What's the highest Level & Score you've gotten ?
Lev 13
Score 39580 for me.
Keep dying on Lev 12.
What's the highest Level & Score you've gotten ?
Lev 13
Score 39580 for me.
Keep dying on Lev 12.
There's no hardcoe mode, I refuse to play it
Got to lvl 9 thanks to everything being destroyed so I just had to protect one building. Pitiful score though due to same reason.
Had me wondering for a bit.. why is everyone's posting such low levels, cuz I'm by no means good at this game...
Then it dawned on me... I'm playing it on an ipad, they're probably on phones.. that screen size is going to make the difference.
Level 2 I think, was quite addictive
Reaching the final level will unlock the game early.
May or not be complete fabrication on my part.