviously, receive appropriate credit for your work.

Of course, anyone is welcome to create their own ESPs for this mod and release them on their own, but I would love to include more options with the mod itself.

Previous Poll Results - Thread 2
Which version?
No Text - 37
Original Text - 28
Random Quotes - 71
Total - 136

What next?
Additional Text Options - 42
More Loading Screens - 63
More Variety - 87
Vanilla UI Version - 42
Total - 231

Previous Poll Results - Thread 3
Which version?
Random Quotes - 39
No Text - 31
Original Text - 28

What next?
Additional ESPs - 28
More Loading Screens - 40
More Variety - 52
Versions for different UIs - 26
More Theme Packs - 38
Other - 7

Which theme packs used?
Theme Pack 1 - "The Lost Spires" Spires - 60
Theme Pack 2 - Oblivion Realms - 66
Theme Pack 3 - Ayleid Ruins - 55

Previous Poll Results - Thread 4
Which version?
Random Quotes - 41
No Text - 17
Original Text - 12

What next?
Additional ESPs - 27
More Loading Screens - 34
More Variety - 35
More Theme Packs - 26
Versions for different UIs - 24
Smaller updates - 8
Larger updates - 25
Other - 3

Which theme packs used?
Theme Pack 1 - "The Lost Spires" Spires - 42
Theme Pack 2 - Oblivion Realms - 43
Theme Pack 3 - Ayleid Ruins - 48

Previous Poll Results - Thread 5
Which version?
Random Quotes - 59
No Text - 22
Original Text - 24

What next?
Additional ESPs - 37
More Loading Screens - 61
More Variety - 69
More Theme Packs - 38
Versions for different UIs - 33
Smaller updates - 20
Larger updates - 24
Other - 7

Which theme packs used?
Theme Pack 1 - "The Lost Spires" Spires - 59
Theme Pack 2 - Oblivion Realms - 65
Theme Pack 3 - Ayleid Ruins - 73
Theme Pack 4 - Shivering Isles - 69
Theme Pack 5 - Caves - 62
None - 23

Release format preference?
Loose files - 20
BSA - 85
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:07 am

News, Progress, and Other Information

This is a brand new version of ALS!

  • All the loading screens have been completely re-made in a new widescreen format.
  • The plugins have been remade in entirety.
  • The annoying crash that plagued some users of the No Text plugin has been eliminated.
  • The installation procedure has changed slightly because of the fix. If you use OBMM, just use the script, if you do it manually or via BAIN, you need to check the manual installation instructions!
  • Version 4.00 contains 2,011 screens to bring ALS up to date in the year 2011.

Work is ongoing on the theme packs. Theme Pack 4, The Shivering Isles, is nearly ready to release already. There is also at least one brand new theme pack coming soon: Snow!

The next release should use BSA format. I've done enough "new" stuff for this release that I didn't want to tempt fate with trying a BSA as well as everything else.

I am still looking for screenshots!

In the meantime, here's the FAQ.

Q: The text is too small. Or, the text and loading bar is overlapping the picture. Why does the layout look so bad?
A: You've probably overwritten the xml file that comes with ALS with an xml file from another mod. Likely culprits are interface mods such as DarnUI. Alternatively, you haven't installed the loading screen xml file for ALS correctly. Please double check the installation instructions regarding this file as this works differently from previous ALS versions.

Q: Why do I occasionally see a vanilla loading screen with the original text?
A: It is likely that you have a mod that is altering loading screen descriptions later in your load order than the ALS .esp. This will result in the changes from this mod being overwritten, and the loading screen reverting to its original image but with the altered text. One common "culprit" is OOO, as it alters a few birthsign and skill perk descriptions on the loading screens, which some people don't realize (and so don't think about its load order relative to this mod).

Q: Is there a version for Vanilla UI?
A: No.

