My processor is an Intel Pentium D 805 @2.66ghz (A very low end dual core chip, from what I've heard.
1GB GDDR3 on this one. (msi manufacturer)
And I don't really mind at playing on medium resolutions. I'm gonna have it hooked up to a 42" 1080p through the hdmi port.
Should be fine, I reckon. Sorry, I just meant resolution, not screensize before - but 42" HD should be totally rockin'.

According to the TOTO site, QTP3R shouldn't be a problem with
512MB cards (in that previous experiment, I was running a LOT of other things on top of it), and I feel fairly confident that it's not any
less hi-res than ATP 2.0. Considering you'll have double that, I can't foresee any major issues. Not from these, anyway...

Back on topic, these are really quite stunning,
AmpolX. I already said that last thread, yeah, but it bears mentioning again. :thumbsup: