[bWell, I'm bored so I'll copy/paste what I did from a text file and add in some notes from my own experiences, I did this, but you can change it up of course.[/b]Race: Altmer
Governing Attributes: Willpower, Intelligence
Major Skills: Destruction, Alteration, Restoration, Illusion, Heavy Armor, Alchemy, Blade
Birthsign: Atronach
**** NOTES:
Survive off of Welkynd Stones found in Ayleid Ruins, they recharge your magicka.
ANY of the following can be used to make restore magicka potions at a novice level:
* Blister Pod Cap (Shivering Isles)
* Bog Beacon Asco Cap
* Elytra Ichor (Shivering Isles)
* Flax Seeds
* Lichor
* Purgeblood Salts (plug-in)
* Steel-Blue Entoloma Cap
* Void Salts
* Withering Moon (Shivering Isles)
I personally became a vampire intentionally on this character at an early level (between 6-10), as a means to sort of minus the drawback of the Altmer not being very physically strong. I wanted to go with a battlemage character that was basically well protected with armor and could wield a blade, but who's main focus was magicka. 25 Vamupirism (so you're not even taking Sun Damage) is usually enough. It works out in your favor though for quests in which you're in dungeons. If you're having a hard time, just wait an hour or two so your vampirism can go up to 50. Again, a HUGE amount of this is very, very opinionated, kind of scattered, but it should give you some ideas.
DO NOT close ANY oblivion gates until Level 18. Look for Transcendent Sigil Stones that
can enchant Spell Absorption by 15 points. Acquire 4 of them (to later enchant on Perfect Madness Armor, giving a total Spell Absorption of 110)
The Perfect Madness Armor was a personal preference for me to have the highest defense rating possible for my character in case I decided to change something up on the fly in game (say, take off my boots for the looting boots or something, or exchange a shield for some reason or another).
Later when you're level 25+ use the Blind Moth Prelate Glitch and get the Necklace of Swords or Amulet of Axes, and then get the Ring of the Iron Fist.
Also wait until level 25+ to do the Sins of the Father quest to get the Escutcheon of Chorrol.
You want to wait until level 25+ for these things so that they will have the maximum amount of reflect damage. If done correctly you should have 101 Reflect Damage afterward with them all equipped.
Waiting until after level 18 will make Transcendent Sigil Stones your reward (maximizing the possibility of Spell Absorption from a Sigil Stone). Sigil Stones generate at random, so save your game before either clicking on them or pressing A. If you don't like the sigil stone you got, re-load your save and try again and it will generate a different Sigil Stone.
If Done correctly, you should have a combination of 50 Spell Absorption (from your initial Atronach) + an additional 60 Spell Absorption giving you a total of 110 Spell Absorption IN CONJUNCTION with the 101 Reflect Damage as mentioned above and they should both be constant effects. The only things to damage you would be traps, falling from high up, and arrows, and of course enchanted effects of those arrows (such as poisons) which should all be pretty minimal damage once you get to level 49/50. You eat any spells cast at you, and you reflect any physical damage done from daedra or humanoid weapons (daedroth bite you and THEY take the damage for it, clannfear (sp?) scratch/headbutt you and THEY take the damage, same goes for humanoids hitting you with weapons that aren't arrows) So there's your walking Atronach-tank.

I also made it a point to wait until after I got my intelligence to 100 before reading the Oghma Infinium for further magicka boosting, but all of that is entirely up to you and if you want to push your intelligence further or not etc.
More toward the level 18+ Sigil Stones and the level 25+ effects for certain things, There's a Transcendent Sigil Stone that gives you 125 Feather, it can come in handy for quite some time. I've got two rings, a necklace, and an alternative pair of boots all with this on it in my inventory. MOST of the general crap that I'm lugging around is enchanted customized rings/necklaces. I carry 3 swords, A custom-enchanted sword (my main weapon), Duskfang/Dawnfang, and Umbra, and the Spellbreaker shield you get from the Peryite quest so I can have the possibility of switching up my equipment to have 100 Spell Reflection OR (with two rings, a necklace, and enchanted wrist irons) the possibility of 100 Chameleon, and my Staff of Paralysis that I chose (HIGHLY useful). But again that's all personal preference, you don't have to lug that crap around at all.
I've done just about everything with this character besides a few quests. I didn't do the Nirnroot quest or the quest for Arnora in Bruma, nor did I do the settlement quest in the Shivering Isles in which you're asked to bring calipers and tongs. I've done everything else with this character as it was supposed to be my one mega-character as a means for me to reach a goal of personal completionism.
Information is gathered from various pages at: www.uesp.netAnd based on my own experiences with the X-Box 360 version of The Elder Scrolls: IV Oblivion (the only DLC I don't have is the horse armor, because I didn't have enough Microsoft Points at the time).