Q: Does this mod really require SI?
A: Yes. But actually, we haven't recieved any reports of problems without SI. The major "problem" is that you won't see any SI screens as they're all unique to the Shivering Isles worldspaces. Still, if you don't have SI and you have problems, tell us so we know.
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:05 am

Thanx mucho for the update, Vac.

Downloading as I type this. I'm especially pleased ALS has gone widescreen. :thumbsup:
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:24 pm

Oh awesome you're back! Not sure how long it's been since I've been away the past few weeks. Awesome job with all of this.

I still have the hundred-or-so screenshots I had the last time I messaged you, I need to upload those and organize some more. I think then I'll be totally caught up with my screenshot organizing since the last month or so has been an Oblivion [mod obsession] hiatus for me.
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:50 pm

Thanx mucho for the update, Vac.

Downloading as I type this. I'm especially pleased ALS has gone widescreen. :thumbsup:
Thanks for those screens. I particularly liked the second set. If you've got any more, now or in the future, please don't hesitate to send them along. The widescreen format does look pretty good, if I say so myself. I'm on 1680*1050 and it's very nicely proportioned. Galahaut's on 1920*1080 as I recall and he's been complimentary, so I hope it also looks good at even higher resolutions. In any case, it's a big improvement over the old narrow format.
Oh awesome you're back! Not sure how long it's been since I've been away the past few weeks. Awesome job with all of this.

I still have the hundred-or-so screenshots I had the last time I messaged you, I need to upload those and organize some more. I think then I'll be totally caught up with my screenshot organizing since the last month or so has been an Oblivion [mod obsession] hiatus for me.

It was a lot of work! Helped by both Galahaut and Lojack in particular, but also by all the people who contributed screenshots, including yourself. I hope you like the results in-game.

Have you both tried clicking your names in the first post? Apologies for picking such a gruesome screen Palidoo, but you've about the only person other than myself to have submitted any "gruesome" shots, and I really wanted my crucified butterfly shot as my sample screen. Most all of the shots featuring impaled, hanging, caged and crucified corpses are mine, I do hope people don't mind them. They're not as cute as the fluffy animals but I think they're quite atmospheric, particularly when you're wandering through Dagon's Deadlands, or entering a ruin in Dementia, which is when those bright, lush, green, living screenshots don't suit quite so well.

Edit: Added additional items to the News and FAQ in the second post while I was at it and thinking about this stuff.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:15 pm

Ha, that screenshot is fine. But if anyone has problems with including shots like those, they'd probably have even bigger problems with the quest that shot is from, in SI where you have to psychologically torture the adventurers, hehe. I'd probably end up sending more shots like those if I didn't have to remind myself to take shots in dungeons and stuff. Some of the oh-so-pretty outdoor scenes really compel you to go "oh screenshot time" but other places require more creativity finding the right composition, I guess. Because there's an elaborate art to screenshot-taking, oh yes. :teehee:

I really do spend too much time trying to find the perfect angle. I'm sure with that shot I tried to get the hanging corpses aligned juuuuussst right, and that a dozen or so nearly identical shots went in the trash when I decided that was the best one, along whatever lines the arbitrary indescribable aesthetic sensations dictate
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:41 pm

Glad to see ALS brought into 2011. The widescreen switch is huge and 2011 screens is an impressive quantity.

Thanks to Vacuity, Lojack, and all the new screenshot contributors! :celebration:

(Two months until we find out how Skyrim's loading screens look!)
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:18 pm

Wow, Thanks guys. will defanatly have to try these out. :thumbsup:
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James Smart
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:07 pm

Hi Vac!

The load screens are the last aspect of my game that are still in vanilla state, so these are definitely going in! :)

Big THANKS for updating this! They are stunning!


PS: I have ~600 screenies (most 1680x1050, some in 1440x900) and ~300 from my Nehrim playthrough... but only some of these are usable (most have my char in view). I might upload them if you still are in the need for more!
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Kelly Upshall
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