For the past couple of weeks, I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas and find it to be the "Fallout 2" of what I like to call the "Fallout 3 Legacy" and I've recently started a new game where I take the time to search through all the content. I got up to around level 20 and was on the quest where you have to sneak a woman out of Gomorrah with the help of some friends of the guy that gives you the quest and when I went into the Atomic Wrangler to get the guys, the game crashed after it was done loading. I tried reloading old saves and among other things though it kept crashing. I went up on the Fallout Wiki and found out that this is a bug for the PC and XBox 360 versions of the game. I've read that it can be fixed by wearing Caleb McCaffery's Hat though the thing is I ALREADY completed that quest and turned in his hat so now I have two quests I can't complete in the game. I know it sounds petty given the astounding level of activities and quests, though I believe it would go without saying that me and other players would like this bug fixed with the upcoming update or with an update in the future if that's not too much trouble.